45 year old project manager former senior developer for a big name silicon valley tech company

>45 year old project manager former senior developer for a big name silicon valley tech company
>ceo asked me to go visit colleges around the state to scout what students are being thought and to try and recruit any students who seem to excel
>last week
>fly out to the first college
>full of pajeets using dell laptops with windows
>classes smelled worse than when I used to attent magic the gathering tournaments
>5 women attending class for every 30 men
>the women were all on facebook and instagram
>majority of students were struggling to understand the relationship between objects and classes in an intro to comp sci course
>smartest guy I talked to in the entire college was a literal nigger using a cheap thinkpad with debian on it
>showed me his github page and he contributed a lot to well known open source projects

what the fuck happened to education in the 20 years I graduated college?
this was a top 5 tech school in the entire country and the majority of students werent paying attention and were not understanding simple concepts
will the tech bubble explode again when old programmers start to retire and no one is available to replace them?


affirmative action and PROUGRAMZ

I can’t wait for the day automation takes over most programmers jobs. I want to be stepping over their bodies on my way to work. I want to see them and their children starve. Fucking CS cucks

>try and
You don't "try and" you "try to". Try and doesn't make sense in any of the contexts it tends to appears in.

>caring about proper grammar
as long as you get your point across it does not matter you brainlet

So the guy was the smartest one and yet you call him a nigger.

you seem to have a fixation on race

So why didn't you recruit the nigger?

You went to a top 5 school and found nobody according to you. Most likely you're just bad at your job

that was the first school I went too so far,have another one tomorrow
And I told the nigger to contact us once he finishes his degree for an interview.

>smartest guy I talked to in the entire college was a literal nigger using a cheap thinkpad with debian on it
>showed me his github page and he contributed a lot to well known open source projects

What's wrong with this? Sounds like alright lad to me. The ceo asked you to visit colleges to scout students who seemed to excel, not scout students on what their race is dumb ass.

Just off yourself right now, they gave you that job because they don't want you contributing real work for your company since it's pretty clear you're retarded.

It's not a grammar thing, it's a making sense thing. I know what it means, but then again I know what a lot of nonsense means, doesn't mean it oughta be that way.

No one who writes that poorly was ever a "45 year old project manager former senior developer for a big name silicon valley tech company."
You're a lying, shilling piece of shit, and you need to slither back to Sup Forums where you belong.

>>smartest guy I talked to in the entire college was a literal nigger using a cheap thinkpad with debian on it
He was a black man then, not a nigger.
kys OP

America. Just America. You Just have money, all the minds in your research centers are foreigners. Your School system is shit. Deal with it

chill retard, he never said or implied he wouldn't recruit the NIGGER

Well, at least you found the ONE worthwhile minority that was able to get there thanks to affirmative action. Problem is for every worthwhile one there are thousands of worthless trash that get pushed in.

Absolutely this

le 56%

I graduated from a top 50 high school a few years ago and I know plenty of kids who went into great colleges with literally 0 talent or ambition. Its just the way the admission process works now. Money talks. Most of these people weren't even fit to work at McDonalds.

>20 years

it wasn't even like what you described 10 years ago

>decent number of chinks in classes
>maybe a few curryniggers
>maybe 5 women tops in ce/cs classes

>call him a black man,he isn't a nigger
When will the sjw leave Sup Forums for redshit.com/r/technology ?

>muh based black guys! x-DDDDDDD
so there is literally no difference between Sup Forums and reddit now is there?

Sounds like you visited only retard schools

t. Uni student at a not retarded school

So go hire the nigger, you faggot

When will retarded Sup Forumsturds stop shitting up boards they aren't smart enough to understand?

You seem lost.
Sup Forums used to tell the difference before it got flooded by nazi LARPers.

>hiring niggers

but it may not get the point across to those unfamiliar with your ethereal lingo

>durr, referring to somebody of color obliges you to use the term 'nigger'
hes using debian on an twinkpad, which suggests that he is smarter than 99% of the black population, i suggest we call him 'gentleman of color' instead


I don't really know what to say. Most students are pretty worthless.

How are you guys meeting the students? Are you sitting in on classes, or is it more social events? Whatever it is, it probably could be improved

Back to Twitter with you!

>getting offended the word nigger
>niggers call each other nigger all the time
Nah fuck that, if they can use the term so can I, they didn't invent English.
>inb4 "nigga" isn't the same as "nigger"
shut up cuck

I don't know whether to laugh at the future of Tech Pajeets ruining our future, or cry at all the problems Tech Pajeets will cause.

I can't wake up!
Also hire the nigger, I'd rather have a nigger than a tech pajeet any day, but that's just me, and he doesn't seem like a ghetto coon, so you should be good.


> I found Sup Forums during le epic Trump election
> every user must be stormfag like me!
fuck off newfag

sitting in class,then 5 minutes before the lecture is about to end the lecturer announces my presence and tells the students that anyone interested can either stay after class or contact me via email

I lost count of how many women setup meetings with me then never bothered showing up

Relax OP, we are still here

As for the nigger, you may have stumbled upon the 0.0001% that crosses the 100 iq line.