I know this isnt technology related but im very curious about the religious views of people on this board. The main reason im curious is that most people here are intelligent and from experience people who follow religion are usually pretty dumb
Most of my fellow Christians seem to think that science in general is the work of the devil.
And also, the bible doesn't say to shove Christianity up other people's asses so please don't let that give you a negative impression on Christians
This is a Christian board. Please leave.
Stupid people are stupid, regardless of religion.
>most people here are intelligent
Uhuh. Sure.
I can understand follwoing the religion for morals and life lessons but in my opinion genuinly believing in god is completely delusional
Wow does Christianity differ from country to country
Among the large amounts of Catholics and other Christians I know there is nobody I know who claims science is evil or disagrees with religion
t. Kurwaslav
I believe in his noodly appendages.
>inb4 the retard that talks about the church of emacs
You fool, you couldn't even craft a defintion of religion that would satisfy all on this board. that's why it's such a fucky subject. before you debate you must agree on the terms. try if you must, but the clarity is essential before continuing lest it dissolve into semantic mush
*tips fedora*
Welp, some pretty unbelievable shit happens on earth.
Also, Atheism or at least the big bang theory sounds just as ridiculous.
Nothing was nothing and all of a sudden nothing exploded with some more nothing and created everything. -Big Bang Theory
At least Christianity has an explanation for all of it.
Off and on I become consumed by conspiracy theories.
I realized the search for meaning through conspiracies is the same search for meaning that religion fulfills.
>Doesn't believe in God
>Religious because it fits political views
I don't believe in God, but I don't believe that if you think there is one you're an idiot. There are plenty of counterexamples to that in reality. It's just the zealots, regardless of religion that tend to be very stupid.
>most people here are intelligent
Im not religous desu
You dumb fuck,
The big bang perfectly fits with the Christian narrative. Lemaître was a priest. The Vatican even publicly approved the Big Bang model (over the stationary model).
then nothing prevents you from kys.
>alex gray
this nibba is ascended
Im muslim, converted to islam 7 years ago.
>most people here are intelligent
*tips fedora*
Its only more ridiculous to believe a being came out of nothing and then turned nothing into eveything. plus, the big bang is a scientific theory, with mountains of evidence to support it, and no mind on earth to ever devise a more credible alternative. you really can't be so nieve as to assert that you are more are more intelligent with your scepticism than every great mind in the last 100 years
I’m somewhere between an atheist and an agnostic. I like to think of a people one layer above us who might have created life here or not. But the scale is so huge and the effects so unpredictable that this doesn’t really come to any practical consequence. It might as well not exist, and we truly are alone.
But the thing about faith is finding meaning in a life seemingly pointless.
>Its only more ridiculous to believe a being came out of nothing and then turned nothing into eveything.
Not really. Can’t have the concept of {nothing} without the contrast of {a thing} and {everything}.
Of course a childrens story about a dude creating earth in 7 days etc. is just makebelieve. It’s more of a bad, badly written metaphor.
I believe there are benefits to having religions but ultimately religion doesn't change the nature of people. If people are good, then it's because they're good to begin with, not because they've matured or some shit.
>most people here are intelligent
user, most people here are genuine de/g/enerates.
The vast majority of the board consists of green CS students who chose CS to combat their inferiority complex and justify their shitty lifestyle.
> most people here are intelligent and from experience people who follow religion are usually pretty dumb
Actually, it depends on the childhood. People may be smart but still believe in something they were introduced at a young age.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Lots of evidence supported Newton's Gravity theory, it didn't make it true.
Epic shitpost, upvoted.
why did you make multiple threads whining about atheists on a techloligy forum?
I am a baptist.
I don't get why atheist fedoras hammer on religious people supposedly being stupid. Almost all the greats whether in arts, science or philosophy were religious. Fedoras claim they can test the theories they put faith in to test with scientific method, but I doubt any of them has ever done so. They put their faith in white coats and assume whatever they came up with is correct and their bible is popsci journalism. Read the King James Version Bible multiple times, analyse it and work your oh so superior brain on it and you shall see that it only speaks truth.
>King James Version
Heathen. Vulgate is the only version you should be reading.
When you see a magician perform a magic trick, you know it's just a trick. You know magic doesn't exist, out of pure common sense. You are watching the magician do something impossible, you can't explain or understand how he did it, yet you're fully aware it's merely a trick and magic simply isn't real.
I wonder why people don't exercise the same logic towards other beliefs
>then nothing prevents you from kys
Nothing is preventing you from killing yourself, either. Do you really think the candy man in the sky is going to be sad when you finally cave in and neck yourself?
Maybe if you weren't a brainlet, you would encourage that user to follow your religion for the philosophical and moral reasons so he can become indoctrinated and slowly accept the existence of your imaginary friend(s).
yes, only truth user. If you suspect your wife of being untrue, simply give the local preist a turtle to bless some dirt on the temple floor. Mix the dirt with water and make her drink it. If she becomes sick, she has known another man. If she is fine, she has been true. Common sense really.
>stale pasta
>he doesn't understand sarcasm
Shoo shoo autist
only the people who believe in a magical grandpa up in the sky are stupid, christianity and the bible served a different purpose
Atheist. Religion is the oldest meme there is. It's a myth, but I do like supernatural fantasies.
people who are religious in the 21st century are dumb, the church hasn't kept up with the times
note that believing in god isn't the same as being religious
>most people here are intelligent
>and from experience people who follow religion are usually pretty dumb
Does your mommy know you are up past your bedtime kiddo? Also, Sup Forums is 18+ bucko.
>only the people who believe in a magical grandpa up in the sky are stupid
>people who are religious in the 21st century are dumb
Just repeating your allegation is not a counterpoint. You are not even responding to what I said, where have your arguments gone now? Pretty interesting to see the more militant the atheist, the less arguments they have.
>christianity and the bible served a different purpose
Because you said so?
Include the full text of Numbers 5:11-29 KJV and state where you disapprove. I refuse to argue with someone who doesn't know what he is even talking about.
>Maybe if you weren't a brainlet
Only atheists think in terms of science vs religion. Think of it this way, science is the measure and study of the physical using observation and experimentation. By it's very nature it cannot presume to offer any substantial view on the metaphysical. You cannot materially quantify the immaterial. It's like looking through a microscope and trying to find an atom of justice or a molecule of mercy.
I hope you see why you're being fallacious.
>Nothing is preventing you from killing yourself, either.
>literally "no u" the post
Wow, you must be really butt blasted. Why are all you atheist so spineless?
>first computer sells for $666
Hmmm, I wonder why that could be. Maybe it's the fact that le modern scientist is atheistic in nature, unlike based spiritual scientists from the past. I personally don't think it's evil within itself is though.
>utterly speechless
Not religious. I was raised Christan but things happened and I just lost faith/interest
We're mostly christians here, actually
not the same person dumbass, I said the opposite thing to the other person you're quoting
In Christ alone, there can only be hope
Religion is usually about accepting what some dumbasses said x years ago.
Many of them werent even nice dumbasses that just wanted society to work...
Either way, it tends to be false. In conflict with testable scientific reality and also not desirable when trying to apply modern philosophical / ethical ideals - these x years old religions just tend to suck balls.
Aren't you supposed to go back to your weebshit by now, little faggot.
I'm not clinically retarded.
>he main reason im curious is that most people here are intelligent and from experience people who follow religion are usually pretty dumb
Not only dumb but also extremely butthurt/insecure.
>be practicing christian
>see smart, sensible people at church go in for batshit crazy conspiracies, hard-right politics and saying semi-racist things behind people's backs
>want to stab my eyes out because of their ignorance
>also church friends with some of the wisest people I know, progressive (but not too progressive), intelligent people in all fields (including tech) who will call out bullshit when they see it.
There are dumb people everywhere, some of them happen to be religious
>he LITERALLY believes the atheism fairy exploded nothing into everything, for no reason, and had it magically form sentient life
Atheicucks are hilarious
> >he LITERALLY believes the God exploded nothing into everything, for no reason, and had it magically form sentient life
>smart, sensible people at church
smart people don't go to church
I don't think you are going to win by proper argument here. Are you still willing to try and pass your fairy tales from written by a jewish loser as a set of believable facts?
Tell that to the countless lawyers, doctors and CTOs in mine. It's kind of annoying, really.
I'm a no believer. But it chances only one thing. At least I know there's no 71 virgins on some magical place.
Don't wash your brain with religion and stuff. Just install gentoo.
>the atheism fairy exploded nothing into everything, for no reason, and had it magically form sentient life
>the godfather fairy exploded nothing into everything, for no reason, and had it magically form sentient life
Low IQ retard
He never claimed any such thing. An atheist has the stance "I don't have a belief in a good". That's literally it
Sup Forumsacks getting into Catholicism for the sake of hating gays are not christian
>everything came from nothing and I know because I was there
>everything came from something I believe in so shut up
Agnostic master race
>lol who cares
lawyers and doctors don't need to be very smart, they just need to be educated
In a god*
>Fall for the Sup Forums meme
>Don't take my chances to get my 71 virgin girls
>Chad mudslimes actually get a hoard of bitches
>Virgin in life
>Virgin after death
Christianity was for comfort and fate among roman slaves, then it exploded and turned into a shitshow we have today
How many denominations of Christianity are there again?
>hoard of bitches
It's an 50/50 chance. And that equals to 100% failure.
So, I'm happy with shitposting and hanging out with bros rather than HOES