Its almost over

Every year less and less people use their PCs, more and more people are switching to phones as a their main computing solution. PCs are becoming something people only see at their jobs. You will get the lingering remnants of college students and hobbyists who will continue to use the PC but the trend is clearly heading into a non pc world.

This means that more people will be consumed into apps and communications that are facilitated through those services. We will have a double internet, where people like you will remain on websites such as these (but less popular, lets admit it, Sup Forums is essentially the edgy facebook at this point) and the rest will leave.

are you excited as i am?

I never thought of it this way, but I guess it means the next generation might not even be aware of the original internet and we will never get newfriends around here, what a shame.

this is a good thing.
pcs were fine before the normie hordes and grrl gaymers and it'll be fine after they're gone

>We will have a double internet

What makes you think they'll let the non-app internet will be allowed to continue?

The problem is the damage that they have done in the meantime. We'll still be left with bloated UX nonsense at every level.

>What makes you think they'll let the non-app internet will be allowed to continue?

because I am able to rent a VPS and host what ever I want

>mobile phones being anything more than a device for calls and texts
Can't go outside without seeing normalfags staring down at the latest iShit in their hand/s.

I don't think computers are going anywhere. Can't really see someone doing a large photo edit or video edit job on a phone anytime soon. What about games? Large graphic rich games require fast hardware and large storage. Older games need pc for the hardware support. Can you even play UT (1999 ed) on a phone? Maybe, but I'm sure the controls would be all fucked up from the traditional mouse and keyboard. Just like the whole "remake" trend now. Remake classic games but oh wait lets trash what made them great and rework a lot of shit so the new "remake" is almost 90% different from the source. To me a remake is keeping all original source but just upgrading the visuals or code to allow it to run on new hardware.

Oh boy a pseudo internet segregation thread.

1. You showed up and caused this faux-ageism-war 10 years ago, ask any supposed vocal usenet shit and he'll tell you about how forums and bbs are "cancer" over circlejerking on IRC and usenet. You could then find some loser 60s "computer science" dropout who would subsequently insist that we should have stayed on mainframes only and PCs were cancer
2. Even if you did show up first, that doesn't mean this gives you the right to dictate how the internet should be used.
3. "this site sucks but I still use it because I know better" - literally every retarded wannabe hipster trying to separate themselves from "normies"
4. "PCs are dead" is journalist clickbait from 2007 which they have been insisting will be the future every 6 months since then. It's not going to happen now or ever, journalists don't understand that people exist besides them, so they assume that if they can get by with a phone, everyone else can. Also writing clickbait pays bills because there's no real way to detect it.
5. You're a fucking retarded frog poster and you're right on par with the "normies"

Annnd....the phone software developers are going to be programming on what? Phones? What a fucking horrible future you present us with.

>mobile remake
should check for the presence of mouse and keyboard via BT

Are you fucking high or something?

Show me one person that actually does something in their life that relies only on their phone or tablet. A college student doesn't use their phone to write a lab report. A worker doesn't edit excel sheets on their phone. Even the average housewife will have a laptop at home if she's even slightly technically literate.

Mobile platforms are pure dogshit that you can't be productive on, which is why it's never going to overtake "classic" computers. If early DOS and windows were as bad as Android and iOS are today, smaller companies would probably still be using typewriters.

Mobile platforms were never made to replace other forms of computing, they were made to be an advertising platform and a stupid money waster for normies.

>less and less people use
For the last time, it's "fewer and fewer"

less and less people use fewer and fewer

Nearly everyone in Germany has a gaming PC. There are 5 PCs running in this house alone right now.

>5 people live in this house btw

Fuck off back to

I've got 4 with 9 different operating systems and probably triple that in VM's across the lot of them. Mobile isn't taking over shit.

What about collateral back-damage though. Look at the state of email now. The aberrant and non-compliant is the norm.

I hope, for your sake, that this is pasta.

>A college student doesn't use their phone to write a lab report.

You're not thinking far enough ahead. The codex is going the way of the dodo. Before too long typing will be seen as a quaint anachronism. People, actually surgically or genetically or technically modified beings, will merely speak, or more likely think, into the always at hand sensors to make their wishes known. Inconveniences such as having to open or save 'files' or even to turn on a discreet computing unit will be a thing of the past. It's coming.

yeah it sucks. at work we all use phones instead of computers


I just want the gayming meme to die, anyway Im posting this from phone so it will hardly difficult the access to cancer

Typing is faster than speaking, faggot. And it has a plus side of not letting everyone around you know what you are inputting. Also, good look visualizing what you're doing on a 6" screen.

Can you not fucking read user?

yea right call me back when a phone can run ableton live

I don't know, it seems to me that we're going to return to the old days of dummy terminals. Homes and businesses will use low cost terminals that then connect to the cloud for access to processing power that they get through subscription services.

China already has their own everything and their great firewall so kinda have a segregated Internet. They're mostly smartphone users who are used to MSS backdoors and 1984-style monitoring, but I doubt the actual websites will ever disappear. What protocol do you think the apps use to communicate with the web? It's all still HTTP/S.

And no, there will always be newfriends. And you will learn to like it.

>mobile gaymen

majority of gamers play games that modern phones can handle.

Lol, CS, Wow are all games that any modern phone can handle. What matters is ergonomics which can be solved by making games less interactive and more menu based