Can't vote on-line because computers/networks are insecure garbage

>can't vote on-line because computers/networks are insecure garbage
>no passively cooled laptops with week long battery life because all instruction/node improvements are being eaten by shit software
>color e-ink displays are still trash
>UI still hangs in every modern PC operating system despite the fact that Amiga solved that problem 30 years ago
>still no phone in a watch form factor

When will technology stop disappointing me? Why is everything still so absolutely shit? It's like the entire tech industry completely lost ambition and is just running on autopilot.

Other urls found in this thread:

>no passively cooled laptops with week long battery life because all instruction/node improvements are being eaten by shit software
>UI still hangs in every modern PC operating system despite the fact that Amiga solved that problem 30 years ago

i hate that this is still true

What do you mean about Amiga? I'm curious


What's this Amiga business?

install gentoo, dipshit

please leave

>still no phone in a watch form factor
But there are many. They suck tho

The ones that are basically glorified dumphones as watches are fine.
They are some times bought for kids, since its a reasonable thing to wear.
Talking in them still sucks balls.

Saw few videos. Amiga was lagged shit.

>can't vote on-line because computers/networks are insecure garbage
that's not why it's a bad idea, friendo.

Maybe you could post a more elaborate answer...

>still no hot swappable consumer cpu

blame the retarded software devs of today.

absolutely pisses me off that computers today run worse than computers 15 years ago.

all because software devs expect you to be running the latest supercomputer.

>>no passively cooled laptops with week long battery life because all instruction/node improvements are being eaten by shit software

You can blame businessmen for this. Programmers have to push shitty code all of the time because businessmen don't want to spend more then $X dollars on development of something.

All you are experiencing is a bunch of technical debt due to businessmen.

gotta use that extra computing power to run autoplaying full HD video ads, botnets, cryptocurrency miners, etc

>thinking this is a good idea ever

>>can't vote on-line because computers/networks are insecure garbage

There is already technology in place to vote online in a secure way.

>>no passively cooled laptops with week long battery life because all instruction/node improvements are being eaten by shit software

You mean, a tablet? You can already get passively cooled laptops, but the problem is that there is no use to the kind of hardware (weak) in 2017, the same thing will happen in 2027, it will be possible but not practical.

>>color e-ink displays are still trash

They are not trash, what you meant is


E-ink works perfectly for its purpose.

>>UI still hangs in every modern PC operating system despite the fact that Amiga solved that problem 30 years ago

Maybe you should stop using Linux.

>>still no phone in a watch form factor

Yes there is, and you are a mentally (and probably physically) a child.

you want a physical copy of your vote so they can audit any election, or do recounts. Always better to recount then a re-election.

>absolutely pisses me off that computers today run worse than computers 15 years ago.
no they fucking don't, underageb&

>all because software devs expect you to be running the latest supercomputer.
>doesn't remember the 90s where software developers expected you to always have the latest top end pentium and if you didn't well fuck you
>that top end pentium becomes obsolete within 6 months anyway

make me

>When will technology stop disappointing me?

When will you learn to be happy with what you fucking have ?

Take a look back and what shit was like 20 or 30 years ago.

international calls cost you DOLLARS per minute back then.
Now people are facetiming all the fucking time, it's like fucking magic to someone from the 1980s

You will never be happy because it will never be good enough for you OP.

market consolidation
competition breeds innovation and that certainly isn't going to happen while the big fish just keep getting bigger.
This one in particular really chafes my ass
>can't vote on-line because computers/networks are insecure garbage
telecomms need a day of the rope

>Posting best Emma
You're alright OP

>still no phone in a watch form factor
Pay attention, faggot

It's too expensive for new people to make new innovations in those areas

>can't vote on-line because computers/networks are insecure garbage
This isn't likely to change any time soon. The voting setup in Washington and Oregon is decent enough anyways. You get a ballot mailed to you weeks in advance, and you either drop it off at a free drop box, or you mail it back for the price of a stamp. It's not as convenient as doing it on your phone, but it's decent enough.

>no passively cooled laptops with week long battery life because all instruction/node improvements are being eaten by shit software
As long as we want software to do more things, there's only so much improvements we can make. Slow as balls languages were invented because it's difficult to produce complex software with low level languages. Regardless, we are making progress in languages that are expressive enough to scale up well, but which are not painfully difficult to optimize.

>color e-ink displays are still trash
Give it a few years, and some actual market demand. I've never seen anyone extremely excited over e-ink.

>UI still hangs in every modern PC operating system despite the fact that Amiga solved that problem 30 years ago
Consider the fact that the problem may not be with the OS, but with the application eating up all of your resources.

>still no phone in a watch form factor
How would you make calls with this? You hold it up to your ear to hear, but have to move it to speak into it? Reasonably speaking, a phone should be at least as large as the distance from your ear to your mouth.


It'll stop disappointing you when you go and make the things that you want, and make them available for purchase. Then you'll have what you want AND you'll be rich.

Nice girl baited 'd fuck plus shes green

he won't be rich because someone will copy his design and make it cheaper, steal all of hi users and then dupe them.

In modern day and age if you make a perfect device - you are essentially bankrupt.


That's just because you went out for javascript.
It got to be PHP in browser to remain sanity. And having PHP services in browser is best thing that can happen to distronet.

>retarded post with reddit spacing

White line space is okay, but this is somehow like having no line space. Really retarded.

What is even close to the first greentext besides a chromebook?

I had a computer 15 years ago, it fucking sucked compared to the computers I have now. It was high-end at the time too.

>Consider the fact that the problem may not be with the OS, but with the application eating up all of your resources.

An application only needs to do "a tiny bit of processing" to lock up your UI in most frameworks. It's because they all work on the single-threaded event loop model, which completely blows.

Thread per widget is the right way to do it. But you need light weight threads and not full-blown unix processes masquerading as threads.

Polls need a certain degree of inaccessibility so mudmen don't ruin democracy.

Thinkpads with those really big batteries and OD replaced with a battery too

>full-blown unix processes masquerading as threads
you have no idea what you're talking about