I use manjaro because I don't have time to install Arch
i use elementaryos inside a virtual machine on arch because i don't have time to install arch... again
Father, I am a sedevacantist
Xubuntu is my favorite bistro after all
I just install Debian (raspbian) on Raspberry pi and fuck around. I don't use linux really, I'm a macfag. father forgive me.
i uninstalled virtualbox because i keep forgetting which settings to uncheck when a new update is installing (python support, usb drivers, network adaptors)
I downloaded a gentoo iso off my neighbors wifi
>unix "rename" terminal command available in OSX? | Official Apple Support Communities
brew install rename
Bishop Williamson did nothing wrong desu.
I exclusively use iPhones and shill them on Sup Forums.
I use windows.
I skipped like a years worth of Torah lessons when I was 14 to go to the arcade on a Saturday, and my rabbi told my dad and he took away my PS3
I lied for 7 fucking years that Gentoo was a good operating system
I don't use linux anymore because hi-dpi sucks and I am tired of waiting. Having "gone back", using a mainstream OS with shell skills is really the best of both worlds.
I use vga instead of display port.
I shill suckless tools but can't patch them or customize them. I don't know how to customize dwm so i use the vanilla version
I overspend on my hardware and use it for 7-10 years until it barely does basic tasks.
I work as Apple Technical Support for iOS and MacOS
I hate technology.
That must be grim with the kind of people that come to you
I've lost all interest in technology and would rather be working on my car at this point.
I come here to shitpost now. I would post on /o/ but /o/ is just Sup Forums with cars instead.
i installed gentoo and can't for the life of me figure out how to get my nvidia card working
I fear I might like the iPhoneX more because of my coprophagia than the many aspects of its physical design.
I know more about technology than almost everyone on Sup Forums. I cringe at their posts yet still come here because I have nothing better to do
Stumbled into a web design job because of nepotism. I do nothing but copy/paste off Stack Overflow
I think Arch and Gentoo are shit (because they are)
and you use...?
I actually work in tech
I have both an iPhone 6+ and a Nexus 5X. I without a doubt think the Android phone is better. I also have a Nexus 9 and iPad mini 2. I like the Nexus better.
I constantly shit on Nvidia and Intel, but my main rig uses them.
>gonna upgrade to amd tho, because nix drivers are actually good now, not like 2010.
i am a true hacker.
a proffesional itsec worker whos duty is to penetrate and exploit.
I use a 128GB SSD and constantly run out of space. I'm too stingy to buy a higher capacity because I feel the prices are still unreasonable.
I gave in and bought an iPhonex
Only god can help me now
I want people that I see regularly to die. I hate every single one of them.
I, being a math fag, use the workstations of the CS department as seed boxes
I suck at pirating, am an uTorrent user, and download on pirate bay. I finally learned about skulls
I, a senior in a BS: IT major, haven't gone to class in two months. My Systems Testing and QA class is beyond me. I plan to work as a tech support guy now.
I use Windows 7
void linux
I dont care about programming, engineering. I spend my day playing video games and dicking around with my thesis, which is unrelated to technology is any way. I just come here to shitpost, since I get banned from every single community on Reddit
This saddens me for some reason
I upgraded to macOS High Sierra
Never used an SSD. Probably never will.
I REALLY need to clean my desktop. But damnit, I just don't feel like doing it.
I don't have a desktop.
Yeah it makes me sad too. I've been in college for 7 years trying to hammer out this degree while dealing with mental health issues. I've reached my wits end.
Go to a shrink and get adderall, I went from not giving a fuck about my classes to getting As and Bs.
I was in your situation, took me 6 years to get a bachelors. Go to class asap and don't wait to do it tomorrow.
Best of luck.
Work using linux
Home Win10
You have to go back
The whole point of confessions is to be forgiven :^)
Thanks for your concern. I have bi-polar disorder so no shrink will give me adderall as it doesn't mesh well with my condition.
I do plan on finishing college, it'd be stupid to not finish as I'm so close. But maybe I need some time to do some soul searching and maybe change concentrations. Because, shit Testing and QA is so damn hard.
I ate a cookie last night. It was tempting!
I'm to busy to learn Linux
However have plenty of time to shitpost on Sup Forums
Do it then buy a second computer for Linux. Or get the hang of it in a VM until it's comfy then come back. We'll be waiting.
>falling for the VM meme
you know they will just install the VM and then rarely/never use it
fucking jews
You're probably right. It actually worked for me back in '07. Put the latest version of Ubuntu in virtualbox and used it full screen until I broke it. Rebuilt it then tried again. When I finally quit screwing it up, went full retard and never looked back. If not for making the switch, I wouldn't be the happy as fuck programmer I am now.
I already have a gayman pc which has Windows 8.
I decided to go with Ubuntu on my laptop, but there have been so many instances where I thought to myself "I wouldn't have this issue on Windows".
But Ubuntu is god-damn /comfy/ and beautiful, and there are those times where everything goes juuuust right, so I don't want to abandon it.
But if my job requires it I might wipe my loonix install with windows 7 and not look back.
I use Debian because I want Ubuntu but don't want (((Ubuntu))).
Oh father I feel ashamed of this. I have been listening to the Taylor Swift Reputation album non-stop on repeat since it has come out and I can't stop. I absolutely love the album and I'm glad she went this way which is a huge improvement from her previous albums.
Forgive me father.
I pretend to be successful trading bitcoins. Eventually my family are going to do the math and ask me where all the "money" is.
that will get you into heaven user.
>gentoo iso
literally what
Webm source?
I said fuck it and did. I just plug in an rpi to dick around occasionally, might even be a learning a couple things.
Lol jew jewed his dad and got jewed back
God won't forgive me anymore. Please God one more time?
In the same boat, but have a 160GB HDD from an old laptop.
I have fully embraced the /botnet/
Just come back over lo. The amazon stuff doesn't even do anything unless you specifically use the amazon webapp.
The only language i know how to use somewhat effectively is Java, since i am a CS fag.
Even learning C seems incredibly hard to me.
I like to plan ahead and use people constantly who I think will help.This leads to the compassionate withdrawal I'm applying for because the break up fucked me up real good and I won't make it through finals without harming myself.
I had planned using her as a scapegoat since the beginning because I knew she wasn't loyal and I was messing up and didn't want to push forward despite being capable of doing well. I used her for this and for my first kiss but didn't see anything else so when I thought the time was right I ended it and immediately went to counseling so that everything was documented but now I think that I wasn't and still am not convincing enough.
I fell for her hard and talked to someone about it and they said that it was love what I was feeling and I got spooked. I still feel something for her but I can't go back because I burned all my bridges and I literally can't see her face without feeling nausea.
but those lips :(
please forgive me father for I have gone against my own morals and rules.
I was laid off at the start of 2016 and still don't have a job nearly 2 years later. It's not like my technical skills are lacking or anything, I have 5 years of professional experience with Java and C, I'm just lazy. I'm going to run out of money soon though so maybe that will motivate me.
I love the clusterfuck that is archlinux
I used to be a Google fanboy and an MS/Apple hater. I used to love anything FOSS and despise proprietary software. Then everything became about "diversity", "inclusiveness", and SJW virtue signaling at which point I felt betrayed and became actively hostile to every company and group like the FSF and the freedesktop people that jumped on the bandwagon. Now I feel kind of empty inside. Like part of my identity has been ripped away. Still use Linux though. Only because I'm used to it.
>I was laid off at the start of 2016 and still don't have a job nearly 2 years later
I was laid off mid-2013. Dropped out of college for financial reasons and am a borderline hikikomori.
>I'm going to run out of money soon though so maybe that will motivate me
Maybe if you live alone. I'm still living at home at 25. You might just end up taking the easiest job you can get that pays enough to support you. Don't end up like me. Find a new job in your field immediately.
move to bsd or osx like a big boy
I happily own a MacBook Pro and an iPhone. Both have been great so far
You first have to download the gentoo iso
I use massively outdated software
>The amazon stuff doesn't even do anything unless you specifically use the amazon webapp.
Not gonna risk it.
I use Internet Explorer.
I can't stop, it's so good.
Your soul is beyond saving.
When I should use a scripting language, I use C.
I have $5000 worth of bitcoins sitting in a wallet with no backups
i use systemd because i never had any problems with it
wish i hadnt opened that fuck
I thought that Centipedes were poisonous and could kill humans with their bite. After some quick research, I found out that their venom, while harmful, is not fatal to humans. Still, this is a very stupid thing to do.
I use a 2000 apple every 4 years because I'm used to it, I'm upper-middle class, and I spend all day on my computer so I can sort of justify it to myself... even though I could donate the difference, or buy nicer clothes to advance socially...
Should just have gone with Fedora/Korora (Gnome spins). It's literally the only just-werks distro/DE across my 4 machines. Every once in a while I feel I should hop distros / DEs / WMs experimentally, and whether we're talking Arch or SuSE, XFCE, i3, stuff just craps out and bugs out either already in the live USB or during the installer. Ridiculous. Guess the other stuff is optimized for Sup Forums 5-year-old-Thinkpads, whereas Fedora/Gnome is truly the mature rock-solid choice if you can't stand Ubuntos
I hate what technology has become to me. I wish I retained my youthful bliss for it, but now I'm filled with contempt and disenchantment. I can't embrace it anymore. I lost my faith.
I use Win 10 Home and am too lazy to switch to loonix
Everything I need is in WSL
I'd use Windows if it was UNIX-like because I don't care about company politics
I'm aware of fedora. Most windows manufacturers assume non-integer UI scaling for native resolution when making displays, even recent gnome doesn't handle it well and I got tired of waiting a long time ago. I'm done with it and it hasn't made my life any worse.
*This pertains only to laptops, which is all I use.
I use arch because I don't have time to install gentoo (or update it)