Even more Botnet, IME has backdoor

Is it true Sup Forums?

Are any modern processors safe?

Yes it's true.
Go to /hrt/ thread. We're finding all kinds of options!

Oh my GOD! What's next? Google spying on its users?!

>he uses a cpu build after 2009

>Not using a homemade CPU
I knew failures browsed Sup Forums, but man you should just kill yourself

i hate that fucking image

creepy loli shit

kill yourself pedos

anime website


Sup Forumsack here, had a quick question. I'm a software dev, but not for low-level programming (lowest I've gone is dabbling in C++, I'm getting there slowly).
If I can execute unsigned code with that exploit, could I potentially wipe ring -3 and kill MINIX?
Also, here's a bump.


might as well call it LaTeX spacing, kys

I'm using 'ledddit spacing' for more than 10 years and I don't even have ledddit account. Kys.

AMD processor's are safe

>holy shit a terrible new exploit has been discovered
>you need physical access to the computer

oh wow. you're actually arguing back instead of playing it off like a joke. that picture is old as fuck on Sup Forums. this has to be your first day here. have fun!

>physical access needed


>requires physical access
yeah not that bad but intel will still have to spend millions to patch it

Name one other exploit that's not from the days of floppy disks that can be activated by touching a device for a few seconds, which will then give you absolute access.

>hurp if you can see a computer it's already compromised

That only works if you never leave your bedroom like a fucking NEET. In the real world there's many cases of encrypted devices being in the hands of the authorities yet totally locked down and inaccessible.

its hardly old, use an archive newshit if you dont believe

>Go to /hrt/ thread. We're finding all kinds of options!

I guess... maybe being a girl is an option or something..

What about people used to org-mode or something like that? Empty lines between paragraphs aren't unique just to lebbit.