Is IRC really kaput?

Is IRC really kaput?
Literally the only Sup Forums related server that is partially active are the linux ones.

I even get called a pajeet lover at work since only the pajeets talk over IRC during slow hours in their pajeet shit servers.

Please console me Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

#homescreen if you're into ricing
It's off topic 95% of the time though

Isn't that the unixporn irc?

no it's the irc for homescreen ricing from /wg/

No, I use IRC to talk to most of my online friends.

A buttload of shit is implemented using what is essentially an IRC server-client based model. Saying "IRC is out-dated" is like saying "plain text files are outdated", but personally using IRC as a social nexus is pretty much just for nostalgia fags.

The only people who hang around in IRC are the same type of people that use tripcodes.

this is true

everyone migrated to discord :'(

And it’s awful

It's well alive, but any channel posted here will get filled with shitters in no time.

All consciousness have merged with the galactic singularity, except for this guy who insists on joining through his IRC client.

There some people online that I still chat to over IRC. If you have some kind of niche interest, then there are still some active IRC channels around.

>complain about botnet
use discord
>want encrypted chat
use irc
>complain about leftist moderators being able to read your text
use discord
>complain about glow in the dark niggers being able to read your text
use irc

>>complain about botnet
>use discord
You what? Complain about botnet, use botnet?

How the fuck hard is encrypted transmission? I mean, come on. If someone can't manage that then I have no faith in anything they do.

i recommend the Jollo IRC Network at sslport 9999

riced out homepage:
web funchat:
auto saved ascii conversion
and much more

Discord killed IRC.

all the l337 hax0rs use irc and it will remain a forever home

Matrix will kill IRC

I've never used Discord.

a galactic singularity seems like a fucking botnet though
leave me alone