/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser

We are making a web browser!
PREVIOUSLY: NeTRunner is a browser framework written in C++ using GLFW, mbedtls, and freetype2 w/harfbuzz. We're trying to write it in such a way that it can render to OpenGL, framework or as text on a terminal (or sixel). We're also focusing on low dependency requirements on external libraries to make embedding in other projects easier.

It currently is themeable and renders text and links from HTML. CSS and JS parsing implementation are under way. It can make http and https requests, some of the form elements work and can GET/POST some data.

It has a pluggable parser architecture, so you can easily make your own markup language parser for the engine. CNM people have already shown interest, and it's also a complete application framework, so you could build a text-editor with it if you wanted to.

To contribute follow the WORK PLAN, join the IRC to ask developers for a repo, and get to programming!
IRC on Rizon: #Sup Forumsnetrunner

Website: netrunner.cc/
Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCes2uiC-4xSBwqnldCFbh4Q
Twitter: twitter.com/Team_NetRunner
Gitgud: gitgud.io/odilitime/netrunner/
Teknik: git.teknik.io/gyroninja/netrunner
Website repo: github.com/odilitime/netrunner-website

1) Make themes
2) Make documentation
3) Read the source code, ask questions in the IRC/Discord
4) Testing / QA bug
5) We need a project manager and/or build manager
6) Any type of content creation to help communicate existence and help recruit a community around the project. Post videos / screenshots on social media. If you make a cool video, we can plug it on our youtube channel that's doing well.

FEATURES pastebin.com/bnUU6kcu
FAQ pastebin.com/gjp7QmQJ

Other urls found in this thread:


Good to see progress on the logo :^)

Cool. When will this be more usable?

I don't get this logo

the other ones were obviously moon man but what's this one?

502 bad gateway error for me trying to download the windows version.

it's a work in progress, I think it might symbolise racial harmony or some gay shit like that.

it's garbage, just stop.


Does this project borrow a lot of code from other modern browsers? I don't see how you can offer competitive feature sets or performance without doing so.

>Does this project borrow a lot of code from other modern browsers?
It borrows no code from other shit browsers.
All code is written from scratch in C++ for maximum performance and standards compliance.

It's going to be the best browser ever.



pls no dead

How portable actually would this be? Is there actually a chance of making it work on operating systems like SysVs, or is it going to be riddled with Linux/GCC-isms out the ass like tons of other pieces of free software?

For what I see this was a hell lotta portable from the start, they got mac linux and windows and I see some dos. Minimal requirements are probably why.

Hurry up with this project already. Us non-codefags need this.

When will this fucking meme die. You're not making a browser, you're making a failed experiment that might vaguely resemble a browser from 1994

netrunner will be the best browser in history


That shit's standard faire, though. I'm talking #ifdef ULTRIX-tier shit. I want to get the fuck off of Mozilla 1.7's wild ride.

If they can compile the fucking thing on DOS though that sounds encouraging. There's too much shit out there that claims to be "portable" while not even following language standards and thus causing stricter compilers to shit themselves in the most annoying ways possible.

When will this meme die
it's not even funny at this point

>check source
>it's actually real
>they've done it again


1st of April was 7 months ago so please stop this joke already

If you have opengl available then you can get this working.

Fuck yeah I do, guess I'm trying it out tomorrow.

my sides

neogaf, since it's sufficiently rapey to be edgelord-approved now

Holy shit. Uh, RegEx? Ever hear of it? Anyone?


>hurr we don't use other people's code, only our own because of MUH PERFORMANCE

>Still no framebuffer support
Call me when this browser is finally usable

html regex meme xD

I had to write code like recently that because SQL don't have loops.

Fuck off redditors. You make Sup Forums users work for free and when you go public you're like "le who is Sup Forums? we're all redditors" and " they are anonymous. They don't need to be credited". Don't think you're to smart

Found the actual redditor

But this is c++ and it has loops. And other things that can help you avoid code repetition.

This, Sup Forums anons were named even on HN.


Styish just updated to webextensions compatibility and is now broken, like most of my addons in firefox are. I hope webextensions are worth it or firefox is doomed.

So are you guys writing your own HTML engine or are you using something like Blink or Gecko?
What about the JS engine?

oh fuck i forgot to start Java -_-


I have Mesa 6.4 buried somewhere, but can't find an X11 library that implements enough features on DOS.
GLFW is kinda inflexible in this regard as it demands one of: Cocoa, X11, Windows, Mir, or Wayland.
Tried using nano-X11/Microwindows, not enough features.

Proprietary HTML & JS engines, which is why this will never be complete or even useable.

>Proprietary HTML & JS engines
But which ones?

I am so going to make exploits for this and use it on Sup Forums to crash Sup Forumstard browsers and gain access to their machines

If you expect to write your own browser engine then this project is already dead.


not official Sup Forums browser
not even a browser

What about SVGALib? It was used in browsers for this exact purpose.

Why you gotta be gay

Japanese are ahead of times.

this is also in the works

I still prefer the old logo. Gas the niggers and the Jews. Gas the dykes and commies too

Poor moonman, he didn't deserve this fate.

this, we're dying here


Hoping by the end of the year

Should be fixed now.

Not performance reasons. We'll have an internal version of everything to maintain low dependency requirements to make this easier embeddable in other projects.

Not yet, I have two weeks work of commits to push, just been busy. Mostly JS work.

Well it's win/mac/linux atm and we're using 2-3 compilers to make the code as durable as possible.

Oh tks, found a bug

Everything from scratch with an options to support others later.

Will check that out

here in the west we got technology to draw arbitrary pixels on the screen


what were you expecting? the guy is a literal macfag, ofc his stuff is going to be shitty at best

oops, reply got flipped
that might just solve the DOS+GLFW thing

all right winfags, brought the build up-to-date with the rest of the project, is anyone else experiencing bad flickering? Might just be on my end. :-/

Whats up guys my programming skills arent' great enough to help but I wanted to know how you guys made the netrunner.cc website. It looks fucking sexy. I want to make one in similar style to put my project links on there.

Is there a link to the repo of the actual net runner website alone so I can clone and mess around with it?