Why does AMD still bother marketing to Gamers?

Why does AMD still bother marketing to Gamers?

They aren't even buying their cards - Only miners and crazed fanboys buy their shit.

Wouldn't they make more money just making mining cards and selling them to mining warehouses?

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They are decent mid-range gaming cards desu. In fact the Crimson Re-live drivers are better than geforce on windows 10. The only thing AMD is lacking is flagship performance and that will get solved with Navi when they switch over to MCM designs.

other than its popular use for mining, is AMD still here so that nvidia doesn't have a monopoly over GPUs?


Poorfags like me are still aware that you can get a dependable quad core for ~100 bucks

have...have you had other quad cores explode on you?
are you plugging in bombs to your computer?

No because mining warehouses use ASIC devices

There's no such thing as ASICs for currently popular coins, bitcoin doesn't count, that stopped being minable years ago.

Because video game players still buy AMD, me included.

It technically wouldn't be a monopoly since it only applies to pc markets.

GPUs as a whole are being produced by at least half a dozen notable manufacturers, but the main focus is on mobile devices as it's still anyone's game and the market isn't overly saturated.

I buy AMD for gayms.
Nvidia is for literal manchildren, which are surprisingly majority of gamers.

Dependable in the sense that they'll run vidya gaems just not on full max settings.

I have a modded up Dell Dimension 2400 that can run Crysis on an IDE GPU and Pentium 4, so I can depend on it to play the game, but I don't expect it to be rendering all the intended polygons.

But why? They have worse drivers, no games optimise for them.

The AMD market share compared to nVidia is around 20-80
Devs don't bother optimizing their games for AMD because
A) more people are on Nvidia
B) Nvidia gives them support (on-call engineers and straight $$$)

AMD is losing and will be for the foreseeable future. If they want to great nvidia, why don't they do it in a market where they actually have an advantage?

the fact that you can grasp the amount of kids that are online playing minecraft and giving away discord invates to strangers is a good sign.

Bitcoin's still profitable on larger scales and ASICs are exactly what mining warehouses use for the job.

> The only thing AMD is lacking is flagship performance and that will get solved with Navi when they switch over to MCM designs.
It will get solved when they finally enable the disabled features in vega.

>The AMD market share compared to nVidia is around 20-80
PC marketshare, yes, but AMD dominate consoles.

>Devs don't bother optimizing their games for AMD because
>A) more people are on Nvidia
There are more total people on AMD when you factor in consoles.

>B) Nvidia gives them support (on-call engineers and straight $$$)
This is pretty much the reason.

Because without gsync, there is no reason to go nvidia. Also Better GNU/Linux support.

T.post straight out of 2012
Drives have improved greatly

They also do that

t. zcash miner

I don't know how Zcash is popular when it's a "privacy coin" where the devs brag about having a back door

AMD is one big dumpster fire

Yes, but when?

are u retarded?


Nicest looking gpu yet

Now they need to make the best performing one.

I wish the gaming meme would end

GPUs were initially created exactly for gaymen.
It'll never end.

Sorry, just can't give enaugh fuck about gaming to actually spend any particular amount of money on it. AMD is just perfect for me.

What I don't understand, what's wrong with you bothering others? You don't like AMD and use something else? Good for you.
Now why does other people not doing what you do bother you so much? Those are some serious issues.

Did you pull that out of your clueless 16 year old ass?

Not him, but I had a nVidia card literally explode on me once.

My experience with nVidia cards is that they fail totally and all at once.

My AMD cards tend to slowly die off over the period of months.

I only buy AMD for this reason.

>Bentium 4
top kek , its a stuttery mess even on low as fuck settings


Gaymurr kids are a lost cause. Even when AMD had objectively superior GPUs, retards still preferred fucking Fermi.

I don't understand this. Fermi should have been a disaster.
This. Did everyone just fucking forget about Polaris? Rx 580 beats the 1060 in most games. And I'm pretty damn happy with my Rx 480 that I got for $199 and my cheap freesync display.
If the mining craze didn't happen, I bet amd would have slowly crept back up in the marketshare.

Ty Kepler

Where is this scene from? Thanks.

Linux users buy them too, i know i did. AMDGPU just werks with Polaris on 4.9+ kernels.

>I bet amd would have slowly crept back up in the marketshare.

I know it feels like miners are just buying up the cards and throwing them into the incinerator, but as far as AMD is concerned they're selling like hotcakes. They'll be fine.

>Only miners and crazed fanboys buy their shit
And Apple.

They got to sell their "FirePro/Frontier" rejects somehow.

Vegas are the currently the fastest Freesync solution on the market.

>Nvidia is for literal manchildren

>meme learning
So, literal manchildren?

volta is garbage. even amd's gaming line like vega is better.

AMD needs to make gamer cards because miners cant get rid of old mining cards later if the cards arent for gaming at all.

get it, its because money, it always is and will be op just fucking get it already okz?

>still no partner cards
>still no magic drivers

What if I told you Vega and Polaris is sold at a loss in a desperate effort to increase market share in the gaming?

That's failing miserably considering miners are buying everything.

That's what you get for not butchering compute on consumer cards, life is fair.

But neither does nVidia.

Jokes on you Vega was actually a compute card that was repurposed for gaming because we didn't have anything else

Compute card with DSBR and NGG?

Proof or get lost, kid.

I have a RX480 and I couldn't be happier with it, haven't had any problems with lack of drivers either.

We want to buy their cards.

We can't because of coinfags

Nvidia and their spyware drivers can go to hell

Source: Am Vega

That's cute.

I should have phrased that better.
"Gamers were buying Polaris, and it probably would have been successful, even without miners"
There's some pretty solid evidence of this. Gamersnexus did a good breakdown and said the components alone in vega 56 cost about $325 or so.

Vega probably, polaris no way in hell.

>blockchain meme which cant be used for criminal activities
what the fuck is the point?

Marketing to gamers is a mistake, the real money comes from professionals and entreprise.

>still only reference cards
>Vega 56 should retail for $500-520 CAD
>actually sells for $680-750 CAD
>it costs less money to buy an aftermarket GTX 1080 than it does a reference Vega 56
>Vega 64 should retail for $630-$650 CAD
>actually sells for $800-$900 CAD
>aftermarket 1080tis can be bought for $950-1000 CAD
I want to buy Vega for my freesync monitor, but Vega does not want to be bought.

Yeah im currently using a 580 and i'm very happy with it, except for the price i had to pay which has left me a bit bitter. The main reason miners are eating them up in the first place is that they're such good value for money - it's like a 1060, but with more memory. The only reason a gamer would go for a 1060 is stock availability.
