Business Idea: Sup Forums but you can pay to be a mod
Business Idea: Sup Forums but you can pay to be a mod
So basically 8ch
>paying to be a mod
>paying to see deleted content that scar you for the rest of your life
who the f...... o wait i get it now
>pay 50$ to get mod staus for a month
>ban this faggot who always made fun of me
>he just resets his router and continues with his onslaught
this board too
or you can just pay a mod, as in bribe him
>pay to be a mod
>pay to do it for free
Pretty sure all the current and incoming mods have to be on the circlejerk of moot's inner circle that Hiroshimoot inherited
call it Ancapichan
>Pay to work
I love capitalism
>pay to do it for free
It's clearly not for free. You pay for the privilege to be a mod
>doesn't understand that it costs money to make money
This has been done in videogame servers for more than a decade and never works out. You always get angsty teens playing out their complexes.
ICO when?? shut up and take my ETH
I used to play on a good good murder server where this was happening, you could just pay money to be a faggot and ban people forever. Funny thing was the owner of the server thought this was fine, so there was a never ending cycle of drama, banning, and people getting new steam accounts. Great microcosm for the modern world.
I have a better business idea: pay a bunch of North Koreans to be mods.
They're cheap, so for a few dollars you will get a hundred of manhours and most of the money doesn't go to them, but to their government so you are supporting north korea at the same time.
I'll design the logo!
>basically selling your board to chink spammers/goberment
>customers outrage when you police their moderation
Paying mods on CS1.6 servers which I play on are typically much worse than mods who don't.
Now now, it's because they are doing it wrong.
First you let them buy mod accounts, then you sell advanced mod accounts so they can moderate the mods, then you sell even more advanced accounts to moderate the mods moderators etc.
nice ponzi scheme, im investing in that
>be a mod
>delet threads you don't personally agree with
>be a faggot in general
It would become tumblr instantly, because most SJWs are brainless brats with rich daddies.
That is where all their "power" actually comes from.