Screenfetch / Neofetch thread

||| Show me a better looking desktop than this|||

Pro-tip: You Cayn't

So you might as well rope yourselv loser

Other urls found in this thread:



This ain't better but i just want to share mine

Kill yourself weebshit

any cutegang desktop

no reason to be rude user

disgusting desu

Baby first i3gaps rice


is it possible to use 9front on real hardware?
yes? how about an x220?

Anime website

could you share your browser config?


how old are you?

it's just a mod of twily's css
the url bar below is vimperator

polybar can look better than that, user

Normally wouldn't have a media player, terminal, etc. on this desktop, just the browser.

>screenfetch/neofetch thread
>doesn’t post either
get ‘im, mods

Could you share your polybar config?

default polybar

polybar should be easy enough for utter bakas to configure, user
but here

I used the default polybar because i didn't had time to configure it.

looks great

Hey! I'm comfy with mine so idgaf

pelase be my bf

Thanks user

Show me your awoo bobs and vagene






no u




what does "mnu" stand for



will you ever post a scrot containing something besides one terminal with a screenfetch?


what's that calendar?

Last time I posted my neofetch I got globally banned for 3 days.

is that just concept art or does the girl have a name?

some of your colors are barely visible against the terminal background
fix that. now.


the real reason was your mental deficiency, probably

It's odd, it looks fine on the machine running it but when I look at the screen shot on other machines it's hard to read.

any tips?


how can I get rid of this 2px line reee

>any tips?

>caring about any of these

painful suicide
and filtered


>replies after being filtered.
As much I'd expect from a mint user.

Please do us all a favor and consider suicide

my desktop looks better

be nice to her

>3dpd trash
>shitty apple dock
>telling others to consider suicide


that's a cute companion cube

1,000x better than OP

get out

That was easy

install gentoo

Nope. I posted exactly what the thread is for.

heres the original so you can edit it to fit your monitor setup if you feel like it

this thread is irrelevant
you don't belong on this board to say the least

>Learn Python the Meme Way

Do yourself a favour user and pick up a better book

I belong here more than you do. Go make another iPhone X thread, faggot

thanks user

>does the girl have a name?
Toudou Yurika

Neofetch icon:


I can't get twilys to work when I install it with stylish what am I doing wrong?

now pick up a better font and your good

CloverOS is Gentoo

install gentoo with no helper scripts


I already have a fully functional Gentoo operating system with the same capabilities as any other Gentoo system. Doing as you advise would be redundant and a waste of time, especially since I use this system for school projects.

Hello this is my desktop

Yep that is a desktop

I was just running it on my x220 yesterday. Don't have a screenshot though.

what works and what doesn't?

beat this

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check 9front fqa. wifi, ethernet etc works. Sadly (and the reason I'm uninstalling it) you can't suspend the laptop or check the battery

ugly because no anime girls xD we're such weebs in Sup Forums

its actually just ugly


not him but it's pretty nice desu

no anime girls => no way to get a 10/10 from me, regardless of anything else








that's a lot better