Got any nudes?
hahaha us programmers, huh?
umm no sweetie we don't want to fuck disgusting we want to fuck cute anime girls (male)
yeah that is pretty disgusting
sodomy is disgusting sterile unsanitary and unsatisfying
Breeders BTFO
long term homosexual relationships effectively dont exist
bottoms can expect on average to need to use adult diapers before they turn 40
how come you dont see “traumatize my sphincter and make me incontinent daddy who i likely wont even be on speaking terms within a month” in all those cool catamite porn comics?
Go back to /r/ProgrammerHumor
>being this buttblasted
I hope you enjoy your time with your wifes son
literally you, wearing a diaper in 10 years, forever a baby as a sad reminder of your arrested pursuit of manhood
I don't think so
>bottoms can expect on average to need to use adult diapers before they turn 40
They fully to die from AIDs before that happens, so no problem then.
This ironically. Cute boys make the best girls.
LGBT, go away from Sup Forums, no one cares if you're gay or whatever.
we should have concentration camps for faggots
I'm not sure if I got the joke and it's not funny or I didn't get it.
The idea is that a coder (let's not pretend someone that judges their programs based on them exiting successfully is a programmer) only actually cares about their programs and not women (the woman here being stereotypical) and women are for some reason opposed software/intellectual pursuits.
Because that's not even a programming joke really. You've used software to make a political/sexist (sexist both ways actually) joke.
Sup Forums humor threads are pretty crap usually but this is an extra low level.
I don't buy that they're serious anons. Where would they come from? Sup Forums? I don't know Sup Forums well but I deem it unlikely.
If you don't want only one thing to be appealing to guys, maybe you should be appealing in other ways.
I dont get it