Remember, tomorrow is Wednesday and on Wednesdays we kode

Remember, tomorrow is Wednesday and on Wednesdays we kode.

but on Wednesdays i watch yuru yuri

>she needs to join our start up
>lets invite her

Those fucking lines trigger me so much

Who the fuck took the picture?

Are you happy?

Fucking attention-whoring poser.

Why's that, virgin boy? Don't like when women are in the workplace?

Her hands look ugly :-|


Because people on social media have obliterated the term 'start-up' by force fucking it into a buzzword. Any dipshit with a computer can now claim they are working on a 'start-up'

when watching anime yes, then it goes away

>Don't like when women are in the workplace?
Nope. Not a bit. They tend to be useless fucking shitbags like "Kodey Karlie" here. Thankfully, they don't last more than a week when someone makes the mistake of hiring them.

You think she ever found that code directory?

i can relate :(


better than the average Sup Forums user

lmao u jelly?

Being a shallow, materialistic cunt who uses deception (and most importantly, self deception) to benefit off of the misguided emotional responses of others is wrong by many standards. This woman in particular is taking advantage of the tech industry and the modern feminism movement as a platform to make money and get attention. The people commenting show evidence of similar behavior when they show complete ignorance of the industry but still are following along on this false, implanted ideal of the get rich quick start up. These people all want to make money for selfish gains, and it's clear that they'd rather deceive instead of making an honest living.

Don't care if you're a troll. I enjoy expressing my opinion onto the void.

Bonus point for the void part.
Would make a great pasta

looks like koding is back on the menu, girls

cd Intelligent-Commentary
no such file or directory

bootcampers shouldn't be in the workplace.

Do yuru happy?


cd code

and not

kd kode


So a "koder" like klossy with 101-level of "programming" considered as qualified?



