How come no one has started Open Source OSX Desktop-Environment Functional-clone?

I mean it's amazing and in high demand. I'm sure it would boost Linux popularity for especially iToddlers who want out of osx hell.

An opensource mac-userspace clone would be amazing. Not the os (darwin bullshit) itself, but the userspace is amazing

Legal issues.

There's no fucking point. Either hackintosh or use Linux.

Hmmm, it's almost as if it's illegal to replicate proprietary software and copyleft was invented to combat that????????

can't copyright a look at both MS and apple are aware.

I'd rather have the store anyway, linux is still too diverged and without an easier package solution, it's still a pain.

The guys who're interested in opensource anything are nerds.

Nerds are not interested in Applel

What about ReactOS? Also KDE sort of immitates windows look.

Since when was an functionality & aesthetics copyrighted? Plus if there's 0 apple code it in, and it's all GPL open source written from scratch, Apple can't do a single thing about it?

>can't copyright a look at both MS and apple are aware

>what is Apple copying off of GNUstep
>What is ReactOS

Because the people who can do it probably despise apple.

I'd still love to see it, though.

Umm, sweetie, you can't have good-looking open source anything. It goes against the core principle of open source software. It needs to be as ugly and unintuitive as possible

>I mean it's amazing and in high demand
that's the most stupid non-argument I've ever heard.

it'd take way too much effort. also it'd take much more than just a program for x11

a) Most functionalist and optics can be easily achieved on KDE.

b) It doesn't have a tiling wm, in other words it is complete and utter garbage.

>Also KDE sort of immitates windows look.
surprise surprise, DEs existed way before windows were created.

Because it's shit and the only reason why it works so well on Applel is a closed tightly-knit ecosystem. It would be a disaster on GANOO Loonatix.

Xfce + dock + panel plugins
GNOME + extensions
KDE + dock

I mean fuck it's so easy to clone the OS X experience, especially the look of it and dock.

People do it all the time.

more like windows imitates kde kek

>what is elementary OS

lolyouboi read what I said dummy
>Functionality / Userspace cloning

GNUstep barely does enough as a prototype of the userspace

False. Not a userspace clone.

>no global menu integration.
>no dotapp integration
>no appcentric interface
>no integrated themeing-engine that has the ability of beauty as osx was based on NeXT/GNUstep even though GNUstep is opensource


>>what is Apple copying off of GNUstep
FYI: GNUstep is a copy of NextStep

That's basically what GNUstep and Unity tried to do.
GNUstep is basically dead because it has almost no developers or users. Unity is dead because everyone is too busy sucking Red Hat cock to help Canonical develop their software.

>What about ReactOS?

We don't have 40 years to wait for it to be ready.

It’s called Ubuntu

It already exists and is called the gnome desktop

Call me retarded, but I've never understood the point of docks over a simple panel. Is it just the pretty animations?

>in high demand

because macs are gay