Just got this. thoughts?

just got this. thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:


You're going to get ZOGGED.

Pure 100% European ancestry amirite

>giving your memetic material to the botnet

Post your gipsy heresy

Great, you'll be put in a database with the rest of the data they collected about you on the internet. They'll probably make software to relate behavior and genes. Nothing to worry.

Looks like an average british guy actually

>bin that knoife gubbna
>we had an empire once

You should have bought your kit from the Mormons instead of Jooz. Enjoy your botnet.

either close your tabs, or use tree style. fuck that hurts me.

I wonder if 23andme knows most of their business rests on the dumb burger Sup Forumsacks that obsess over >muh heritage

So I have an autoimmune disease, diagnosed as ankylosing spondylitis. Some doctors are like yeah no way you don't have it, some are skeptical. I took this test and then ran the raw data through one of those 3rd party processors and basically I have 4 genes that lead to an increased risk of AS, with one gene I particular I have two copies giving me like a 40x greater likelyhood of developing the disease. So yeah it was right I guess.

Why does my mind feel so hazy all of the time, Sup Forums?

Oh btw I'm like .1% black too lol

what do you use senpai? recommend me something

I bet your hobbies are even dumber than that

>still using genotyping
>costs 100 burgers

>can get your entire genome sequenced for 1000 dollaridos


>can get your entire exome sequenced for 100 dollars


but personally I'm going to wait until you can sequence your own DNA at home so it wont become part of the botnet

somebody will grab your trash and then get your genes out of you that way. you can't escape them getting your dna if they want it. they can go into your house at any time and collect some hair off the floor

i used tree style tabs before firefox killed xul extensions. now i just don't open that many tabs, firefox loves to use 200mb per tab so i guess i have no option.

sorry for the shit answer

I live with other people. How will they know which is mine?


Yeh, I've got some pretty dumb hobbies myself like shitposting on a chinese hieroglyphics forum


whats the prognosis like?

if somebody wants your dna they can get it. they grab a can you threw into the trash cause it touched your lips. my whole is you can avoid that specifics companies database, but in the future they will probably just start collecting trash to sample dna of everybody if they don't make it mandatory


I just want to know if I'm a victim

>tfw now I have to start burning all of my garbage and move to a third world country to avoid being in the botnet

that sucks senpai

>all these triggered unpure filth



This kek

wtf is this shit

It's the ebin sharting goblin from Sup Forums. It's a pretty big meme over there right now.

Look in the mirror mate

Congratulations, you contributed your DNA to a massive database that can now be used to create biological weapons tailored specifically to you and your genetic line.

You fucking idiot.

>your genetic line.
you're very optimistic

>giving your DNA data to the botnet
good goy

stop drinking so much coffee