Processor hitting 45 °C while idle

>Processor hitting 45 °C while idle

maybe minix is compiling new spyware

Macbook detected

>processor hitting 92C while playing Civ V
>has been like this for years
>don't give a fuck, I'll buy a new one when it breaks


My desktop faggotries never hit 45c at full load.

>processor sits at 60C or more while folding
>remove 2 case fans
>processor now maxes out at 55C

I have a delidded 3570k that hits 85-95 regularly and sometimes goes to 105 during gaymes. Been happening for over a year. I don't give a fuck.

Delidded and it still gets that hot? Fucking hell dude, my 3570k at 4.7 never goes over 70c.

If mine is a small thinkpad and idles at 50C is that bad? X60s

Yeah, I've tried reapplying the paste 3 times to no effect. I finally got tired of thermal shutdown in the BIOS and turned the shit off. Now I just cruise. If it dies that's just reason to upgrade at this point.

Mine sits at 49 °C while browsing, shouldn't really be much of an issue unless your' processor is being throttled.

Are you using Windows 10 by any chance?

No, my Acer manages to run at 70 degrees Celsius at idle. If the thing catches on fire I'll worry about it then.

I'm waiting until my 3570k can't run latest gaymes, but hoping she kicks the bucket so wife let's me upgrade.


>mfw CPU idles around 16C
>never goes above 30 no matter what
>nothing more than hyper evo 212 and arctic silver that was applied over a year ago

feels good. I'm never buying into the water-cooling-with-potential-for-leaks meme

>so wife let's me upgrade
I've never been married and don't plan to, so I don't understand the world that married men live in. But it sounds pathetic desu. I need permission to spend the money I've earned? gtfo

>idles at 16c
unless your room is at 15c and below you are breaking the laws of physics
you CANNOT go below ambient w/ air cooling
what you have right there is a false readout , add 10/20c and you have the actual temps

Either your thermal sensor is fucked, or you live in an igloo.

depending on your fancurve and how old your thermal paste is , that can be normal , just repaste it and see temps DROP

>hitting 79c playing pubg on laptop

I think it's more pathetic to use words like "desu" than to have a woman in my life who cooks, cleans and sucks my cock. But, to each their own.

Sounds like an FX CPU giving low readings to me.

I'm usually at 38c on idle but considering how hot it is here in Vegas I'd say that's pretty decent.

>I think it's more pathetic to use words like "desu"
First day on Sup Forums huh?

Bait or new?

>what you have right there is a false readout
hmm you have a point about the ambient air temperature but I'm wondering how such an incorrect temperature could be reported. I get idle around 16C reported on both Ubuntu and Windows

>Sounds like an FX CPU giving low readings to me.

Yep, FX 8320. I'm guessing thats a known issue with them? That sucks. I thought I was the cooler master

faulty sensor

>room temperature is 30+ degrees
my PC never even stood a chance

>than to have a woman in my life who cooks, cleans and sucks my cock.
Yeah, and I bet she's a real looker too user, lmao. Totally worth losing control of your bank account. I can smell both you and her from here desu

my 1700x is at 43c right now.
is this dangerous?

What's the problem?

I don't know the specifics, but I think the FX CPUs don't have an actual core temp sensor and instead work it out in a weird way from other sensor values on the CPU.
I could be talking total shit though, worth googling.

Based Megahalems with passive cooling

your coretemps, clearly 2 degree above ambient or gtfo

>user tries to defend his depraved lifestyle of being a NEET by trying to devalue the fact that I have a wife, a respectable job and a cpu that doesn't overheat.
Maybe if you had a wife, or any physical being to love you, you wouldn't feel the need to lash out on a Taiwanese Picture Website.

wrong sensor readout , if its a FX cpu just add 20c or use speedfan , as 99% of the software reads the wrong sensor but w/ speedfan you can prod every sensor and find the correct one
idle temps shud be in the mid 30's

fuck no , if you use the stock cooler thats pretty normal as the fancurve is a tad conservative , go into bios and set it to "performance" or whatever , it wont be any noisier but alot cooler

My FX 8230 runs 27c idle and never goes over 60c

Just want the record to reflect none of the responses slamming your domestic life are from the guy with the 105 degree 3570k.

>processor idling