Just a reminder to NEVER dual boot GNU%/Linux and windows

Been using a dual boot :

windows 7 on sda
xubuntu 17.10 on sdb

two separate physical drive drives.

no problem so far until this morning, windows 7 doing some updates and crippling my computer as usual.
I decided to reboot into linux after the updates and... great: linux now boots to an initramfs shell, root partition appears to be corrupted.

Note that my linux partitions are ext4 and weren't mounted in windows ( it can't even), despite of that windows somehow managed to fuck with my secondary HDD.

dual boot: not even once; Sup Forums.
thank you for your attention.

Other urls found in this thread:


> drive drives

hard drives duh

>be me
>booting OpenPepe, W7 (both on the same SSD) AND W10 on another HDD
>did that for at least 2 years (more if you don't count W10)
>never had problems
Works on my machine(c)

>windows 7 doing some updates
there's (You)r issue


openmeme and wincock 7 are the god-tierest combination

until it breaks and you discover GRUB command line or initramfs shell..


Why would you even let Windows connect to the internet if you have Linux? I can understand keeping a dual-boot of Windows for the few games that Wine has trouble with, but nothing else. Allowing Windows to connect to the internet and *especially* allowing it to auto-update is entirely your fault.
Do you at least have a bootable Linux USB you can access ext4 with?

Yeah Currysoft Pajeetows has a habit of breaking shit.

have you tried boot-repair-disk?

yeah i have my xubuntu usb drive, i can fix the hdd no problem. i can even reinstall the OS and keep my files (/home is on a third hdd), but still annoys the shit out of me.

Quick update, so everything was fixed with a simple e2fsck

I have also flattened the windows drive and will use it to store porn.

thank you for your attention.

thanks for the update. where can I sub for more exciting news about you're life?

i update my blog daily:


Please also subscribe to my blog: fuckmywife.tumblr.com


Shouldn't I dualboot tails either?

>windows broke my linux partition
what a load of horseshit, I have windows installed on my ssd and a secondary hard disk with efi partion and clover for hackintosh, refind for multiple linux installs. Guess what retard, I've had this setup for more than two years, even recently re-installed win10 in both first efi and then mbr (to save time on boot) and everything is working fine. don't blame currysoft for being a retard

Absolute twaddle, clear case of user error.
I've dual booted linux/windows for almost two decades now and never have I had windows fuck with linux. I DID have problems the other way when I was getting started but that was, again, user error.

I've dual booted from windows ME to my current windows 10, it works fine. Windows won't do shit to partitions it doesn't understand.

>Windows won't do shit to partitions it doesn't understand.
That's got nothing to do with anything, all it takes is to write to the EFI to fuck up your grub

>allowing windows to access bare metal
niga what the fuck r u doin

>not phisically disconnecting your linux hdds when booting to windows
your fault

>fuck up your GRUB
this is clearly not what OP implied, if you're too retard to boot your linux partition from an EFI shell you should just stick to windows

>Fuck up GRUB

Oh no, my computer is utterly ruined, surely this cannot be fixed with ten seconds of effort!

I never had this issue. The only issue I had with dual booting is that after I boot into windows from Linux, windows is unable to use USB devices and I have to reset the PC in order to fix this (shutting down and starting again won't work).


Set root=(hdx,part)


at least you can get your files back. not much harm done.