Ctrl f no screenfetch/neofetch thread

ctrl f no screenfetch/neofetch thread

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought there was.

im not ben what are you trying to say






akari is my 4th favorite yuru yuri


>porter robinson

How does one make their browser look like this


akaris akarins...

twily's css + vimperstor + 4chanX + oneechan
do your own customizations

check out this cute freaking jiff btw

That's my old screenfetch wtf


I'm wondering why OP can't use his own screenfetch


he's a dumb baka and so are you

be nice to her (op)


why is yukari so hot

Since OP is a major faggot and can't get his own screenfetch

forgot pic

your really dumb

holy f*ck who cares about screenfetches. idoit bitch.

>says the one who cant use his own screenfetch

i think my iq has dropped like 20 points just frm reading ur posts


can u please tell me what reddit u were on when u saved this pic i.imgur.com/bE3QhAk.jpg


Someone on Sup Forums posted it and I saved it

umm yeah Sup Forums images have imgur filenames IDIOT

>Sup Forums
holy shit kill yourself

>saves from imgur
>posts to Sup Forums
>saves Sup Forums post
>keeps file name
Pretty simple really

isn't b like reddit if you took anything reddit had that was worth praising and threw it in the trash?

b is full of trap threads which is the only reason I go there. I'm just a big ol faggot

nicomaki aaaahhhh goddamn iiiiiittttt

I thought desktop threads were outlawed last year, I cropped my screen then

nico looks like a boy in that image


They were. They were renamed to "screenfetch" threads but its all the same shit

why use mksh?

Desktop threads *are* outlawed, they exist in their original form at
These are thinly veiled threads that usually get deleted by mods soon


wg threads suck they're nothing like the "original form"

desktop crew destroyed the paedophile mod with 1,000 karate chops + spin kicks and now desktops are legal again

>they exist in their original form at
no they don't, they're slow, full of winshitters posting stock desktops and void of any discussion

wtf maki looks like a boy in this pic

nicomakis corean field trip

they're the same trash just with half the posts being awful random normalfag bindows 10 desktops instead of 99% autistic weeb tiling loonux trash owo waifu circlejerking

your face looks like a boy. 1v1 me f*cker i'll put you in the ground

anime website


/cm/ gtfo

hello lovelies


and thank god, the original form was full of weaboos with pink flowery desktop and anime girls of questionable age

pls no

mind giving a link to the bitmap font?

old desktop threads sucked, but not for the reasons you stated
it was literally a chatroom for neets
all desktops looked literally identical except for their choice of anime girl
people spent their whole day on the desktop thread and in several irc channels and the tripfags developed very insular, cliquish behavior, like some kind of elite weeb club.

This was waaay before services like discord made this not only seem "attractive" but the norm.

oh my god

anime website

didn't read

Did I strike a nerve?
That was over 3 years ago.
Do you remember all those names of those neets? Does it bother you knowing that you're the only one left?

old dethktop threadth thucked, but not for the reathonth you thtated
it wath literally a chatroom for neetth
all dethktopth looked literally identical exthept for their choith of anime girl
people thpent their whole day on the dethktop thread and in theveral irc channelth and the tripfagth developed very inthular, cliquithh behavior, like thome kind of elite weeb club.

Thith wath waaay before thervitheth like dithcord made thith not only theem "attractive" but the norm.

you've probably never been in a desktop thread yourself since you've been posting from this summer and you're just regurgitating spewed bullshit you picked up from other shitpostrrs

*gives this thread a swirly*

i like it?
fast and has all the features. even program and file tab completion

why not bash


i turned screenfetch threads into desktop threads



What OS is this? It resembles Haiku or Amiga

It's the MaXX Interactive desktop

bash is slow. so much slower i notice that. it has too much of things also, i don't want printf or time deviating from standard posix utilities

Linux subsystem on windows 10


How many trips do you recognize here?
How many do you even see that post here anymore?
Most of these were desktop thread NEETs.
They're all gone now.

MaXX Interactive Desktop on Fedora 26. It's a fork of the IRIX Interactive Desktop that came with IRIX on the old SGI machines.

Source is available if you wanted to build it for other platforms. It's from 2008 but keep in mind that the whole project was just picked back up this year and that not much has changed.


I turned your waifu into a corpse

kyoko is the original tomato
she's also the best and cutest


there's no need to fight over tomatoes. kyouko is great too (yui is the cutest YRYR though!)



>unironically using acme

fuck off ben

Are you a neet?
You've been posting for decades and you literally and unironically own several dakis.

I'll unironically use you, nerd

I'm not ben

Why not?

I don't own any dakis (unfortuantely?)
I'm a uni student with a cool internship
I'm a NEET at heart

>I'll unironically use you, nerd
$29.99 an hour, faggot.

shut up ben

Call me

I'm not ben

you wish you could be

Hi ben

reminder that fu"ben"to6s has been posting here since he was 14 (19 now), which he thinks makes him some kind of professional Sup Forums oldfriend, that he decided he didnt like his old "ben" persona and attempted to rebrand by mimicking aneisf and john, and that he personally batch reported posts in desktop threads until they were banned from Sup Forums to save mods the trouble

actually, I take that back bit about cutest back
cuteness is a variable trait that depends on a lot of factors and circumstances
see, in this example where we adjust the circumstances a bit (pajamas), yuis conformation in the 2d plane and add in a factor (pillow) yui is the cutest (pic related)
but if we take just general cuteness into account, I'm afraid brat is takes the lead
yui is my 3rd favorite yuru yuri (infinitesimally close to second, which is brat)

i wonder whatever happened to miles

He's still in #lovefort (the greatest channel to exist in IRC history)
But seriously, I think he's doing good, we talk every once in a while

Spot on