At work

>At work
>Logged into chrome without thinking
>Home history syncs with work computer
>Get called into supervisors office sometime later
>Told I'm getting fired for improper use of govt computer
>Also told I've been reported to the police
>Talk to lawyer
>Chances are I'm going to face at least 15 years in federal prison if not more

Fuck chrome, why don;t they ask if you want to sync history.

I'm drunk af rn adn thinking of a way to end it. i have to report to court tomorrow for preliminary gearing. Chances are I'm not coming home.

For what? Cp? Or smth worse?

>logging in to personal shit from work PC

What's in your history, user?

Fuck it dude, take up arms and start shooting niggers.

> press F to pay respects
F sorry user

so this... is the power... of the botnet

Only one thing to do now

What did you have in your chrome OP?

Sorry dude. Should have been born gay instead of pedo.

I mean the best shit you can come up with would be you have multiple users using your account but wanted to check something personal on your work computer so that's why you signed in.

Botnet strikes again.

Seriously though, this is entirely your fault.

He worked for the govt and is probably stupid enough to be on Sup Forums non-ssl right now and using his home connection. If he's in the US, they know about this thread.

100% fucked.

use chromium
use --incognito
don't use botnets
don't work for the government
don't spend another day in this country

>instead of fleeing the country is making threads about his soon-to-be life sentence of being raped in jail

Ever heard of the "fucking get your ass to mexico" method?

If that's true,
Hello CIA niggers

huh what?
doesn't make sense. syncing ur account shouldn't fire any alarms, unless u intentionally visited something.
wtf did u do user

Why would they even let you go if you did something that was felony-tier illegal?

What a stupid story. You didn't even mention what got you fired.

But... It does.

Before ANYTHING syncs, you have to enter a passphrase in the settings menu. You can select what syncs before putting in the passphrase, preventing all that from happening

Fuck man you probably deserve this for being such a moron

This sounds like lies. You could have done so much better if not lies. Why would you even post this on Sup Forums if you don't know anything as trivial as to hide your histories? This sounds more like a Sup Forumstard mistake.


you got what I deserved

Lies, you would have been reported by both jewgle and ms when you first visit the website at your home.

>working for ((((((government))))))

>logging on your personal accounts from a work computer
you deserve it user
>using chrome

do you use a vpn to post on Sup Forums?


How could it sync without his personal email and password?

Fuck I'd be devastated. If your story is true user I feel for you.

>using chrome for illegal stuff
Fucking idiot


he got it righ
also, nice trips anont




Mfw in my country anything you do on a work laptop that’s not work related is “personal information” and is protected by the law, so even though we can check anything a user does on their PC, we cannot give anything to anyone.


The first thing Chrome tells you to do when you install it or create a new profile is to log into your Google account.

So then don't log in?
You don't have to log in to use it...

>You don't have to log in to use it...


>using chrome
>not setting the option on home PC to not sync with other computers

Even when I used the botnet I wasn't this stupid. Well, too late now

Wait, assuming this is true: is he getting into troubles because his work computer now has the his personal browsing history, or because of that PLUS there are like kid porno in his browsing history?

I find it hard to believe that anyone would get fired solely for accidentally copying their browser history over unless the supervisor was already looking for an excuse to can them. He certainly wouldn't have been reported to the police.

>not having a job where nobody gives a fuck
Even this post is written from work computer during worktime from my synchronized Firefox. I laugh at your pathetic lives.

OP, get the fuck out of the US. Wherever is furthest without cost being too high, canada is your best bet

Seriously OP, get the fuck out of here. Like right now


>Logged into chrome

Don't drop the soap!

Cool story bro©

You are right.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

things that didn't happen #2158467
>implying that anyone would use chrome for illegal stuff
>doing illegal stuff while being logged in on google
that's almost as retarded as those pedos who had javascript enabled while going on a cia honeypot

> >Home history syncs with work computer
That's bullshit. I know it because it _refuses_ to show me the home history when I need it from work.

OP clearly has something icnriminating in his history. If it's a crime then personal information privacy is overruled and should be reported to the govt in every country ever.
If you have selfies of youself ganbanging an infant while strangling a whore, you're getting v& no matter what personal information policy your country has

See me in my office Jeremy in one hour

>name Jeremy
>in slavic country
top xaxaxaxa

I'm screencapping this for whenever some stupid shit recommends chrome for any reason. Your life might have been destroyed but you will help future generations with your stupidity.

'sup, stormblr.

>use chromium
>don't use botnets
Those two statements are contradictory.

1) It warns you during the sign in process what will be synced.
2) You're a fucking moron for accessing personal shit on a work computer in the first place, but a GOVERNMENT computer? That's just plain retardation.
3) I call bullshit. While it will sync your history and bookmarks, it only syncs RECENT history, and NOT cache. It doesn't magically make you actually visit the sites from that computer and it's VERY obvious to anyone with half a brain cell that you didn't actually visit the sites from the work computer as they'd all have the exact same time of being added. It's impossible for you to have simultaneously visited all of those sites in your browser at work.

So fuck off, you RP shitbag. Or Mozilla shill trying to scare the paranoid freetards on Sup Forums to use shitty quantum since everyone is jumping ship to chrome/chromium to keep their Sup Forums add-ons.

Current state of Sup Forums , really makes you think

>Mixing your personality and work electronics

You asked for this. You're as dumb as the people who use their work phone as a personal cell.

How do you do my glow in the dark agent friends

The botnet pays me 300k a year, no regrets.

Things that never happened.

But I started using different browsers on my phone and home pc mainly due to this concern. I need to use Chrome for my job

ha lol
don't use personal shitpost and browse accounts at work, dumbass

Sup Forums is new Sup Forums

Firefox doesn't have this problem

This is true

I was there, I was the loli.

I'll take things that never happened for $2,000, alex
>implying OP is going to have chrome in his SCCM catalog, and even if his branch of government did, that they wouldn't use Group policy to disable all the phone home features like syncing history
>implying a government agency is going to give OP admin access
>implying that the government is going to be stupid enough to assume that the history on the work PC is absolutely visited on work PC when the sync feature being allowed could be demonstrated
>even if we believe OP, implying OP is going to talk about impending prosecution online when he's already talking to a lawyer who would tell him to shut the fuck up

Chrome is fine and in a properly enabled enterprise sign in will be restricted to certain enterprise domain accounts or disabled entirely, sync can be disabled entirely, search suggestions/prefetch can be disabled entirely, incognito can be disabled entirely, etc. all by group policy.