What kind of anti-stress/Stress relief toys do you guys use? I am a programer and i am always in stress and need something to hold in my hands or play with. Advice
What kind of anti-stress/Stress relief toys do you guys use...
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I just spin a pen between my fingers.
Finger in asshole
Yea but do you recommend any other good stress toys? Cause that dosent help me
I use one of these
back to red.it you go
Try masturbation.
butt plug
Stop shilling fidgets. Nobody wants them. The hype is over.
sage all adverts.
A smartphone.
I've had good luck with dope.
Programming socks.
No, you're a normie meme consumerist soyboy kid and should kys.
Unironically, a fidget spinner.
I know, rite?
i use a komboloi, had it for about 18 years now.
>anti-stress/Stress relief toys do you guys use?
These "fidget spinner" pendrives
>What kind of anti-stress/Stress relief toys do you guys use?
Cuddling with my gf and sex when I get home in the evening is always very relaxing.
DIP switches are good too.
get some of these cunts
So I'm the only person in all of Sup Forums who uses his dick?
i just have sex with females, works fine
Lifting weights or cardio, anything else besides pills is subpar
hookers, cocaine
Implying anyone here will believe.
chicks with dicks don't count.
A Fidget spinner OP
In Current Year + 2 traps are the last remaining 3D no PD tbhdesu
>kill yourself 023
They know.
>i just have sex with females, works fine
my gf's tits
I underachieve and actively avoid stress for most of my adult life. feels good.
Could've called him a commie jew for that, same argumentation level.
>make coffee
>shut the fuck up and do the work instead of being stressed
It's a pretty basic cycle
>What kind of anti-stress/Stress relief toys do you guys use?
Masturbation, making coffee, chewing on a pen, getting enough sleep.
>your argument is only a level 2, lol, my argument is fully endorsed!
Butterfly knife my dude
I usually fiddle my dick in the bathroom stalls
Get a flipper pocket knife. They're like more functional fidget toys.
Worry stone master race
post your favorites
I used to have a spring assisted knife I really liked. I'd also burn my desk with a mini butane torch that I sometimes used for soldering. My desk looked like hell from all the burn marks and scratches I cut into it.
if you're just flicking stuff and staring into space you're wasting time
>not have a computer in front of you always