Name a better browser
Name a better browser
>winblows 10
fucking retard
All the other browsers that don't pay Pajeet to shill on a technology board
Hehe I'm a girl ;) silly boys
Sorry but Convenience/Just Works > Anything Else
seriously, chrome/chromium has 100 times better developer tools.
If you try to shill firefox from the developer perspective angle, you are fucking insane.
>Just Works
>Windows 7 russian botnet edition
fucking retard
>Name a better browser
chrome, chromium, vivaldi, opera
Firefox 57 Beta/Dev > Firefox 58 Nightly
No reason to update everyday for pretty much nothing to gain.
I don't know my dude, it works perfectly fine for me since it's Technical Preview.
>not ONE (1) good browser available
I mean, you can keep posting as much as you want but the OS still works fine for me, how retarded you must be to fuck up a Windows installation my dude, I mean, you are a female after all but still.
Go back to facebook
if you go full botnet might as well go full botnet [spoiler]chrome is superior[/spoiler]
This and it's slightly more paranoid sibling - Ungoogled.
>Falling for the german federal police botnet
I've seen you post this a few times now. It's probably because you turned off let apps run in the background in settings. If you don't let settings run in the background the newly added items will not show up in your search because they are not being indexed. This happened to me and I found the solution pretty quick just by searching.
Or maybe your install is just borked because you removed a bunch of packages.
Pale moon
All other answers aren't even funny.
I agree windows 10 is shit. But you're a retard for posting this GIF all the time because all it shows is that you either misconfigured a setting or you borked your install from trying to debloat it, It's not actually a bug in windows 10.
Chrome for speed.
Vivaldi for functionality.
Safari for the look.
Mozilla Firefox for customizing the look.
Opera is a hybrid between Vivaldi and Chrome.
Yandex is a hybrid between Chrome, Opera and Safari.
So, they all have their peeks. There is no better. I personally use Vivaldi because I'm a power user who needs functions.
linux "just works" too faggot
also windows 10 is spyware
Pale Moon
Nightly, it still has limited support for the old plugins. Also isn't the developer edition on its way out?
Why is there not a sie ngle browser without a flaw?
>It's probably because you turned off let apps run in the background in settings
I did not.
>misconfigured a setting
They're all defaults.
>borked your install from trying to debloat it
Never did any "debloating".
your mom
I like palemoon more but it's technically oldschool firefox that went it's own way.
What version of windows 10 are you running?
LTSB1607, LTSB1507 and Pro1703. All have this problem.
Last time I used LTSB it didn't have search though, and Pro has a bunch more shitty apps in the start menu. That's why I thought you used klite or MSMG to remove the apps on it.
And if that's the case you can expect to break a few things depending on what you remove.
>Last time I used LTSB it didn't have search though
Yes, it doesn. Both LTSBs have search and Cortana universal application. I unpin manually all tiles from start.
This retard shits up every fucking thread with this bullshit so I went out of my way to replicate the environment (clean install of ltsb) and test it myself.
And surprise surprise, it fucking just works.
Comodo icedragon? Ff fork
>linux "just works" too faggot
Lmao, sell your snake oil somewhere else.
Linux "just works" if you're a fat neckbeard who doesn't mind spending 4 hours in the Terminal and editing config files every time you want to install a new driver or something breaks.
It works sometimes only. Note how it finds "Steps Recorder" but not Realtek.
Oh OK, guess I'm remembering wrong then, my bad. It certainly seems like it's something that is isolated to you're setup though, so you're probably wasting your time always posting it. In other words, no one gives a shit. This is a thread about firefox anyways *because we need more threads about firefox.
chrome, and internet explorer 6.0
Stop being so fucking retarded holly shit. Reinstall the OS and try not to rape the search service this time. I have a Server edition AND a normal 10 install and they all work fine. How retarded are you?
It works every single time unless you're a retard who keeps running after every install.
You'll have to record the entire installation process from an iso with the hash matching the one from Microsoft if you want anyone to believe otherwise.
well you know the rules, TIMESTAMP TITS OR GTFO.
It's a clean install. Server2016 has this problem too, I forgot to mention. I tried that too.
What? I never run anything like this.
>Server2016 has this problem too
Windows 10 Whatever Edition doesn't have this problem too. You are the problem.
Do milk or GTFO
>just works
Sure, if all you want is a terminal and a browser and don't mind if one or two peripherals don't function, then yeah, it just works. Just as in barely.
Developer edition as its own release channel already doesn't exist. It's just beta now (release wise) that sometimes gets some things quicker than beta.
i didn't know momentum was on here. Used to use that when i was a chromecuck
It's the same as beta, just has the dev theme (dark) by default enabled and a different coloured icon. Retards really think it's a different browser, lol.
quantum isn't even out and extensions are better than ever
You can do that with uBlockOrigin, you dumb cuck. No need for a separate extension, let alone webext crap.
>You can do that with uBlockOrigin
not by default
>hurr durr muh blacklists
sorry kid, no one cares that you spent 5 hours in the linux terminal today :^)
Waterfox is objectively the best browser on Windows. Would be on Linux too if dev made the packages. I still haven't bothered installing it there (it's basically a directory and you run it from terminal)
>not by default
Yes, by default. EasyList blocks them.
Abrowser, which is the stock browser in MX Linux. It's a minimal Firefox fork.
>It's the same as beta
I don't know how to reformat pic related to make it not spam.
See and
Any blink/webkit flavor.
Nowhere. That person is retarded. I use the official Ultimate SP1 iso.
Whats your extensions list?
I have plain Firefox with Adblock Plus, and thats it.
It doesn't seem in any way better than Chrome, while it lacks Google's integration for all their shit.
>Developer build
Did you take this screenshot yesterday? You should be in 58.0b1 by now.
That's the post I quoted, I provided a counterexample.
Disregard that, I stuck cocks
I really do actually (; But really, winblows 10 is just garbage.
Try reinstalling it but this time don't run meme debloat scripts.
How'd you do that fancy screenshot window capture with the shadow around it?
>Try reinstalling it
I did it, many times.
>don't run meme debloat scripts
I never run those scripts. I don't even know where you'd get them in the first place.
So you're saying there's no difference between Linux and Windows
>I never run those scripts
I guess Windows 10 has a great new feature where it deliberately breaks itself when it detects that the user is a retard.
Calls something shortcut and hide it somewhere else and pretend it's in the "!" folder.
may be become a cam whore and buy a better computer fucking retard
This is not good enough for winblows 10??
Do you post about this in random threads in hopes to find a solution or just because you have nothing better to do than to derail random threads?
ltsb is good
It's trash, just like the rest of winblows 10. Botnet too.
Post tits.
well memed my friend
Hope you like them trap tits
It is. So what's your problem with 10?
No fucking Vimperator.
FUCK. And Qutebrowser sucks dick.
What now?
Start menu search is broken.
32-bit float audio starts clipping (if you do volume normalization or use Eq for example) if you pause playback for more than 30 seconds then resume. To fix I have to close all programs that use audio or disable the sound card then reenable.
GPU goes to P0 instead of idling whenever I interact with the immersive shell (any universal application, including settings and start menu). This means that the GPU runs hotter than usual.
These are the most annoyin things. Everything ese is its inconsistency in design, the fact that there are two control panels, I can't set Firefox/Chromium as default browser unless I use the installer (on 7 I just extract the zip archive). Bugs on top of bugs, for instance logon screen sometimes gets buggy and stacks elements on top of each other preventing me from interacting with it so I have to force shutdwn. It's a bloody disaster.