What's your idea of the perfect operating system?

What's your idea of the perfect operating system?

Other urls found in this thread:



linux with support for all windows programs
also, checked

One with built-in dubs.

Also check these ^^^

Wasted numbers.

anime wins again

I like your digits

Wasted digits desu.



Windows 7 Checked Edition.

>What's your idea of the perfect operating system?
One that does what I want while keeping me safe without stealing my data.

Well at least it's not a completely retarded thread. That is, until the shills arrive.

bery nice numbers

windows, but with higher degree of customizability and no install rot

Such perfection

>What's your idea of the perfect operating system?

OP has cursed this thread. There will be no more dubs until the thread is archived. Screencap this.

Those digits, what's kek tryna say?
Is this part of the Sup Forums zeitgeist, is this question fundamental for our understanding of Sup Forums? Personally my favorite OS is GNU/Linux. Wait a minute GNU has three letters, is this relevant? We don't know. We have to settle this question once and for all.

First of all, checked. I would like a fully transparent OS with the minimum required functionality that allows me to retrieve and install packages that will add functionality I deem to be necessary. A "build your own OS" kind of deal. Great that we have such a thing in reality.

Fuck off frog cancer

One that sucks my dick.

>A "build your own OS" kind of deal.
What is Arch, Gentoo or Linux From Scratch.
>Fuck off frog cancer
Fuck off anime fag

C H E C K ' E M B O Y Z

>What is Arch, Gentoo or Linux From Scratch.
>Great that we have such a thing in reality.

Linux based, macOS .dmg style software installation process, openrc/eudev init, everything including the linux kernel compiled in clang or other LLVM compiler, a new DE, something like the SGI IRIX environment but a little but modernized, minimal install size, available on openpower, arm, and mips in addition to x86 and x86_64.

I'm actually working on making this right now pretty much solo. Maybe when I get a good functioning ISO down I'll post it here.

Let us know when you singlehandedly create the best OS in the world, user.



The perfect operating system:

-no SystemD like BSD
-control and simplicity like Slackware
-all necessary shit included like Mint (yes, also proprietary stuff)
-cinnamon and numix on one screen
-tmux, vim, awk and sed on the other screen

Did I forget something?


I like to live in the 90s the post

I hope I get somewhere with it!

Linux, but with video games support.

Linux with the looks and polishedness of MacOS and software support of Windows

That hit way too close to home..


We need one more vote to get the proper answer to this 7*3 get.


>all windows programs
Please no. Most windows software is freemium shitware.

KEK has decided, once and for all!
GNU/Linux is a perfect operating system!
Praise kek!

>Please no. Most windows software is freemium shitware.
support is good and it increases your freedom of choice
you don't HAVE to use it, it's your choice
it's nice to have the option to have it in case you need something

Elza is shit

qubes but magically runs on old hardware without vt shit

Checked. Here's your answer.

>no bloat
>support for all software/gaymes
>as open source as possible
>AUR-like service
Pretty simple


Stop leaking out of your containment thread.



As expected of Erza-sama!

the sound design of the BSDs with the manpower and leadership of linux.

Perfect Elza

go back

Anime wins again!

The perfect OS would be something like TempleOS with networking

One that does the absolute bare minimum necessary to run my hardware while supporting third-party software.

fast (aka responsive), intuitive, secure, respectful of privacy, logically organized and laid out, and aesthetic.

One that helps me get tons of daddy dick


> no systemd
> gnu/linux based
> millions of people using it and helping it grow
> over 90k packages in repo
> default installation has no bloat should be 400mb or less

So basically Void but with more users.

Hormones, Squats and rainbow socks aren't operating systems.

Yes, pretty much. That's why i'm not using it. It looks hipster. I'm sticking with debian for now.

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own). One may be quick to coin such interests and garb as "black-rimmed glasses, flannel, and indie music," however said mainstream-avoiding "hipsters" will logically turn down abiding to such a popular consensus, voiding the interpretation null.

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>a fucking copy pasta.
Holy fucking shit you are the real pleb

It makes a lot of sense though. And I'm sure your familiar with code reuse, so what's wrong with a copypasta that works?

plan9 with minix kernel and no gnu bloat.

OberonOS with perfect hardware and software support

Linux that everyone supports with native programs


Linux + Gaming

this is slowly becoming the dream but we are far off from windows been obsolete in the gaming sector.

Anything that you never notice that is there.
and lets you use your device for whatever reason you want to use it.

GNU/Linux is the only correct choice

Linux but with native Optimus firmware and stable kde

damn nice septups

Bumping for nice get :^)

It was perfect.

Hurd with drivers and SeL4 kernel + a mix of 9fs and bfs using GNU Name System as filesystem

Windows 10 without the botnet, I still use it tho because YOLO.

If it lets me talk to God that would be cool


Nice septets.
One that has no trace of C, POSIX, Win32, GNU and other half-assed garbage.

That isn't an answer.

something linux that has the same functionality as windows, mainly for little things like changing default window colors n sheeiit

FOSS clone of the NT kernal with Windows compatibility, with some elements of the unix philosophy built in (everything being an easily modifiable) file especially. Impossible but it's the dream.

Also nice digits

Manjaro with btrfs in raid 10.

The quadrifecta:
>Stays the fuck out the way until I tell it to

So basically it doesn't exist and the chances of it ever existing are smaller than me getting digits like yours, or even quads in this exact reply

that.. that looks like a grown man :(

FOSS windows 7

>And I'm sure your familiar with code reuse, so what's wrong with a copypasta that works?

I just googled it, didn't read more than 2 lines

qubes but built on sel4 designed for open source trusted hardware.

>>And I'm sure your familiar with code reuse, so what's wrong with a copypasta that works?
>I just googled it, didn't read more than 2 lines

I call it shitposting libraries


Comfy setup, Linus

Fedora without patent autism.

open win7 riced to look like towns

If WinXP and Win7 had a love child, whose code was then rewritten from scratch to as safe, secure and stable as the best of the love child that BSD and linux should have already had.

Or, put another way, the perfect love child of BSD and linux as the OS, with a desktop environment that is effectively WinXP with some Win7 mods plus configurable goodies that a user may cherry pick from any distro they like. With full open sourced and no botnet.

THEN we are getting pretty fucking close to the Nirvana.

>unholy fuck dem digitz

The simplest and most unintrusive you can make.
The idea is that the simpler the OS, easier it is to debug it, and it should try to be as invisible as possible for the user, letting him focus on the programs.


Nice digits

Honestly, Manjaro KDE is pretty much perfect for me

your autism is showing

OpenBSD with third party support

Windows 10 but with the rice ability of Linux, along with the privacy on Linux, basically a open source windows 10 or linux with Windows 10 compatibility and DE per say

>The op asked for what I wanted for myself ,I answered,
>Now fuck off

Plan 9 but with drivers and a sane man in charge of UI design, relegating pike to infrastructure where he belongs.

So basically inferno but successful

That's basically Genode. If you want a hypervisor microkernel instead of seL4 you can use NOVA.


The downside is it's a monstrous C++ project with XML everywhere that's focused on Intel x86 first and foremost.

how about an OS with extremely basic aesthetics that only special snowflake faggots want to change and absolutely no options to customize any of it without recompiling fucking everything?

rice is cancer.