Uncucking Android USB tethering

If you didn't want to get jew'd into paying for mobile hotspot/USB tethering on your Android phone, which is no different than simply using mobile data on the phone itself, you could root your device. That was the only reason I used to root my phone. Now it seems a lot of carriers have patched this by forcing the device to check with your carrier if you pay for this feature on your data plan before starting the service.

On stock firmware, if you're not subscribed to mobile hot spot service, it initiates a dialog that prompts you to add it to your data plan. If rooted, it fails to start with an error.

My unlimited data plan now includes mobile hotspot service, but I'm cucked at a lousy 10GB/month.

I'm looking to make a raspberry pi based car infotainment system for music streaming, voice chat, GPS etc and 10GB/month ain't shit when it comes to that kind of stuff. Any ideas how to get around this?

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>americans have to pay additional fees for a basic feature of their.phones

any usb reverse tethering tool for android 5 above?

this only work for android 4.X

>Now it seems a lot of carriers have patched this by forcing the device to check with your carrier if you pay for this feature on your data plan before starting the service.

Bullshit. I'm running unlimited data hotspot on verizon no problemo and my phone is rooted

Paying for hotspot? On what planet do you live?

OP here. I've got Sprint.

Yeah it's fucking bullshit

>companies somehow force your to pay for a basic feature of the device
Capitalism just keeps getting better.

>burgers can't use essential features because cucked by corporations
>g-government regulation is still bad
>muh c-communism

The fuck are you babbling about?

It's not "muh evil capitalism" or government.. It's taking advantage of inept customers unaware that it's the same thing as the phone using mobile data.

We don't have this limitation in Latvia.

Hold up. How backdoored your device has to be for your telecom service provider to even be able to charge you for this?

This bullshit is pretty much exclusive to the US.

>have BB10OS
>have plan that disallows tethering
>tethering's still one of the main uses of my phone and I didn't have to do anything to make it work
Feels great to be using the best mobile OS.

Move to Latvia.
3rd world Europe has the best mobile data plans in the world.
The southsquats has unlimited data and speed for half an onion a month

I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you telling me you cannot use your mobile data to broadcast wifi to other devices?

I actually had to (reluctantly) unroot my phone because I couldn't send text messages after a certain point because there was no way to update the carrier profile and prl.

Yes, many plans in the States disallow using your phone as a bridge.

OP are you literally unironically saying that Americans pay extra to hotspot thru USB on their phones





there are many key words in this thread that leave me to believe we have many offboarders present at this hour

>not capitalism
They're trying to exploit the idiots by making them pay for a completely unnecessary plan. It's capitalism in its purest form and you're a bloody indoctrinated sheep if you think otherwise.
>defending corporations
Yeah right you should off yourself

How do they know that you are using it as a bridge? Do they install a special software on your phone for it?



I'd rather pay extra for tethering than put up with obnoxious foreigners like you.

But there's no relation between the two

Good goy. Americans keep getting better and better.

>obnoxius foreigners
Hey while I’m at it tho could you do something about maybe not pulling out of the environment thing and maybe throw Trump down a set of stairs

That is a feature of unchecked capitalism. Of course a company does what it gets away with. In a modern country (western, not USA) social democratic laws protect customers from predatory business practice, especially in service and infrastructure sectors. Wait for the cancellation of net neutrality. You'll be amazed what kind of atrocities in business practice are possible.

It's just burgers being too dumb to remove carrier spyware because they need plan to pretend they're rich

He's not in America. If I wasn't American and getting tethering without paying extra there's a chance he could be in the same country as me, or worse, my neighbor.

>American technology

>he sincerely believes that American citizens are all well-behaved, tidy and intelligent and that 85% of gentoo/frog/loli/OwO/APPLEL/AYYMD/Intel/SUICIDE WATCH-posters are not American
Holy shit oh wow
I can’t take this my sides are in the seventh plane of torment

>10GB/month ain't shit when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Thinks 10GB isn't enough to stream music in a car.

I never said that. I'm just saying I'm happy I'm not in whatever country this abhorrent twat is in.

>If I wasn’t American and getting fucked in the asshole routinely by the big boys in the corporations he could be my neighbour
Now THAT would be the tragedy

To be fair I use tethering and don't pay for it. I was just saying I'd rather pay for it than deal with twats like him.

Ok wow that was fun time to go

Can’t wait for next time to shit on the biggest superpower utopia

Hey hey hey hey your problem is your trying to reason with him. You can’t win this.

Are you really this new?

>It's taking advantage of inept customers unaware that it's the same thing as the phone using mobile data.
By charging them extra to use it?

I am pretty sure they have warnings in Android that it uses the mobile data and have had them in there for years.
Don't defend this shit.

I'm on Sup Forums at 2am, does it sound like I've got better things to do than argue with dimwits?

>It's taking advantage of inept customers unaware that it's the same thing as the phone using mobile data

Seems like a decent example of evil capitalism to me.

I'm confused myself, but I think he's saying that you can't use your phones WiFi capability to connect to a wireless router and download stuff without incurring fees.

This sounds too stupid to be true, so I must be missing something.


OP here. I'm trying to whine about the current state of USB tethering, at least with my carrier. I'm looking for an alternative solution to do what I need to do. Here's an idea I had:
>raspberry pi makes requests to the phone
>phone fetches webpages
>phone sends relevant data back to phone

But here are some problems I ran into:
>services like Google Maps that have APIs that can be used in apps aren't exactly useful for displaying turn-by-turn navigation directions to the phone unless I want to practically write your my write my own navigation program
>while downloading songs and sending them to the raspberry pi to play offline would work for some things, it wouldn't be useful for music streaming and voice chat services (say I want to voice chat in Discord during a long drive)

Solutions on how to do this? You can't exactly reverse engineer closed source software.

*not trying to whine about

Sorry, I miss understood you. I don't think I'm familiar enough with ''usb tethering" give advice about it.

Mobile hotspot but usb

Howdy there. I got around this on Cricket.

Cricket's unlimited lte plan doesn't allow tethering or hotspot at all, and if you enable it, you'll likely have your service cut off. Basically you just add this line to your build.prop located in /system

I would suggest you root your phone and install a custom ROM to get around any other tracking. Basically what this line does is it tells Android not to mark packets pushed through hotspot as forwarded, effectively making all of your traffic look like it's taking place on your phone, and not on a tethered device.
I was able to download hundreds of GBs worth of shit on my Cricket, my average was 400GB/month.


The surest way is to route your tethering traffic through a vpn. I forgot how the app is called but it needed root. Other ways require a bit of trial and error. My carrier detects tethering by looking at TTL of the packets coming from my phone(I just set default TTL on my PC to 65) and also by requests to certain IPs(steam, Windows update servers, most MMOs), which I blocked. Other carriers might be more inventive. Pic related, I pay $5/month for that.

>having to pay for tethering

so much for the "land of the free" lmao

This is also a thing for britbongs. I pay £30/month for 30gb of data (I got a samsung s7 with this contract with no upfront cost), 2 year cucktract. My logic was "30gb will definitely still be enough in two years". Imagine how fucking ripped off I felt when I was asked to pay an extra £5/month for just ONE FUCKING GIG of tethering. This is with the 3 mobile network.

As for a solution, though. I did find one. There is an app called "PdaNet+" which bypasses it (I have no idea how), however it only works over USB and you need to install some system on the computer/laptop too.

Oh, also, if you need to use a VPN, like I do for work stuff, you have to log into the VPN at home.

at phone* jesus christ I can't into typing this morning. Need a cup of tea.

couldn't you just get more data?

Have you tried foxfi?? just use hide tethering

Not OP, but have the same problem. Using foxfi made no different I got the exact same "you must buy tethering etc etc" whenever I tried to load a page.

No, I have plenty of data, I just can't use it for tethering.

I forgot its pdanet and you have to use USB

I'm on 3 but not currently in the UK, and I could tether just fine
I didn't use it for much but I still had it

Fuck off eurotrash, enjoy your new sandnigger overlords.

Do you really have bandwidth to spare on such shitposting?

Damn right, i'm not some 3rd world or ozzie with cucked internet.


America is the overlord of the world, we have all the nukes, you eurotards have none.


Read the comic again.

Don't buy a phone with carrier malware on it next time retard. Tethering is a part of stock android and works fine out of the box on my phone.

Ah yes. This is exactly what I am using :)
I just wish there was a wireless equivalent, since I don't always have a cable on me (batteries last long enough that it's usually not a concern) and wireless would just be more convenient.

I've had numerous problems doing this on my new phone, that I got at the same time as this contract.
I simply cannot root my s7. I have installed cyanogen mod on every phone I've ever had except this one, because I simply cannot get that shit to work on this new phone.
Every tutorial leaves me with a non-booting phone, at which point I just have to flash the original firmware back (which took me hours of panicked googling, incredibly slow russian download times and other absolute cold-sweat inducing panic, to find)

I have a theory that this is something to do with it being a british variant of the phone. Unlike EVERY FUCKING phone I've ever had before this, they have this extremely weird system that has different numbers and versions and shit for different countries.
Litterally, all memes aside, trying to root this piece of shit phone has bought me to fucking tears.
Which is a shame, because in terms of the hardware, it's a really nice phone. And were I not someone who cared about rooting, I would even say it's a good phone.

If anyone has any golden nuggets of information, that be wonderful. but honestly I gave up hope months ago.

What model s7 do you have


i dont know why but my tethering doesnt coutn as tethering i have unlimited 4g and 10gb tethering i use tethering a lot and it never goes down

This might work. I think it's only for Enoxys devices though. Idk what to do if you're on qualcomm. forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s7/how-to/root-official-stock-nougat-7-0-100-t3540765

>tfw bottled water manufacturers are taking advantage of inept customers
You're describing supply and demand.

Huh.. whadayaknow. This might be worth a try..

is the "layer" so to speak, that speaks to Odin, is that replaced by TWRP. If I fuck up the twrp install (which usually I wouldn't be worried about, but this phone has killed all my confidence with anything like this) would I still be able to put the old software back on with odin.

>the consumer is a lazy retard that refuses yo educate himself causing corporations to do whatever they want
>Daddy government, please protect me!

Even Verizon doesn't make you pay for hotspot.

I think it's more of a thing on NVMOs

This Makes no sense. What's wrong with wifi?

>paying for mobile hotspot/USB tethering on your Android phone
lol wtf are you talking about

Put all your music on a 256 GB USB drive and connect a 4G modem to your rPi so it will use its own SIM card

I'm on AT&T and my wifi and USB hotspot features are free on my Galaxy S6. Sounds like you got a cucked carrier.

Sure if you want to brick your device...

No wonder the US are not relevant anymore and pajeets are stealing your jobs, you have literally shit in your brains.
Everytime I learn something new about your shithole is about some cuckery the gvt has set in place for companies to milk tons of money from ITS OWN citizens.
This is truly pitiful and your national pride is laughable.
Stop putting flags everywhere and start fighting for your rights.
>inb4 muh europoors bla bla ble
Fix your shit first then you can talk about the others.

Obsessed third world lmao

Downgrade to 6.0.1
Head to autoroot.chainfire.eu/?paids4free.net
Download appropriate autoroot zip
Flash it

Did you just get owned by the filter LOL

Nice damage control mato. Be careful next time you go outside, you may die from an unexpected mass-shooting from one of your fellow citizen.

This, I've never had this problem, I've only owned carrier unlocked devices not contract garbage.

Not really anymore eh?

>Capitalism just keeps getting better.

>g-government regulation is still bad

>It's not "muh evil capitalism" or government.

>It's capitalism in its purest form

>That is a feature of unchecked capitalism.

>Seems like a decent example of evil capitalism to me.

>Daddy government, please protect me!

Jesus you guys are idiots, it's government regulation that lets this shit happen in the first place - in specific: The regulation-caused telecommunications local monopolies granted by the government of the US to various companies.

The reason we don't have to deal with this shit in Europe is exactly because there's no government-forced monopolies in telecom* so they all have to compete on the free market by having good prices and services instead of just resting on the backs of their internet-serfs.

*claim varies by state.

>OP are you literally unironically saying that Americans pay extra to hotspot thru USB on their phones

This guy, however, gets it right. USA is a finished country. It used to be great, but corporate interests have choked the market with more and more regulations to make sure nobody can start new companies to compete with them. Prepare for complete global irrelevancy by 2077.