Been a while since I've seen a sticker thread.
Been a while since I've seen a sticker thread
Post fedora. I know you fucking own one don't lie to me.
I'd smack you
i wish i had a laptop so i could stick things to it
I practically live on Sup Forums but I can't imagine anything cringier than having the fucking logo on my person or any possession, especially visible in public
Why does nobody on here make their own stickers?
i usually go on /o/ and browse their sticker forum. much better stuff usually,
Hi Sup Forums!
I might have a centos ISO on my main 0
Pc. Sorry man.
someone had a yotsuba 404 sticker centered on laptop nefpre can i get sauce on the sticker if amyone knows
Use your fridge. Fuck fridge magnets.
Cute Konqi. The white borders ruin them tho.
>no hacker logos
i'm disappointed, Sup Forums
>Konqi sticker
fugg too cute :---DDD. I need this for my own laptop
fucking loser fell for the meme. enjoy your unstable, incomplete headache of a distro
Of course I do.
How? In a quality way, not just print and tape.
>caring this much about what other people think of you instead of just doing what you enjoy
lol cuck
Is it easy to take stickers off? I'm planning on putting a few but I'm wondering how well it'll come off.
*The virgin notebook owner in public.*
Did you seriously fall for the "Arch is a meme" meme? Poor you!
extreme case of faggotry detected
>breaks xorg ever fucking update
>pacman is the worst package manager maybe only behind YaST
I can somewhat understand your concern with systemd and of course there are different preferences when it comes to package managers, but your other two points are just plain false. That's not an argument against Arch, that's just you spouting nonsense.
>hacker logo
is this shit fr? who would do this?
It depicts a "glider" in Conway's Game of Life
Im not surprised you don't like white(s).
I posted this before scrolling down and seeing
yes I know what it is but who would put a sticker claiming to be a "hacker" on their computer? I can't imagine any better way to have yourself not taken seriously
Cant stand these fags
This is what stickers on laptops tells me about the person behind it
> I'm a normie trying to fit in with xyz sticker; I think I know what I'm doing because I have this sticker, but in reality I have never even installed xyz or even read the man page
Why u mad?
shut the fuck up or i'll suck your dick
dont you have a sticker to put on your laptop?
Just an elasticsearch logo on it.
>cucky ANTIFA sticker on a mac
John Green detected.
Autismas Maximus
Its known as a snowflake, ever heard of them before?
Nice autism warning stickers
Nice normalfag laptop
if you don't care, then why even have stickers?
I bet you vape and type with fingerless leather gloves
Cuz it's cheap to buy 100 stickers
Because I enjoy looking at the stickers and it makes me happy to see them on my lid.
Stop being insecure
I'd smack your ass, little boy
That is THE soy bugman sticker collection.
My first thinkpad, the X200 w/ SSD on top of my newest baby, a T420 all decked out. Both Arch i3.
Really glad I fell for the Thinkpad meme. Enjoying the shit out of em.
Are you all literally 15?
even if your stickers are almost cool its still gay. shout out to a fellow mde gamerbro tho
you're supposed to cut the white borders stupid idiot
>Kizuna ai
Kill yourself, unironically, just do it. Kill youself.
kizuna ai is cute and good
why do people still watch kizuna ai?
literally all of her videos are sponsored ads
she has a team of loyal fansubbers who do it for free and translate ALL of her videos into 10 languages, even the blatant sponsored shit, and worst of all, she has weekly livestreams where lonely people spend youtube's version of chaturbate tokens to get her attention.
Who is that qt?
holy shit an accurate use of this meme on Sup Forums
>not liking Gizuner AI
I asked you a question.
Why do you still enjoy kizuna ai's videos when they're nearly all unwatchable sponsored garbage?
Different user.[spoiler] Also I don't watch them, I just like the smug reaction faces she makes.[/spoiler]
Holy shit, user! Where'd you get that huge cat sticker?
That's true, but that's not why that weird faggot has it stickered on his notebook. It's been pushed, mostly by ESR, over the years as an "international hacker symbol" sort of thing.
How are we going to celebrate this attention seeking faggot's eventual death, Sup Forums?
I enjoy the good ones and ignore the rest. pretty easy
This, there's a convenient little sponsored logo youtube puts in the corner so you can just close those ones immediately.
We're probably not. He's not a bad guy, and he's done at least his own fair share of work over the years, he's just turned into a fucking loon in his later years. To be fair, it was probably long overdue.
Literally the only stickers that I have. I don't like stickers that aren't the stickers that came with my laptop.
german antifa fag reporting in
michaels / hobby lobby sell sticker machines. you print or cut out whatever you want and run it through the machine and it turns it into a sticker with no shitty white border.
Only one, but a good one.
this post gave me autism
Gift this laptop to someone and neck yourself.
wie ist es so jeden Tag aufzuwachen und zu wissen das du eine komplette Verschwendung aller Resourcen, die man gebraucht hat dich aufzuziehen, geworden bist?
haha you're a faggot dude
The only ones I need
you thief. i always post this one
weiss ich nicht, da es auf mich nicht zutrifft. Habe zwei Jobs, studiere und bin für meine Leute da. Trotzdem finde ich den lauf der Dinge äusserst fragwürdig und gebe täglich mein Bestes die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen. Was machst du?
Kein Volltrottel sein der auf die Verblendung Antifas reinfällt
only one sticker needed
It's actually a fridge magnet so that they can switch sides when anti-fascism is nolonger trendy.
that's a pathetic response tbqh
Please peel if off.
Should have stuck it to the bottom so at a glance it looks like a real manufacturer-placed sticker.
>gebe täglich mein Bestes die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen
nice i3 user :)
only decent ones.
the rest is 100% cringe.
Do you even realize you're an useful idiot helping giant corporates ruin our world or your just trolling?
That looks awful
falschparker anspucken
You must be 18 to post on this site
Looking delightful, dude!
Edge Machine comming through. Atleast it's not memes.
Du verdienst den Strick.
I have a Phantasy records sticker on my old laptop
buying stuff second hand, trying to not order online, not having a loan, blacklist companies that are know for treating their employees like shit, give stuff to my friends for free when they need it, letting people crash on my couch when they need it, actually talk to and acknowledge homeless people on the street. Just trying to dont be an ass more than I need to.
Conways game of life was practically invented before computers by a mathematician