/hpg/ - Headphone General

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I want to lick her legs



PC + Apollo Twin Quad MK2

>Type of headphone
Full Sized

>Open or closed
Either, open preferred but whatever

>Comfort level

>Sound signature
Something fun to listen to, preferably known for its bass

>Past headphones
HD600s for detail analysis and some mixing
ATH M50X for tracking and PUBG
I need something fun

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

should I sell my ath m40x and get a pair of hd 569? theyre on sale on amazon for 130 euro
got the m40x for like 90 almost 1 year ago

thanks user

a 92khz/24bit dac is that a meme

MA900 but other way around

if you don't need the portability, yes

no sub-bass, scooped upper midrange
garbage low fidelity trash


>affordable is the word

That's the cue to post your headphones

i'm ordering the diy sabre dac and 48khz is £30, 96khz is £40

Idol trash here.
What's your getup like, user?

Something from the Foster 443742 variant family perhaps?
- Denon AH-D2000/5000 (discontinued years ago, DON'T overpay - pull the trigger on them if you come across a good deal)
- Massdrop TH-X00 (if there's no drops going on, look for 2nd hand units)
- E-MU Teaks

Full-size, over-ear, semi-closed (vented around cups). Comfort: yes. Sound sig: fun.

How can I convince a person that Beats by Dre are garbage?
Please give me an informed reason.

Bad value / money vs other brands offerings at any given point.

Magni 2
Modi 2
Ducky Shine 6
Mionix Castor

I see what you mean though, but what exactly makes the Beats so bad?

Neat setup. I like your choice of picture too :)
Do you have a favourite Love Live idol?

I'll read tomorrow, to bed now.


Show him the video of the guy doing the teardown showing it was $23 worth of parts and OEM drivers worth a few cents.

>audiophiles shit on beats because it's low performance for a high price
>yet audiophiles eat up their boutique brand name stuff that's also low performance for a high price, example: atticus

rly makes u think

You really have a boner for that user and his headphones, don't you?

it was a complete random example :^)

That smiley with the carat nose is telling me otherwise

>Give an example
>Follow it up with an example of something that isn't the same, no matter how much you want to say that it is

How're those grapes treating you?


I can 100% guarantee you don't have better headphones than user, no matter how shit measuring they are

t. atticus user

Do any of you give recommendations for speaker systems? Just looking for a simple 2.1 speaker setup for movies and non-partying music -- I want "true" sound that, for instance, Sennheiser HD280s give, not ridiculous bass (yet not non-existent, either). My guess is that most 2.1 setups would be fine, but I'm having trouble sorting out what's good/worth the money versus what's get bad reviews for not being good party speakers.

Well, do you, user?

budget? I would get some monitors or bookshelf speakers.

I'd prefer to go cheap as fuck, but let's say no more than $90.

>When you realize /hpg/ shitposters never post their headphones


How durable are the m40x? Im afraid to buy them because there are so many reviews on the ath website talking about them breaking.

speak for yourself

they are fairly durable for the price. chunky plastic and a detachable cable. just don't sit on them or smush them between heavy textbooks and you'll be fine for a while

>when you realize /hpg/ are too poor to buy anything but Snapheisers.

Nonsense, I speak for all of /hpg/!
Think poorer

You're right, it sucks to be poor ;_;

Nice fakes. :^)

>user says most of /hpg/ is poor
>takes it too personally and pics + timestamp
I don't know which is worse.. not responding to a callout or jumping the gun

How do you like the Lyra 2?

Great, but not for anyone looking for forward highs or tons of air. They are some of the comfiest-tuned IEMs I've ever used, but they aren't really dark. The mid-highs and highs are still there, and there's great detail and separation, they just have lush lows and liquid mids. Fantastic for Jazz, and great for all genres although I'd rather reach for the Jupiters for anything purely acoustic.

Best DAP for $400-700?

user, hawaiibadboy has a ridic amount of dap reviews:




Samsung S7

>Type of headphone

>Comfort level

For some weird reason some headphones I've used before for this phone doesn't fit into the jack correctly - it's very loose and just falls out at the slightest bit of movement. There are also some headphones that work just fine without it. Not sure if the phone itself has a defect or just my shitty headphones. Was using the Kyoo-Up O42 previously.

Does anyone have any experience with the Hifiman HE-400i's? I've been really curious about them and I'm interested in buying them.

>cold day outside
>wear a jacket and come in
>want to watch something while still cold and put on headphones
>after its over, stand up and take off jacket
> hear and feel the static discharge onto headphones
Had me spooked there for a second.

they're great

Redditor you took that image from got that issue fixed

Pioneer xdp-100r had been amazing so far, I think there's a higher end version too.

Yeah I own a pair. So far so good, works great and my pair arrived in perfect condition. There's a 30 day return policy and one year warranty, so if something unfortunate like this shitposter seems to get hard over happens you get a replacement.

with a little EQ, it's endgame material and a better buy than the meme600 and 650s

>better buy than the meme600 and 650s

>What is reading comprehension?
Not user, but:
>With a little EQ
That tripfaggot at least owns a headphone, what do you have?

>Pioneer xdp-100r
I heard it's output volume was fairly shitty but apparently it was fixed in an update at some point?

How would this be for HD650/600?

What is the standard entry level pair of headphone? My friend asked me for a recommendation.
If he asked me a few years ago I would have said the ATH-M50x
Are the M50x still a solid recommendation?

>is too braindead to properly EQ headphones
>instead settles on the overpriced, mid centric meme cans that snap under regular use and have high levels of distortion


>headphones got staticy and shit the other night
>been fine the last two days

I don't understand but I'm ok with this.

>implying HE400i is built better than any HD6xx series headphone

can't comment on that pairing because I use sensitive BA iems with it and not anything high impedence/insensitive. That being said, it has a line out mode that you could use for a separate headphone amp for more power.

Were you the guy with the Novas? If so, how do you like them?

nope, not me. I use heir audio 4ais and etymotic er4xr

>Implying you've tried any
>Implying you've owned any

Nice. Any impressions to share on the 4ais?

>completely ignores image because it's the sad truth
>23 years later and snapheiser thinks the headband is a good design and doesn't need any changes
>$100 for a headband

hmmmm. I think I know why they haven't bothered to change it.

all these sennheiser vs hifiman posts and I'm just laying here enjoying my atticus

>When the HD 6X0 has a shittier headband design than the cheaper HD 5X9 headphones

forward mids and highs but not sibilant. Imaging and separation is whats impressive from them, which is rare for IEMs. the stage isn't very wide but it's fairly tall so it doesn't feel congested. Bass is good as far as texture and extension is good for a BA iem, but there isn't much depth or slam like in a typical dynamic driver iem.

The er4xr in comparison go deeper and do better with bassier music as a whole, and the mids are about equal with the 4ais. That being said, vocals are only ***okay*** on them and I feel like they don't image nearly as well. 4ais is certainly more pinpoint where with the er4xr you only get the general direction.

$80 (OK maybe a *little* more)


PC and Walnut V2S as amp

>Type of headphone
Full Sized

>Open or closed
Closed, want as little sound entering/leaking

>Comfort level
As much as possible

>Sound signature
Something slightly warm or V-shaped. Don't like cold/bright sounding headphones

>Past headphones
SHP9500 (like them but they are wide open)
JVC HA FXT-90 IEMs (not the greatest but for some reason I loved them)

Heh, the 4ais sounds an awful lot like the Jupiter. If they could achieve that slam and rumble that DD's have, they'd probably be my endgame IEM.

Status audio cb-1 for muh warmth.
If you want to take a shot at neutral but not cold, ath-m40x.

There's a massdrop thing going on for those smaller e-mu headphones which are supposedly good for bass, but I won't explicitly recommend them as I've never had any personal experience with them.

>he doesn't know that HiFiMAN is regarded as one of the worst audiophile brands when it comes to build quality

Quit trying to lure me into your general

Join us, user. It's all anime degeneracy and shitposting here. You don't actually need to own headphones to fit in; half of us don't.

>snap at regular use
fatty spottted

>$100 headband
you must pay a premium for its modular design. Hifiman does not have this

be careful. he'll tell you it came in a nice box and that the shipping time was fast (as if that has anything to do with build quality)

>the laughing stock of /hpg/ thinking his opinion has any clout

That would be Sennshill and whoever keeps shilling Sennheisers but don't actually own them

>has nice headphones and IEMs
>is the laughing stock of this general

and then there's you, the real guy with no clout.

>only 2 of the headphones in that image are actually broken.


>You don't actually need to own headphones to fit in; half of us don't.
half of us don't own decent headphones and get made fun of for it
the other half owns decent headphones and gets made fun of for it

it's win win really

See, now this guy gets it.

I wonder how many of those were willingly dismantled. I don't see anything wrong with the whole top and bottom row (aside from the earpad).

>I wonder how many of those were willingly dismantled.
None of them. It's Chinkshit. It falls apart.

Fuck, I literally only see two broken headphones, not including that bent headband from whichever fat fuck decided to sit on that piece of metal.

So, it wasn't actually broken?

>has reddit posters plastered all over his walls
>spends all day shitting on hd6xx build, when he owns Hifimans

>not a laughing stock
l o l

All of them are broken except the earpad one. Those gimbals are known for breaking easily.

>not owning headphones
>spends all day playing damage control for Sennheiser
>doesn't own headphones

k e k

>those gimbals are known for breaking easily
no they arent, they literally are designed to be quickly assembled and disassembled

>no they arent

the ironic thing is that the hd6xx is the most durable of the mid-fi headphones

I actually have a MDR-V6 but I hardly ever use it and just stick to my speakers.

>just stick to my speakers
Then leave us. You're too based for this shitty general

>when $20 headphones B T F O $1100 headphones

yo zmf shill, did your th02s arrive today? how are you enjoying your upgrade?

or did he die rock climbing?

>owns a headphone
>tells us what it is
still better than a few anons here who refuse to post their headphone. meanwhile they shitpost about every other one under the sun

STAX SR-009 but nobody believes me :^(

Christ their shit is pricey.