Remind me why Sup Forums hates him?

Remind me why Sup Forums hates him?

No underwater stones or judging, just need some clarity

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hello firend it seems u have made an e-celeb thread :~) actually, this is the technology board, not the e-celeb board. please go somewhere else. thank u

look at his old ncix review videos
now compare that to his channel

so you are saying casual factor went skyrocket high?

Shilling, laziness, incompetence.

He is bad at his "job".
I can't stand to watch incompetence.

>He is bad at his "job".
Nice generalized statement.
Think you are badass enough to back it up with specific examples or we can just agree to ignore your shitpost and move on?

Idk but his walk along rants are the only parts I like about his channel

Max is also a cute tranny

OP asked for a "reminder" why "Sup Forums" hates him, not a detailed essay on why Linus is a piece of shit.

not even that user

no reason other than he sounds like a whiny fag

just looking at his videos I get a "Ten things [x] doesn't want you to know"/"YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS THING IS TRUE"/"how to hax your vision into HD 4k" vibe and the thumb nails pretty much confirm it.

Yeah, i feel ya.
I mostly watch to masturbate on new cool stuff he has luxury to try/use because 3rld wold country poorfag who will never own any.

>losing raid array
>memes like RGB
>not testing sound card with sound card benchmark (passmark /realaudio) and descring fucking 1/0 wave as "more roboust with better bass"
>forcing shitty software (like raid with win and meme software unraid,)
not using zfs or other resonable linux raid solutions
>pro gaming / pro consumer bullshit without going in depth

nothing wrong with that. I just wouldn't take anything he says seriously without checking other reviews first. he's probably getting paid to shill a lot of that shit.

>3 raid 5s
>All striped together
>Actually doing this off paper
He fucked up so bad. Even a single fuckup on that and everything is gone because he didn't back up.

Who needs backing up when you have data restoration wizards on call 24/7

Those niggers were literally fucking magic
That shit was so vital to Linus that his entire company, all of it, was fucked if that company of literal wizards didn't save his sorry ass

>my very first

>I mostly watch to masturbate on new cool stuff he has luxury to try/use because 3rld wold country poorfag who will never own any.
Why would you waste your time like that?

10 minutes isnt much of a waste, not like I can use them for anything better

With that attitude you can't.

>not watching L1
>current year

>le attitude meme
>in 2017
how embarassing

Building again HIS first gaming PC? Are you some kind of retard?

i used to imagine the sexual tension in that room


fuck you

He's incompetent

older videos he at least went into detail on his reviews

so many videos now they fail at the end and just brush it off

look at whole room water cooling

all pipes gunked up the waterblocks and it was a 100% waste of time cus he's retarded


Hi Linus.

I hate his voice and mannerisms so I don't watch him, I don't hate him as a person though

Wow, this channel still exists? do they still get angry that people call him a trap?

Genuinely a nice guy overall, though he gets sometimes on the nerves

I don't hate him.

Shit attitude desu.

Whoever's dick he sucks must know what it feels like to get head from a blender, the poor masochistic bastard.

So what are some Sup Forums approved channels

>rebuilding my very first gaming pc
lame filler content like this

>No underwater stones
what did xe meme by this?

Because GNU is far more important yet he gets all the credits.

absolutely niggerlicious

I don't mind him, but i don't take anything he says seriously.
The fun comes when he fucks up.

>still buying soundcards

and his damage control

Honestly? His voice.

And his damage control, yes.

he sounds gay lol

>underwater stones

Luke "Virgin Merlin" Smith

Bisqwit is good.

Eevblog is quite fine.

I think he's entertaining. The problem most Sup Forumstards seem to have with him is that they are at the same average IQ level as this guy. Thus they can't fathom how someone as mediocre as they themselves can make money with a hobby while they need to work low wage jobs to get some budget GPU.
If you've got a higher IQ (1 or 2 std deviations higher) and thus have a lot of money to spend you can see the guy for what he is: an entertainer.
I enjoy his channel just as much as I enjoy watching taytay music videos.
People who hate on linus = teenage girls who hate on taytay because they envy her.

he's pretty good at his job: generating huge amounts of video views.
you just can't cope with the fact that he's nothing special yet he makes absurd amounts of money with your hobby. all while you are a bitterfag sitting in your basement and hating the world because you didn't dare to start shitty tech reviews on youtube.

it's like posting a f.a.t.a.l thread on /tg/

i work in the marketing department for one of the big 3 chip companies

i hate working with this prissy queen

Linus is pretty cool.


>look at whole room water cooling
>all pipes gunked up the waterblocks and it was a 100% waste of time cus he's retarded

Yeah, that was an interesting idea but executed so fucking terribly.
They had constant leaks because the pipes were welded together really badly and just taped over those.
I still would like to see someone like Rainfall projects who's actually competent at working out things like that tackle the idea some day.

I don't think people here care as much as you imply and i don't think people here actually hate him, obviously i can't know for sure.

We have all kinds of people here and many are here mainly for their very niche interest. I usually don't post outside of /dpt/, /tpg/, /fglt/ and shitpost threads (like this one) but when i do i only shit in the things i don't care about. It's not because i hate those things but because i don't care and maybe i will get to make someone mad, i would probably not act like that outside Sup Forums.

OP, is this a idiom you just made up?

Stop trying to be counterculture, everyone likes celebrities.

Is Max transgendered? Because she's really beautiful desu, totally never would've guessed.

it's a poorly translated russian idiom. basically means hidden obstacles.

she's manlier than linus but that doesn't say much

not everyone plays video games with their computer

pic related, my sound card cost more than your fucking computer.

Darmok and Jalad, at Tanagra.

He is very annoying and he keeps appearing on my recommendations, despite the fact that I hate him so much.

Sup Forums thinks they are smarter and more successful than linus but i can assure you that isnt the case. You're average Sup Forumsentooman is a college kid who doesnt no shit about anything also phone threads

>she's really beautiful


Ok, want a cookie sweaty

What happened to Tek Syndicate?

Every time he does a sponsorship video, he downplays problems and basically lies for money to underage people on YouTube;
often contradicting things he previously said in the past (like the CPU temperatures shit).
I guess you could say that's the point of sponsorship, but still, the man makes a living by lying to kids about tech which translates to kids making hefty mistakes spurred by a shill. He's human trash.

Linus Shill Tips is
80% 20% Whether he should be posted on Sup Forums is debatable.
It is a fact however that:
- He leans more towards entertainment than being educational (even if it is 9gag level entertainment for retarded people).
- His reviews are geared mostly towards gamers and 13-year-olds rather than actual tech enthusiasts.
- He doesn't actually know much about tech beyond the level an average gamer knows.
- He is mainly a marketer and brand shill, rather than a tech(nician) or a tech hobbyist.
A tech hobbyist is interested in much more than just the narrow gaming tech field.
A Sup Forums related Youtuber should at least be involved in actual projects and wikis or reverse engineering and repair,
tangible and defined involvement like Wendell for instance.
That is to say: His reviews of hardware are shallow and scratch the surface, and the same goes for software,
because that is his maximum capacity and any more would end up with him looking stupid with every word (and he already has instances of speaking stupidity on the shallow level of hardware discussion).

I believe that banning LTT from Sup Forums would increase Sup Forums's general quality pertaining to the board's main topic: Technology.

I also believe that moving LTT to Sup Forums would also increase Sup Forums's general quality pertaining to video gaming since getting a bit educated on how gaming hardware works would reduce stupid GPU/CPU wars threads.

Wendell left and it's nothing but consumer gaymer shit now.

Linus can theoretically be a shill of everything Sup Forums loves, and Sup Forums will still rightfully hate him because mutual agreements on certain products don't magically invalidate that he is a dumb faggot shill who should be posted on the dedicated containment gaymer board for tech retards instead of Sup Forums.

LinusShillTips isn't Sup Forums. It's .

He is a dumb label reader.
He doesn't know even basic physics, math, or coding.
He doesn't have, and never had, a legit tech job.
He doesn't have any tech related degree/diploma/course certification.
His Linkedin is full of management bullshit, swimming instructor, and boyscout.
Yet in spite of all of this he acts as if he knows anything, and as if he represents the tech collective.

He is a fucking marketer. His hardware reviews are about as informative as reading the fucking PDF.
The average Joe is more likely to get fucked over by listening to his idiocy.
His "humor" is 9gag level.

He is so fucking tech illiterate that he had to employ a special writer for his TechQuickie channel because he's too stupid himself.
The same faggot who tried to push a spiritual book as a solution for Carpal Tunnel or something.

His group is a marketing group, not a tech group.

He had to Internet beg for money in order to move to an office, which he managed to get ripped off on because he is a dumb faggot (admits it).
A fucking hotel cleaner in Las Vegas who gets paid on average $2400-$2700 a month can sooner or later afford what Linus has to beg for on the Internet, or beg to the manufacturers and labels.
He depends on his wife's BJ income, and she looks like those roach monsters from Terra Formars (pic related).
He pays his faggot employees minimum wage [admitted in the WAN show discussion between him and Luke], his ad revenue has halved in the meantime, and YT revenue is shit in the first place.

If you want computer case angles and proper feature description with objective reviews, you watch those faggots HardwareCanucks, who even go as far as reviewing fucking dust filters.
If you want to post on-topic Sup Forums related YouTubers, you post people who actually have tech jobs, tech education, and practical application; like Wendell from TekShitdictate, or Louis Rossman for board repair and reading blueprints.

Fuck off to .

He is prosumer trash that appeals to the same audience as CSI: Cyber. They're both packed with about the same amount of useful information.

He couldn't make his Cisco router work. He couldn't make his pfSense router work. He couldn't build a 1u server so "1u servers are teh sux". He clipped parts off his 2u server to get components to fit. He tried to build a NAS. He did that terrible 10Gbe LAN implementation. And He tried to water cool his house with hilarious results.

He is as amateur as they come but he's too stupid to see it. His viewers are ignorant fools if they take him seriously. Good on him for fleecing them but anyone who follows his bullshit is dumber than Linus. I've only ever seen part of one of his videos and I thought it was an April fool's day show until someone pointed out they were all like that. I've gotten wind of all his other fuckups second hand.

If someone advertises in his show I won't buy their product. I'm assuming it doesn't work and they have to pay someone to shill to the ignorant masses.

His show looks like a high school project that didn't work and he's always trying to figure it out at the last minute while the judges are watching.

His wife looks like a Japanese urban legend monster. I know she's probably Korean or Viet but she looks like something out of Japanese lore that greets you on the street after dark and eats your skin if you don't tell her where her dead daughter is buried.

This man married a Johj.
Never trust anything that comes out of a man who would marry a Johj.
Even if he says that water is wet, seek another source to validate this statement.

That's not a sound card retard. A sound card is a thing you plug into your PCIe slot, and it's an utter meme.

>make a thread on a technology board about a man who neither produces nor has direct involvement of any kind in technology, merely being a marketing shill for which there are already containment boards
>make a thread about a guy whose target audience is beneath the age of 18, on a site where being under the age of 18 is against the global rule on bannable and allowed age, thereby inviting an audience against the global rule of Sup Forums
>make a thread on Sup Forums about a guy whose only job is to deceive and scam underage people for sponsorship support, when there is already a board for such shit called Sup Forums
>make a thread about a guy who is currently the laughing stock of most of the YouTube creator and tech hobbyist community, which is therefore a violation of the rule asking Sup Forums users to make higher quality posts where possible since LTT is bottom of the barrel in marketing quality

>be surprised when you are told to get the fuck out
Get the fuck out OP, and take your LTT shit with you.

I don't watch him, but that actually sounds interesting.

Like the Ja/ck/ of Sup Forums. There's some charm to someone who just starts on something without prep and shows the results no matter what they are.

>and shows the results no matter what they are.
Shows the results that end in him removing a video after actually knowledgeable people shit on him for it, like the oven baking retardation.

Unfortunately, the point is to avoid that video coming into existence in the first place before the damage is already done by influencing clueless kids to destroy the ovens of their parents, and potentially make things even worse for the GPU since various components have various melting points and fixing the circuit doesn't mean other healthy components haven't been fucked as a side-effect now.

Sadly, it's not that retards are allowed to post on YouTube, it's that retards are then being socially "accepted" by even bigger retards and given free legitimacy as a result, to the damage of the whole sector and its reputation.

kek this.
Nigga married some kind of hellspawn.

I watch his videos when I'm bored. It's not like they are awesome, but it's a great way to kill your time.

Except /tg/ loves fatal because it's just a meme. Without exaggeration I can emphatically tell you that no one on there has, or ever will, play a session of fatal.

Him making money doesn't impact my life in any way.
But his content is bad.
He does not know how to review anything, so if you classify him as a tech reviewer, he is a bad one.
His humor is all centered about how dumb he is, so if you classify him as a comedian, he is a bad one. Being stupid is more annoying than funny.
>but he gets views
A bus driver that endangers kids with reckless driving might also get paid but I wouldn't call that a good job.
I hold pedophiles in higher regard than someone who makes advertisements.

This reason makes me want to play FATAL if nothing else.

He doesn’t spread the thermal paste.

That’s why I dislike him.

You don't actually do this, right?

One lone coder is good too

Scrapyard Wars is cool.
The rest of the content is meh.

Of course I spread it you retard.

>Remind me why Sup Forums hates him?
because he's popular


no you idiot you put it on the yellow dots
its where the hot is, so you put as much as you can

If only there weren't other popular figures Sup Forums is ok with, then your statement might be worth more than a pile of cow dung.
Sadly for you, Sup Forums is ok with popular figures who are not retarded idiots and it happen that LinusShitTips is not one of them.

>3 raid 5s, striped together in Windows

name 1 "popular" figure that Sup Forums is okay with

and I don't mean popular in the geek circle, someone who regularly gets millions of views on youtube

So... no straw-manning?
Reminds me of figures of speech in other languages that don't translate well: e.g: a Chinese pun for being censored is being "water-crabbed".

I don't like Canadians

linus is pretty good. i think Sup Forums hates him because he doesn't give AMD a fair chance and only goes with Nvidia/Intel products for his builds (aside from the occasional server build). and i think they dislike him because he knows his way around computers, but still has a wife and a kid and has a career doing what he enjoys.