Time to switch
Time to switch
enjoy your botnet
(what I'm trying to convey)
>disable Google
>absolutely no problems like this at all
I even deny all permissions to Google Play Services.
>inb4 jus cm14 without gapps bruh
>implying Verizon phones have root
Switch to what?
It's nice of them that they let you know.
No, that's the thing, they don't.
That dialogue only appears because I enabled the LineageOS privacy guard.
I mean fuck, they just record audio from your microphone when you unlock your phone, without telling you.
This shit has to stop
fucking iOS I guess
>This shit has to stop
what can we do though?
Will they care about a couple of Sup Forums autists? We could spread the word to normies but 99% of them won't give a shit.
Create your own OS then, fucking retard
>inb4 CloverOS mobile
I'll make the logo
what about firefox os lol
yeah that's the sad truth
fuck off, please
I miss the time when I used Symbian. Ah, will the care-free days ever return?
>installing gapps
Lmao Symbian is one of the reasons for the fall of Nokia they just couldn't keep up with Google and Apple
>hurrrr, it r time to switch!!!!
God damn, I know you guys enjoy a good circlejerk, but it literally lets you deny it access right there on the fucking screen. If you don't want to use the assistant, then don't fucking use it.
>they just couldn't keep up with Google and Apple
thank God, we'd have yet another botnet OS
That's a Lineage OS feature. You wouldn't get that on stock ROMs.
>implying Google gives half of a fuck about your conversations
I gave up and embraced the botnet long ago. All you can do in today's world is minimize how much personal info you willingly put out onto the net. The only thing Google really knows about is my Hatsune Miku collection
It always asked for microphone. How do you think the "Ok Google" gimmick works?
Yeah, you never see anything about that on stock ROMs. Be sure to ignore the "can google record audio to make google assistant work?" message when you set up the phone. Wow, how shady! Oh man, those bastards at google are just recording my shit without even getting my permission!
op here, have done just this
still makes me a bit sad though
yeah I know, but there are plenty of other things, mainly your precise location that constantly get tracked by play services, maps etc
Joke's on you for buying that POS
Yup. Nothing wrong with safeguarding your data and personal info. But with how deep rooted the botnet is in everything, it's just so much more effort to try to completely avoid it.
Wow, I just don't know what to tell you. Does your phone not let you turn location off?
Do you even know what PlayServices is?
>the state of Sup Forums in 2017
I have yet to think of something "really damning" that google might have access to. I guess the worst thing would probably be my Chrome history and saved passwords for the dozen or so PTs that I'm a member of. Other than that, I don't know.
If I really want to "look up something shady" online or whatever, I'll use a VM with a different browser and an overseas proxy. It isn't perfect, but it is probably fine for any use case I could possibly have.
Sup Forums always talks about le botnet maymay, and I get the principal behind the matter (don't just blindly give your information away on the internet), but I think the real focus should be "be more mindful of who you give it to" in a volumetric sense.
So much botnet and they can't even catch the Tampa serial killer when he's been recorded on camera while looking at his fucking phone minutes before murdering someone.
yes, I know what google play services are
yes, location is off and also blocked for apps that don't really need it in LOS privacy guard
also by denying most apps to run in the background my battery life doubled, without my phone losing significant functionality
makes you think
oh, and those apps still run in background, but only if in your recents
at the very least this shit should be an optional app you can install, not pre-bundled with every factory android distribution. i don't know a single person who actually uses the voice recognition thing on their mobile.
>also by denying most apps to run in the background my battery life doubled, without my phone losing significant functionality
>makes you think
>oh, and those apps still run in background, but only if in your recents
This doesn't really make me think, as I've done actual android development, and understand the application lifecycle. I can see why you'd think your phone wasn't losing "significant functionality", but i guess you just don't use any applications that would be hampered by those settings.
Good on you, user.
kill yourself
its cause you pressed voice search you dumb twat.
>reverse anti-leddit posting
Truly impressive.
It's an optional app. GAPPS is optional. Even when you have GAPPS it gives the option to disable assistant when you set up the phone. If this level of hand-holding is too much for you then just use a dumbphone.
i'm aware of this. i said "factory" distribution for a reason. i'm on lineage.
Why are you even using Pixel Launcher and Google Assistant?
oh, ok
yeah, I'm quite surprised it still mostly works, although I did make sure to chose carefully what to disable and what to leave on
What are you, gay?
no, did not.
but the reason is probably that Assistant needs to listen for "Ok Google" (of course)
PureOS. Buy Librem 5, it will be available in 2019. Perfect time to escape the botnet.
it's not Pixel Launcher, it's Trebuchet, the stock LineageOS launcher
You can easily uninstall that as well.
squeuse, but why exactly would I want to replace it?
Have you not read anything posted in this thread?
no nigger you have to manually enable it.
I did a while ago, faggot
Does Google Hangouts work with MicroG?
does anyone other than you use hangouts? it's among the first apps I uninstall on a device.
Yea I have a couple of friends that use it. I also use it for my Google Voice number since cell overage sucks at some area at the University I'm attending.
was a large enough idiot to realize the "Google" app included the Assistant
>press Remember my choice
>press Deny
man that sure was hard work
Enjoy using ur dumb phone, you old man.