Sup Forums whats your thoughts on the global movement of Pirate Partys?

Sup Forums whats your thoughts on the global movement of Pirate Partys?

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Special interest political parties have never appealed to me. It's like the environmentalist parties in Europe, they have a couple of political issues, but on other issues they either disagree entirely or are ultra-left.


The SJWs had taken control of the parties. But the core of the ideology is good for me.

Closest thing we've got to anarchists that also stands a chance at entering parliament, really. I'd vote for them but they haven't made themselves relevant here.

Your a lamer, too

Retarded SJWs, nobody should give them attention because that’s all those faggots wants, it’s a cesspool of narcissistic idiots who don’t actually care about politics and just want to show off their „superior“ morals.

>a political movement literally built upon the idea of using a product without paying for it
lmao get this communist shit outta here

Single-issue parties are dumb as hell.

this. i was a founding activist of one of the early european pirate partys back in 2006 and a few years later the movement was swarmed by greens, communists and sjw until it had nothing to do with what it was supposed to be. i left around 2010 and never looked back. it's dead.

This the Unix philosophy in politics, user.

We Sup Forums party.

Czech Pirate Party got 11% in parliament elections, I'm really curious how they handle it. It's not activist, anarchy or SJW party, but that might be regional.

Buncha commie fags and some geeks

you can't have a party focusing on a single project ignoring every other matter

>The SJWs had taken control of the parties

Same way the MS is taking control of linux.

Multiple Sclerosis?

>Same way the MS is taking control of linux.
So in other words, completely fictional and made up scaremongering from the tinfoil hat wearing and anti-semittic crowd on Sup Forums?

No, by infiltration.

They are all composed of stupid leftshits.
Anyone who votes for them has got to be legit retarded.

They're kind of reddit-tier. But it's good to have a party that's based around not beeing technolgically retarded. A shame that they are not politically literate.

they kinda miss the biggest element, and perhaps a notion of economics too.

We should make based Sup Forums politics user?

That gril from the Dutch piratenpartij is pretty hot desu

I voted for them, they better prove themselves worthy now. And not going with ANO is imho a bad start.

They are an absolute joke in the Netherlands at least. The original founders were even removed from the party because they were not leftist enough. Even worse, they were replaced by tech-illiterates that could not explain the most basic concepts.

I guess that the pirate part sounds just too good so everyone wants to join.

They turn themselves into controlled oposition.

they have some decent opinions in my country but they're antifa supporters and don't mind seizing property of others, they also got 3rd place in elections, pic related

>it's not activist or sjw party
top kek

Another reason why Iceland is a great country to live user, I preffer them over the corrupt bankers rulling a country.