Which is the best form of autism, Sup Forums?


install gentoo


install freebsd

The only gentoo variant that I liked was pentoo because it was a less shitty version of kali when you needed to do actual pentesting without faggotry involved.
Pretty sure the project died 2 years ago tho.

And to answer you both are shit but gentoo is Sup Forums certified meme for newfags.

>both are shit
how so?

Everyone move out of the way, best autism coming through.

install source mage

funtoo is better
although I might be slightly biased as I run funtoo myself

Sell me. I have regular Gentoo downloaded and written to a USB.

Void lunix

Alpine, it’s real cozy

funtoo explicitly doesn't support systemd while gentoo just doesn't run it by default


funtoo because the original creator of gentoo is now developing funtoo instead, basically making funtoo the new gentoo

Wow really?
So much for Gentoo purity of choice eh?

Are they using the same repos?

install hardened gentoo

Anyone who uses anything with a bsd license is Apple, Sony, and Nintendo's bitch.

What do you use then?

funtoo with LICENSE="@FREE" is the BEST distro a man can ever install on his machine

Is that it? Because I don't run systemd anyway.

Install CloverOS


isnt MacO$ proprietary?

Funtoo is the one without purity of choice you dumbass tripfag. Gentoo still lets you choose systemd.

They are pretty similar. Funtoo is basically Gentoo that uses git instead of rsync to sync the portage tree by default. Also there are a couple different packages between the two.

Just install pic related if you want the best source-based distribution.

Yes but it includes BSD coreutils and the Darwin kernel is FOSS afaik.

Don't let them cuck you this easily, just like G does with Chrome.
Proprietary """fragments""" still means the software is not FOSS. You can't trust it.

You already know.


install solus