>be a NEET
>host my own git repo on my own site
>no coworkers of any kind, ever
>no SJWs auditing my function names or comments
>release everything under beerware with a wallet address in the header comments of the code
>make a little over $500/month in tips plus muh NEETbux
>contribute to other projects sometimes on github and other sites
>disregard any commits or pulls that are non-technical in nature
>ignore all requests for support unless they conform to muh bug report template standards

Has there every been a better time in all of human history to take it easy while developing software that respects both the user's freedoms and the Unix philosophy, lads?

>be NEET
your a leech, worst than the sjws

It's alright wagie, you'll be able to take it easy just like me once you hit retirement age.

How are people still this fucking illiterate?

it's some 3rd world retard or maybe a 13 year old

I don't really think that counts as NEET. What happens when your software's useful enough that you're making minimum wage?

>500 a month
Why not get a real job and make 500 dollars every 2 days

What good is that money if you never have the time to spend it.
Instead, wagies deal with their existential frustrations by living vicariously through their kids.

How do you have a software that popular??

Whats the point of having a lot of time and being a dirt poor NEET?

>not a NEET
I am not employed by anyone, nor am I seeking employment or business relations of any kind. The contributions to existing software and development of new software on my part are purely for the sake of the software itself.

And if I start making more money, I can buy more hobbyshit and more interesting food. Or whatever else I want to do with it, I guess.

Because I don't need to.

To take it easy. I can study whatever I like, do whatever I like whenever I like.

Not being tied down to any one place means you're not weighed down by shitty money sinks like property or loans.
Is a lifetime of debt really that appealing to you?

I'm always writing new flavor-of-the-month JavaScript frameworks.

Being a college student isnt a neet you retard

>lifetime of debt
I have enough cash in the bank to pay my student loans off right now. I have a new z71 silverado that i am glad ro be indebt with, i love it. I rent i can move whenever i want

>you have to be a university student or in school to study

too bad you only drive that thing to work and it sits abandoned most of the day in a parking lot sun baking away while losing most of it's value within 3 years while you're still making payments on it

Meanwhile, i could buy up a nice car that's already depreciated as far as it will go and have no worries about it getting damaged or banged up because it was only about $2k or so.
I bet you still baby the shit out of it for scratches.

Care to explain what do you do exactly? I'd love to make some extra money

Jokes on you i got the truck off lease and they dont lose value after that


How do you live of that little?

It's pretty easy to live on 500 a month when you're not in a country with an overinflated housing market.
I read somewhere that silicon valley residents, despite earning 6 figures, spend literally half their salary on rent alone.
That's insane.

You missed the part about the NEETbux, but it's not hard to live within your means.

You could if you had a garden and you got half your groceries off the land while also paying a really low rent.
If nigger OP isn't lying though, he's probably living in a shithole with really low living costs.

>500 every 2 days
You're supposed to be making $500 an hour.

t. Bitcoin trader


You're missing some diversity

Living off donations is NEETdom, and it is something everyone should strive for, as it is the only way open source software can succeed, free of corporate influence.

sounds pretty comfy senpai
what kind of software do you write?

But neetbux is just social security right? You arent allowed to open any accounts under your name with more than $2k in savings and its only $350 a month.

Am I missing info on neetbux?

God's work.

m8 he's making more than me working part time.

>That's insane
I live in a town of 20-30k people in South Carolina and rent is easily half your income at twice minimum wage.
Wages are just shitty in America period.

You get social security, supplemental security, and also electronic food benefits.

Also you qualify for low income housing reserved for disabled people that is built in most cities and rent is like $300 bucks.

You can work you just can't (legally) save money.

>ameritwinks unironically thinking they have shitty wages

>Wages are just shitty in America period.
>In the country with the highest wages in the world
Cry harder faggot. Call me when your minimum wage is $250 monthly for 48 hour a week.

when everything is expensive, yes it's a shitty wage
i'm sure you earn 30 bucks a day in your shit country but i'm sure you don't pay 30 bucks for a single grocery run

Got it wrong
I earn 20 a day and spend 30 for a single grocery run

And that is a "decent" wage

What do you even buy that drains so much money? Stop buying expensive shit and eat chicken and veggies from the mexican market.
A grocery run should burn $10 at most in the worst case scenario when shit's running out.

in't not so much that wages are shit its that the housing market is shit. a bunch of boomers bought real estate and passed zoning laws to make it hard to build anything, because they don't want their property values going down. developers don't like building cheap housing because its difficult to make much of a profit on it. and if you rent it out too cheap it attracts niggers and methheads that destroy things.

you both missed the point faggots