/hpg/ - Headphone General

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stop with the loli anime bullshit

what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?

So I was gifted a pair of skullcandy wired headphones with a built in mic in them.

They were nice for listening to music/videos and for making phone calls (I really liked them for this)

I started using them for the gym and a couple of days ago the left side stopped working. I am more than likely sure I ruined them with my sweat.

Are there any good headphones you guys recommend that can resist a lot of sweat? I'm thinking of going for wireless headphones because when I sprint the damn wire gets caught up in my arms

>Liked my wired headphones but sweat killed one side
>Looking for wireless headphones that resist sweat and can be used for making calls as well


what do you ezpect from casuals

tfw loli is illegal here in straya

straya has good taste then since they don't like what is essentially a little boy with a vagina hence gay

Don't care to buy the supplies to build one, so what's a good tube amp comparable to bottlehead crack ?

valhalla 2

crack has a unique sound that pairs well with the hd600/650

that being said schiit valhalla 2, darkvoice 336se, little dot

I heard. I don't have any senn headphones, just e-mu and DT1990 for now


Little dot mkIII, darkvoice 336se.

That being said calling them comparable is a stretch, the crack is a lot of tube amp for the money. Just get a $20 soldering iron and do it, the circuit is simple. If you can build a Lego set or a computer you can build a crack.

anime website

don't pair the e-mu with an OTL tube. you want hybrid or low output impedance OTC

Where are the anime feet?

headphone website

get better taste casual

kill yourself normie ;)

you're right, feet are much more patrician

Yeah, the 25 ohm impedence makes matching a bit harder

bottlehead S.E.X.


>not liking loli

>liking loli
do your parents know you're gay?

What are some notable otc tube amps?

Any suggestions for wired sport headphones? Seems like everyone is engineering Bluetooth and that's not what I want.

> Not running the wired through your shirt

starving student, bottlehead s.e.x. and mainline

This is the Sennheiser HD 600. Say something nice about it.

koss ksc75? cheap and sound good.

>Type of headphone
Sport, wired
>Open or closed
Ear buds, that are secure
>Comfort level
Secure af
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Sennheiser cx880

thank god it's not neutral

thank god it's very neutral

thank god it makes the HD650 look more like a bargain

Someone mentioned MSB in the last thread, and so now I'm looking at amps that cost more than my car.

I realize cables don't make a sonic difference, but goddamn these are sexy looking.

I'm too lazy and inexperienced to learn to solder stuff, user

These too.

daily reminder that price != quality

the audio market is a racket and diy is how you get around that. you could look into a mjolnir 2 but fuck schiit

don't bother with msb's amps, especially the estat ones, they're garbage. only their dacs are notable. DIY T2 shits all over their estat amp and is a bargain (even with an RK50 pot) compared

Pay someone to do it for you then.

Trust me, I'd never buy it, I'm just appreciating their aesthetic.

bose iems


the binaural one is funny as fuck

I hate the look of bottlehead stuff so much

ask me anything

assholes they are

when will you buy good headphones?

is soundstage real?

why do you buy so many mediocre headphones

Well, it works when Im lifting, but when it comes to running and sprinting my phone (OP2) swings all over the place making it very annoying


i am a fucking students you cunt

>Fucker Tarlson

Looks like something the soyboy would have on his desk.

>recommending high output impedance amplifiers

so that's the reason why you buy 4x crap instead of a single good headphone?

no its a lie lot of aids people goes there

Idol trash approves. Flat is justice.
What's your setup like, user?

i have 100 euros per month to buy headphone
suggest a good one
i find them decent tho

Save up for a few months and get a HD600.

you could sell all those and get an hd600

This, and they don't need an amp.

this is the next one i want to buy and the couple next will be open ones
i bought for a friend the grados 60e
and the akg belong to a relative
i go the mdr60 for everyday use and the bd dt770 for mastering

I have the SHP 9500s and V-MODA Crossfade M-100 right now.

I like the clarity of the SHP 9500s but they're really, really poor at bass and for some songs the sibilance is annoying. What's a good pair of cans to upgrade to? Budget isn't a big issue, I'm willing to even spend up to $1.5k-2k for good audio. Would the HD 6xx be a decent enough jump in quality? I've been looking into MrSpeakers Aeon right now, anyone tried it?

the bt dt770 is 250 ohm tho
and i already made a power amplifier from a swiss chip it s a A-B class

zmf auteur preorder right now for $1.5k

Just skip the Sennheiser meme and go for the aeon if you're willing to spend that much. Or wait for the audeze lcd2c.

Whats your source? Do you have a decent amplifier?

I have the fulla 2 right now, but I was going to buy either the xune x7s or schiit magni 3 sometime eventually.

I have some old Sennheiser HD650 phones that have most certainly deteriorated over the years.

Would it be worth it to replace the degraded parts and repair, or should I just get a pair of new ones?



HD 800 with SDR mod or HD 800S. They're not bass cannons or anything, but they just sound so damn satisfying to me. A little bass EQ would probably be enough to do you if you really needed more.

God I wish there was a closed equivalent so I could work in audio bliss at the office.

Total the costs, it's a completely modular headphone so you'll definitely get every part, if it's too expensive to repair I would just get a brand new one.

>Audeze, Mr. Speakers
HD800 is probably the least garbage of the high end headphones but it is still garbage

Don't bother with schiit down the line.

JDS labs offers a better desktop solution. The element is a great amp/dac.

what's a good high end headphone then

Buy a HD600.

Spend the rest on quality studio monitors like KH120.

High end headphones are a rip-off and it doesn't offer any improvements over cheaper headphones.

audeze has committed build quality sins in the past but the lcd2c looks much more durable.

Mr speakers stuff is built well, has excellent customer service, and measures exceptionally well. What's the problem?

Hd800 isn't bad but it's not amazing either. If you're spending that much on headphones, why bother with dynamic?

The pads are worse for wear, with the left foam disk almost completely gone. It won't break the bank ordering some new pads with core, but I'm worried something might've fallen in and damaged the driver, or gotten stuck.

Is there reason to worry, or are these things built to last longer than me? I need an adult.

something like HD800 for its comfort and construction but again it isn't perfect (See paint chipping), audeze headphones crack if you look at them and all of the other niche brands have their problems. I'm no sennheiser shill but buying from a company that does actual r&d is always better. HD800's weakness is its stock sound, no mods can fix it, the upper midrange is too recessed, bass is too bloated and treble is too forward, mods can tame the treble but the upper midrange is a problem for me

>why bother with dynamic?
superior to dated technology like planars that only shitty boutique manufacturers use for gimmick value

Remove the pads and listen to it at a moderate but not loud volume, if you don't hear anything that's not ordinary then it's good.

>High end headphones are a rip-off and it doesn't offer any improvements over cheaper headphones.

That's what I thought until I tried the HD 800. There really is a difference. I wouldn't pay full price, but given that you can get a used HD 800 for $600, there's no reason to buy a HD 600.

That said, I agree that people should pair them with good speakers. I'm saving up for a friend who's willing to sell 2x Genelec 8030Bs and a 7050A for just over $1000.

Thank you annotation-user.

>gimmick value
>flat bass and no distortion is "gimmick value"

seems like it offers tangible benefits user, albeit the engineering is harder.

you're speaking to an user who doesn't own any headphones and only reads graphs

There is no difference. HD800's soundstage is due to its recessed upper midrange. Everything goes back to frequency response once again.

I know nothing about headphones; thoughts on these?

>flat bass at the cost of literally everything else
no thanks

i went from an hd800s to the hd650 and don't feel like i'm missing much sound-wise, only the comfort and build quality is what i miss.


i wanted custom one pros but tay tays wearing dt 770's or similar model reeeee gonna habe tp get those instead

This flat bass meme really needs to stop. It's not like your ears perceive it as being flat bass.

Look at this image, which headphone do you think is perceived as having more mid-bass?

>It's not like your ears perceive it as being flat bass.
that's not why flat bass is good user. it shows that the headphone doesn't have bass roll off

>Everything goes back to frequency response once again.

What about, and I'm probably using the wrong term here, sound decay? I've seen those waterfall graphs that show how some headphones, sounds in certain frequencies stick around for longer than others, like the m1060's 6k ringing. Couldn't two headphones have the same FR graph but sound differently due to that?

Huh, maybe the HD650 I tried had bad pads or something, I definitely heard a difference.

this. inflated mid-bass results in a muddy sound.
Flat bass results in rumble and impact without being over-inflated and drowning out the mids like overdone midbass does.

A few dB roll off is barely audible, don't forget that it's harder to perceive sub-bass.

The most important factor for headphone quality at the moment is really spectral balance.

The LCD-2's sub-bass is indeed impressive, but the HD650 is the better overall headphone because it has a more neutral spectral balance.

not saying there isn't a difference, i much prefer the 650's frequency response to the 800's. i'm talking about this 'hd800 sound better because they're better' shit. frequency response is at least 90% of the sound and i never understand when people say vague shit like "its better because its better"

>The LCD-2's sub-bass is indeed impressive, but the HD650 is the better overall headphone because it has a more neutral spectral balance.
I don't care about either the hd650 or lcd-2 that's not the argument
>A few dB roll off is barely audible, don't forget that it's harder to perceive sub-bass.
also not the argument
>The most important factor for headphone quality at the moment is really spectral balance.
also not the argument.

flat bass is indicative of a well performing headphone that can increase bass without the costly side effect that is distortion. that's it. try playing a bass heavy song on a planar and it wont have issues with flabby bass, distorted vocals, etc. do it on a headphone with heavily rolled off bass and you're going to have issues

can i use my akg warranty if the plastic adjustment panel has totally cracked since it's an "evident defect in material"? fuck china the flimsy fucks

but they are better user

Veiled, has a mid bass bump and no sub bass.
Why do you guys fall for this shit?