Is the Blackberry Passport /ourphone/?
Is the Blackberry Passport /ourphone/?
>trying to hold a square to your ear instead of a rectangle
It used to be, but the Keyone has replaced it.
This, really. The keyONE is actually pretty great. It's not some crazy flagship, but the keyboard just werkz, so I'm glad with it. there are just a few rough edges, but other than that it's quite nice.
love the idea of these keyboard phones but i have giant/clubbed thumbs
>posted from my silver edition blackberry passport
I wish after EOL they would open the shit up and let people start porting linux to the device. Wrong time line I guess.
It was the best phone I've ever used, by far.
no, the librem 5 is /ourphone/
Squares are rectangles.
> Jan 2019 release date
Pretty sure in that time frame something better might be released, hopefully
handslet LOL
It would be perfect...
Hmmm, doesn’t the NSA spy on virtually all Android devices? (Unless you’ve hacked the living shit out of the firmware/OS or loaded an alternative OS). Unless this is some special OS developed by Blackberry or outsourced by them to a reliable third party, it would be difficult for me to ageee with the idea of this being “our phone”. What silly, immature bullshit
They spy on every conceivable phone platform. Apple is NOT secure.
They spy on every single internet-connected device you can think of
Android much more so than iOS. Apple at least encrypts private user info rn a certain tee. If your using Windows 10 without installing a privacy app like Don’tSpy10 or Android without a similar method, your fucked. They see you jackin off to god knows what
>all sides equal length
>I dont know the definition of a rectangle
if it has 4 sides and 4 right angles its a rectangle
Never heard of that phone, thanks user!
>currently doesn't have a phone
You're welcome. Check it out, it's a great phone.
I still have two red ones sitting on my desk.
>lol you don't have a dog you have a golden retriever
That's what you just said
>a 4:3 phone
This is a painful erection.
While that's partially true for Apple, it doesn't matter. The NSA can crack most commercial encryption methods. As for desktop environments, if you're using an Intel chip post-2009, you have a process added by Intel that is below the chip-level operations. Basically, there is a middle-man layer between hardware and the Intel CPU's now that allows a backdoor to the NSA that grants access to both RAM and harddrive memory.
Does it run Android?
BB10OS. It does run Android apps though.
it'll never be solid as the passport
passport isnt android
lurk more
F ;-;
what did he mean by this?
>implying BB OS 10 isnt so perfect that even apple copied it
all the keyboard-driven BB10 phones are. the OS is quick, responsive, and sleek looking while being utilitarian as fuck from a UI standpoint (that hub is goddamn amazing). it's full of capabilities OOTB that you can't even get on a lot of android phones without root and a custom rom. still use a classic on the daily and have a q10 at the ready for when it finally croaks. all the android apps i need still run great. the bb10 apps i use are awesome, and the only thing that's beginning to show its age is the browser (for which i installed icecat as a backup for when a site doesn't play nice with it). too bad they ditched the whole fucking OS for super autismo lagdroid googleshit.
What's the outlook of this device for the next 5 years? Will it still be usable by then, as in are there replacements for the battery or other spare parts?
A battery's a battery, you just need to install a new Li-ion battery when the current one croaks.
If BB hadn't already just'ed themselves by the time the Passport came out with no dev support for BB10 it could have been one of the best phones ever.
BB10 is by far the best OS I've used, and I've used everything from Symbian to iOS to Android 8.1. It takes a learning curve of a few days to figure out all the gestures, but once it clicks it's fucking magic.
My Passport SE was the single best piece of phone hardware I've ever owned. Beautiful, solid, and the physical/virtual swiping keyboard was also great.
Ultimately though, even though you could sideload Android apps from a 3rd party app it was always a couple generations behind and a lot of Android apps didn't render well on the strange screen size.
What could have been...
Don't expect any blackberry phone to be secure, since blackberry gives govs the master encrytion key on request.
this: also the q10 has a removable battery. it's actually a pretty great future-proof phone.
One of the managers at my workplace has a Passport. To me, it's too wide; I put my phones in my pocket.
That being said, I've used my Classic for over a year now after dropping Android. Physical keyboard is great. Has
But that was partly why I got this, so I don't install stupid shit. Hub is pretty nice and the minimized apps which turn into widgets is pretty cool.
I need to figure out what to do next. The browser is shit, but battery still holds a good charge. Yeah people comment on the phone, but I've grown to like BB10
>The absolute state of Sup Forums
avatarfags need to go
I still want one. I wish that AOSP rom they made internally got leaked.
I want to see them add QNX's hypervisor to BB10OS
Unleash the power of the pyramid!
so is it android with a custom ui? or how does it run android apps?
BBOS isn't a skin over Android, its a totally separate internally developed OS. Its the latest version of the OS that Blackberry has used on their devices forever.
It handles Android apps through sideloading. Think of it like fast and sloppy recompiling. You take an Android .apk, it gets converted, and you end up with a Blackberry installable file instead.
and do they run well? because it sounds like a perfect phone.
An awful lot of Android apps run via sideloading.
The Passport is pretty nice all around, though BBOS is basically end of life now. Blackberry ended support as they transitioned all their new devices to Android.
>shilling this monstrosity
Using it now. Its fucking sweet
>implying the best phone is a monstrosity
how does it integrate outlook?
how long do you expect to use it
Have the cracked the bootloader yet?
No fullstop button, no comma, no alt, no symbols. NO FUCKING SHIFT. No arrow keys Space inside bottom row.
I wonder if it could be made worse.
The best phone I ever had was Xperia Pro. I remapped Caps Lock (or globe button) to right alt and could write polish letters and many other characters I also added. I remapped symbols button to ctrl and could use copy/paste/save and terminal signals. I could basically write C programs with it.
THIS is how hardware keyboard should look like.
boring chink phone that looks like all 2017 androids
>closed source OS that you can't replace
Oh wow, it's an iShit with a 1:1 aspect ratio.
Except it has excellent hardware (including a headphone jack), a bootloader that can be unlocked with one command for easy installation of a custom OS, and it's only $500. I'm going to be getting one.
>blackberry gives govs the master encrytion key on request
Bending over and spreading their cheeks like all good Canadians do.
>john chen discksucking general
too fucking wide.
BES is shit
>snapdragon 625
el oh el
BlackBerry gave India and Saudi Arabia keys to decrypt encrypted comms on request.
BBOS was dead since Blackberry 10 was released in 2013
BB10 is on life support for security/privacy enhancements only with no feature enhancements or major updates since 2015. BB10 is based largely on QNX (blackberry owns) with an Android runtime.
it's shit because so many android apps rely off of google play services that it isn't funny and nobody is using Blackberry devices anymore because BES is a bitch to deal with and the licensing costs are rape
> No fullstop button, no comma, no alt, no symbols. NO FUCKING SHIFT.
Keyone has all these features, plus other features like word prediction, keyboard layouts for different languages and automatic word correction. Like I previously said in this thread, Keyone should be preferred now. Keyone also has a second Shift button on the right that can be mapped as Ctrl, which is what I did: I can press right Shift + c/v to copy/paste while left Shit can be used to underline words. One more great feature of the Keyone: swipe left to delete whole words. It's simply amazing.
You don't need to replace an OS that works amazingly well OOTB, user.
> headphone jack
> excellent hardware
Aaaand this is Apple's devastating effect on young minds, folks. It still lacks a physical keyboard, so no, thanks.
> only $500
Too expensive. I paid €460 for my new Keyone.
>works amazingly well
>is closed source and unverifiable
How about you ask Intel how their security through obscurity is working out for them.
>a physical keyboard
This isn't something I want on a phone.
>only $500
>Too expensive
Are you poor or something?
Is BB OS still usable now that they no longer support it? As in security and overall usability?
460eur is ~$540US. Even if the currencies matched it would only be an extra 40 which isn't much.
> it's closed source, it must be Satan!
Yeah, I get it.
> are you poor?
I'm not saying that $500 is too much money in general, silly. I'm saying that it's too much for a phone that lacks a physical keyboard, which is a pivotal feature in a work tool in my view. It's a subjective statement, you know.
Ok, it's still too much.
>> it's closed source, it must be Satan!
>Yeah, I get it.
You get nothing. Stop being tech illiterate or leave this board.
>it's too much for a phone that lacks a physical keyboard
That's objectively wrong if you look at the cost of the components, the labor, the shipping, the R&D, the advertising, and the taxes and other legal fees that the company incurs. $500 is an extremely fair price for that phone, you tard.
>doesnt know what a rectangle is
Stupid fuckasses like you are why i drink
> objectively wrong
Which part of my previous comment you didn't understand? Or maybe youd didn't read?
> tech illiterate
I was joking, dude. I know that open source software is the saviour of the world.
I hated the keyboard at first too but you adjust quickly and it's actually quite nice.
No, you drink because you're a worthless piece of shit. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can begin to deal with your problem.