/hpg/ - Headphone General

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what is the second best headphone behind the atticus?

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

pic related :)

Next up; which headphone has the flatter mid-range? It's going to be pretty tough call, so be sure to vote. A (top) or B (bottom)?


The buyer's remorse is strong with this one. :^)

Clearly B, once you apply the correct compensation curve.

they both look like shit and boring to listen to

>Clearly X, after you apply X
That can be said for everything, user

I tend to not like midbass bumps, so A for me on that one

glad you like your atticus

dunno if you are being sarcastic or not, but zach has a really great ear, a lot of the neutral fags here would actually love the eikon/auteur. they are too triggered to consider otherwise but oh well. their loss

A for sure, not that hard to see

Kek. Who voted for B with that fucking nignog bass hump?

Idol trash here.
B is clearly the winner. You people are blind or something.

the hd600 owners who know that graph by heart because they got it tattooed

But which is flatter overall? That would be a more preferable question. And to be honest, it's a tie.

And I happen to own both these headphones, in stock form without any EQ, the HD600 is better because it's easier to listen to. The Samson/Superlux is too bright.

I've recommended the Samson a lot in these threads and it shows that budget headphones are competitive with higher priced offerings.

A single eq'd treble spike is all it takes to achieve the flattest headphones on the planet, but that's besides the point

Explains the 1000-mile stare

You need to go back.

B does swing further, but seems to be overall smoother. The turns are less sharp at the inflection points.

That wins for midrange.

im not leaving though

Are you samefagging? So far there's only been two votes from and

I bought a massdrop x sennheiser 6xx (apparently a 650 clone), and am trying to figure out the amp & DAC to buy when it arrives. Budget is ~$200, but can go up if the value is there. Should I get the schitt stack like everyone else?

The Eikon measures like shit as well.

Is ZMF not capable of producing good headphones?

It doesn't need an amp and/or a DAC. Your onboard is fine.

sure they are, I own one. sounds great :)

this is a lie and all evidence is to the contrary unless you are on a latest revision of motherboards (ie 370) which does impedance matching, and even then you're going to want extra headroom for EQ

well that doesn't look half as bad, but still very problematic, that huge dip/spike going through all graphs is probably a resonance. I'd like to see a csd from that

I thought they needed an amp at least? 300 ohms and all.

Get just the Magni 3, and a trusted cheap dac usb stick if you get paranoid about onboard audio.

in most case you do for an hd600, some autists are hyper "objective" here to the point of lunacy

I'm always wary of a one-man operation like ZMF. This shit reminds me of Mr. Speaker's early days.

Unless your motherboard can feed some 200mA to a 600ohm load, you're wrong.

dont you get tired of making this exact post in every single thread

It doesn't need one. The majority here will tell you that it needs one but they are uneducated fools.
Anyway, your money, do whatever you like.

onboard typically has ~1vrms you idiot

I've never head any high-qualty headphones, mostly used chink shit and I'd like to experience better better sound quality - I'm no audiophile
Budget - I guess something around 60/70$
Location - Czech republic, central Europe
Source - definitely wired
Full sized, closed, prefer comfort over sound quality - also I wear glasses, so they can't be too tight
I listen to punk and metal mostly, with some older classics. What sound signature should I get?

Idol trash here.
No, I don't. I even do some variations of it to keep it fun.

>I listen to punk and metal mostly
get literally anything, it will sound like garbage no matter what headphones you have

Even with the latest motherboard it simply won't provide enough voltage and or current.

HD6x0 should be amped period. They don't need some $200+ bullshit amp but they simply won't suffice on on-board audio


Fits your budget.

I would normally agree with you but the latest have sabre dacs with impedance matching and not just your normal realtek. I haven't looked at the specs so I can't argue it

/sqt/ sent me here.

What is better between those 2? i just a replacement for the cheap headset i accidentally killed with a metal chair.
amazon.com.mx/dp/B00NJ2M33I/ ($15 USD).
amazon.com.mx/Amazon-Basics-Audífonos-diadema-Single/dp/B00NBEWB4U/ ($18 USD).

Neutrality is a must. Metal hates coloring. Noise textures are very vulnerable to getting their pitch dragged around. You want a midrange that's as flat as possible.
At your budget, you don't get that many choices unfortunately.
Look into mdr-7506, HD280, status CB-1.

>Neutrality is a must. Metal hates coloring
sounds pretty good on my atticus desu

The Sony is more well reviewed.

Metal sounds better on my $20 Tascam TH02 with higher fidelity.

might want to have your cochlear implants checked

I have exactly the same setup.

I think it's pretty well established that you have a defective hearing already.

>I haven't looked at the specs so I can't argue it
Be skeptic by default, of motherboards claiming to have good sound.
As far as I'm aware, that's an oxymoron. No motherboard ever. For HD600 series at least.
A board is relatively good if it has a headphone amp at all, which usually means it can feed like 20mA to a 50ohm headphone and not sound like shit with low impedance mass market kinda headphones.
HD600? No way.

>impedance matching
Impedance bridging. Also called voltage bridging.
Impedance matching is something different.

The impedance only loosely relates to the device sensitivity.
You have to set the target yourself. That is, how loud do you want it, in decibels.
Head-fi folks tend to err severely on the side of caution, to the point of severe excess. Usually ends up with the amplifier being run at unity or low gain, and the pot being dialed far back. A useless amplifier, mostly being used as a buffer and pot.

That chart isn't quite true for anything other than a planar magnetic (zero phase shift).


There's a used NFB-11 on ebay right now if you want to save some money and/or don't want to order it from China.

So, what Love Live idol do you favor?

And the results are in. A thank you to anyone who participated!

Headphone B; The well reviewed, known for their flat mids, $300 Sennheiser HD 600!

Headphone A; The chinko, $30 Superlux HD 681!

>That chart isn't quite true for anything other than a planar magnetic (zero phase shift).
That chart was created by inputting the specs of the HD650 and doing the math.
300 ohm impedance

it sounds better than my lcd-2

Maybe you just like the sound of midrange distortion. No judgements here brev, it's all good.

no I like correct tonality

Alright i will buy it this black friday then, thanks.

I'm pretty sure that everyone who enjoys the HD600 enjoys them for their overall balance. Yes the Superlux has a flatter midrange but it has treble problems. And yes, One simple filter can fix it.



There is no "correct" there is preference

no such thing

ah thank you, I prefer the atticus to all your headphones

>HD 580
Wrong headphones, user


Rin for sure

Congrats, but to pretend your preference isn't correlated directly to post purchase rationalization is just wrong.

Yes, that's what I said, you prefer midrange distortion. Nothing wrong with that.

to pretend your angst isn't correlated to having low testosterone and too poor, or afraid, to conspicuously spend is just wrong

That unit measures like garbage.
So you have shit taste? Gotcha.

Rin a cute-nyan.
I do love them all, but I'm partial to umi.


Kek don't worry id do the same in your position, dem cans ain't cheap

Exactly. Can't use a different headphone as a substitute, can you, user?

I was thinking of something else. But where is this chart from?
It tends to underestimate loudness and hearing damage like a few too many listeners.

HD580 is identical to HD600. Only difference being 3dB driver matching. Ironic how the HD580 unit InnerFidelity used ended up being better than the trash HD600 that they used.

My marshall monitors died last night. Took them apart this morning and found that one of the wires is busted somewhere in the headband. Sad day, I liked them.

Incorrect. That would be the HD 580 Jubilee, not the regular 580.

bummer. but how does that even happen, what did you do to the headband?
emergency fix if you're really that attached would be running a new cable on top of the headband I guess

>implying I project having low test
Why would I do that kek


Not very helpful unless you know how to interpret it. Also not helpful that most manufacturers don't list their specs in the same manner. Or they only give half the information (for example some amps might provide Vrms output but not provide a current output rating)

Also I listen to a LOT of classical music, I find most people underestimate how much amping is required for this type of music, I aim for 120dB listening volume.

No idea how it happened. They were working fine and out of nowhere sound was only coming from one ear. Switched the cable to the other side and then only that ear worked. I've dropped them a few times so I thought maybe a wire was loose but there is just no continuity on one wire. I thought about ghetto rigging that up but I'll just pick up something new I guess.

t. deaf user
when will you buy a good headphone?

I'm planning on buying an hd800 soon when I get around to it

when will you buy a good headphone?

user already owns the MA900

I could afford a teac or hd600 but I would never buy one

low fidelity garbage

And that is the cue to post your headphones, no headphone user.

>t. deaf user
Kek, more like you've got shit hearing. I'm 20 years old and my hearing is stellar, I've never worked around heavy machinery, nor been to any live music events (besides orchestra since I play cello in one).

STAX SR-009.

it's cute you think that is actually expensive/impressive and that's your go to headphone to larp as owning. I used to blow through thousands per year rock climbing and it's not even an expensive hobby

You have to put more effort into that, user. Post a pic + timestamp with the timestamp written on paper

Not even larping my nigga, it's amusing how any form of criticism is met with 'hurr durr post your headphones'. it's not relevant to the discussion

taking a picture is effortless, if you actually had a stax we would have seen it by now

That's because we all know you don't own headphones :^)

Even when it was, you weren't willing to. I think you owe us one, user

it was never relevant, posting a picture adds nothing to any discussion, you fags are just mad I called your precious ma900 shit because it is

ZMF user get a trip please so we can add you to the filter.

you guys dont filter shit, you still respond to dipole all the time