/hpg/ - Headphone General

How to request purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

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thefreedictionary.com/make fun

what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?

What is the second best headphone behind the MA900s?


Do you like veiled headphones?

Only the best; too bad you can't experience the magic of headphones, user

I win, better luck next time user

looks good to me user, now post the FR of my atticus

Where are the feet? Shit thread.


also is using headphones as speakers bad? sometimes I do it when Im too lazy to wear my headphones.

What would be a decent upgrade from HD598? I've had mine for about 4 going on 5 years now. TEAC A-H01 is my DAC/AMP.

read the sticky

>giant midbass hump
>20dB treble chasm

yeah, they sound great :)

so do my $3 walmart earbuds, but that's not the point

most headphones under 50 bucks suck.

anything above that price point, headphones really just sound different, not better or worse.

redpill: everyones ears are different. frequency response in speakers and headphones means fucking nothing, because people have different sensitivity to different frequencies.

so a pair of 100 dollar headphones that sound worse to you than your 1000 dollar headphones might sound objectively better to a different person.

redpill: most of the bullshit in here is just consumerist faggot pissing matches to see who's the biggest cuck and sucks the best cock for your plastic trash that in no way improves your life.

if you look up a documentary on the sound design of 'the phantom menace' you'll observe that the lead sound designer is using a pair of 100 dollar AKG's. because it doesn't even fucking matter.

if you're producing music, a high sensitivity is preferable in drivers as you can hear volume dynamics more accurately - you're not going to produce them 'too accurately' and then have them come out on other peoples car speakers and earbuds.

you can either buy a pair of avantone mixcubes for 500 dollars to have simulated shitty speakers or just get a couple sets of shitty speakers for 25 dollars from garage sales to hear your mix through different speakers.

i'd say sorry for taking away the little hope you probably had that you could save up too much money and spend it on plastic trash and feel some meaning in your life, but i'm not sorry. you are each individual drops of sloth and ignorance in an ocean of bullshit; individually, you suck, but together, you ruin the whole world.

The lord thy god in heaven hath given me his blessing to lead ye wretched sinners away from the ignorant lies and injustice of these cursed blasphemers so that you need not languish in torment for hearing the foul cacophanies of your heathen 'phones.

I'm here to tell you boys that the way out of the bottle is clear, and that the true path into righteousness and eternal life points to itself. And that truth, o' my blessed brothers, is the Sennheiser HD 600. Now go, go and thank the mighty father who sheds the blood of his only son that you might be shown his mercy for gifting thee with such a majestic and awesome way to receive his rapture.

oh, let me clarify, they sound better than my lcd-2 and teak

Now post the frequency response graph for your headphones

post-purchase rationalization is a bitch ain't it

why's that? I buy headphones and sell them for the same price point I got them for

You wouldn't need to worry about that if you don't purchase any


tl;dr sorry

>reddit spacing

tl;dr, SchizoAnon. Don't let the door hit you

there's no such thing as reddit spacing.

just formatting.

That was actually a trick question; we all know you don't own any :)

t. le rebbit xD

I'm actually deaf, all headphones are perfectly flat for me :^)

his meme is actually a glorious satire of himself, it made me laugh. I don't think he even realized that when making it

you are trash

redpill: tl;dr, my headphones aren't even plastic

they're not made of plastic, they're made of misplaced ambition and shiftless degeneracy.

gas yourself.

user, I suggest you try an atticus
they are T H I C C sounding

Don't let the door hit you

you are garbage, doing what garbage people do.

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

redpill: the only degenerate here is you

Wrong question at the wrong time, user
Which are poorly sealed MA900s, btw

and just like that, you've destroyed the meaning and definition of a nascent word in the english language. by using something that was meant to indicate, 'something true that people don't want to believe because it is uncomfortable to them' in order to sling shit like the fucking monkey you are, you are one fucking termite in the house of civilization and humanity, nibbling away at the foundations of structures created over millenia to raise us out of the dirt above the animals. you are one termite out of thousands, indistinguishable from the rest, but working tirelessly to turn the entire world into ruined bullshit. that is what you are.

Wow dude that's really smart, you watch Rick and Morty?
Fuck off faggot, we all can see you're not a real esoteric Hitlerist.

>wall of text

Where's the reddit spacing? Here's your (You).

post your headphones

Explain to a layman why the HD600s apparently sound really good.

a vast majority of headphones have difficulty getting tonality correct, the hd600s don't have this issue while also being cheap af

so you got fired from 'stupid memes' and got hired by 'misplaced sarcasm'.

don't get mad at me. the more you hate me, the less you hate yourself, and you really should hate yourself, because to not feel hatred towards that which is bullshit is immoral.

the path towards a brighter future not just for you, but for the entire human race, begins with you experiencing intense self loathing. but, if my predictions are correct, you'll browse Sup Forums or click on a youtube video in order to distract yourself from the immediate moral necessities at hand. and the cycle continues.


I have these.
Good? Meh?

i can't handle this level of brainlet

tinny sounding and have muddy bass

yes. those are fine. excellent choice. millions of professionals use them. sony produces three fucking million of them a year. people just wear them out and get new ones.

insult me. come up with some more bullshit out of your ruined, stimulation fried brain full of misguided attempts at a decent life. it's not me you're trying to convince of anything. you're trying to convince yourself it's not true, when you KNOW it's fucking true.

and i know that you know.

>schizo user thinks 7506 are excellent for usage outside of monitoring
I'm not sure what I expected, really

how does it feel to try this hard and just get laughed at

>the phantom menace
>good audio for a star wars movie
pick one.

friendly reminder though folks to report all his posts anyway, because esoteric hitlerism is fucking cringy.

What are Loli headphones.

HD 600 or MA900?

I think I have a Demetori Touhou album. It's kinda nice.

hd600 because you are too slow and can't acquire the venerable ma900 easily

Does a bear shit in the woods? MA900.

they're fucking fine.

you think that you're unsatisfied with your headphones. no, you're unsatisfied with being a shitty human being.

how does it feel to tell people that you're laughing when you're not to convince them that you are in a vain attempt to feel better about yourself by making someone else feel worse? wait, you don't need to tell me. i know how it feels. it feels the way a mouthful of shit tastes.

mods! mods! he's infringing on my right to feel good about myself even if i don't deserve to! you don't have a right to feel ok.

>it feels the way a mouthful of shit tastes
i have zero doubt you're familiar with this feeling

>you think that you're unsatisfied with your headphones.
oh no, I'm definitely satisfied with my ma900

>tfw was dumb enough to buy the HD600 when the ma900 is the superior headphone
At last I truly see.


wrong. you have zero doubt that i am unfamiliar with the feeling of shit in my mouth. you know, in the atrophied little corner of your brain that cares about true and false for their own sake because survival hinges on such a distinction, that it's extremely fucking unlikely that anyone you talk to has eaten shit. it's an extreme, outlier deviancy. and you know, as well, that it's entirely dishonest to say or think such a thing about a person because of a person calling you out on your sinful, tragic life and making you feel uneasy.

you said it anyways, which makes it lying in addition to stupidity. stupidity if for no other reason than that you should have known that i would call you out on it.

sure. maybe you even are. next you'll become dissatisfied with hearing.

Why is it so easy to spot people that suffer from schizophrenia?

i don't even have to make fun of you, you make fun of yourself
come on, reply with more pseudointellectual bullshit for my entertainment

it's not, at least not for you.

here's a free internet dictionary for you.

thefreedictionary.com/make fun

i'm not making fun of myself and you should have known that because that's not even what it means to 'make fun of someone'. you're attempting to make fun of me, except it's not fun for you, it's just the drudgery of psychic self-defense you're performing out of necessity to make the bad feelings go away. there's nothing funny about this, at all.

you're sort of right, it's not a feeling of "funny" but more of a feeling of "cringe"
post more

this is embarrassing, I'm embarrassed to be here

just enjoy it
we don't get this sort of treat very often

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

HD600 is the obvious upgrade, what I did, and high among my best purchases ever. Listen to he's absolutely right.
Mine are flat to the HD600 compensation curve, the true and tried.

calling people names isn't a good idea for a person like you, who knows good and well that you don't use words because of what they mean, or label things accurately anyways.

everything you want to think about me is just that - a want. just like you crave sugar, you crave attention, you crave validation, you crave to have a name to call me. except none of the ones that would actually fit satisfy you. why?

because it's not names you want to throw at me, it's shit. you just want to fling your feces at me like a monkey, because that's all you are, a fucking ape. you are subhuman.

you fucking should be. i know good and well that you're not though, or if you are, you don't quite understand why.

don't include sam hyde with these retarded cringeposts thanks

>just like you crave sugar
I don't crave sugar and I rarely eat breads or carbs. i've never had a cavity in my life due to this. also, the ma900 is great

>Idol trash here.
Be my femboy bf

absolutely this
post your programming socks, you can be our qt /hpg/ trap

atm going through the rounds, using the producer points on all the rhythm games...

>programming socks
Fuck that. Short sleeves and barefoot programming FTW

dubious information about your diet = you missing the fucking point. but they say with 10,000 hours of experience, you can become an expert. are you an expert at missing the fucking point?

'cringe'. interesting word you're clutching there as though it can save you from self-reflection.


>bend one's head and body in fear or in a servile manner:
>"he cringed away from the blow"

that's actually pretty fucking accurate.


you are a screeching chimpanzee who doesn't know what cringe means and you are using it because you've heard a bunch of other stupid faggots on the internet use it too, and since you ARE a screeching, idiotic chimpanzee, you do NOT have the literacy or intelligence to formulate your thoughts into concise sentences to accurately convey what you mean. you are borderline illiterate, like a fucking nigger from tasmania.



>are you an expert at missing the fucking point?
I'll be honest I don't really read your posts I just respond to them

thoughtless behavior is something to be ashamed of. you should be ashamed of yourself. and i don't even know if you're telling the truth or not because you've indicated that you have no preference for it. what a fucking mess. what a fucking bloody mess.

you, individually, do little damage. but with millions upon millions of people like you in this world, this world can only get worse and worse and worse.

I think that's everyone who responds to them at this point

Also loctited my LCD2s today. After getting the longer rods the screws kept coming loose.

I had that issue too, ended up selling them before doing that.

your willingness to ignore things you don't like is how everything becomes stupider and shittier as time goes on, in both your life and the lives of people who are affected by your incompetence.

you don't really have anything meaningful or poignent to say though, just esoteric ramblings that don't make sense to anyone sane

Yuu a cute. A cute!

measures like dogshit

post your headphones

>yuu a cute
Wtf. They can't both be second to each other, it doesn't fucking follow logically!

>tfw your headphones are to intelligent to not be second to each other


$20 headphones sound and measures better than this garbage. See for yourself:



what i am saying is very, very simple. is it meaningful? yes. it has meaning. is it fucking poignant, as in, like a fucking Tchaikovsky ballet? no, i don't think so. why would you mention 'poignant'?

it's not esoteric, either. not whatsoever. it's very, very normal language addressing basic ideas. there is nothing occulted, strange, outre, or extreme in what i'm saying or the language i'm using to say it. i'm not using big words. i'm not using big ideas.

they make perfect sense to anyone who isn't a twisted mess of a human personality and also passed sixth grade.

you want to pretend that you don't have some very real problems in how you're trying to live life. you expect to find some rapport in accusing my accusations of 'only making sense to insane people'.

whats the evidence of your sanity here, your obsession with fucking headphones that you've placebo'ed yourself into thinking are more than marginally superior in a few mechano-acoustic ways such as sensitivity, impedance, and comfort? no, this is evidence that you are insane.

god I love these headphones even more for the fact that they are such great bait and trigger people like you

Interesting that the Teac is better in every objective metric. Smoother frequency response and lower distortion. Proof that audiophiles eat any shit up once it's marketed well.

Your setup. Post it, user

>headphones are
>to intelligent
>to not be second
>to each other
Fuck, I got a headache.