Best IDE for Linux?

Just installed Ubuntu. Looking for the best IDE for power users like Visual Studio is for Windows.

Required features:
Interactive/Graphical based GUI design
Good debugger

Usual shit that anyone past CS 101 needs.

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop using an IDE.

If you really want an IDE first you should say which language you use.
I'm fed up of IDE personally, vscode is perfect for me


VIM with plugins ?

> VSCode
Enjoy a text editor consuming more Ram than Crysis :^)

Prove it


Doesn't have drag-and-drop GUI construction

Geany? Not really an IDE

it would be helpful if you wouldnt be a massive faggot and tell us what language/tools you use


It werks and has tons of shit


atom or vscode

i bet there’s an emacs plugin for that

if i wanted drag and drop gui faggotry i’d return to my delphi roots and use lazarus

Qtcreator is pretty good.

Microsoft buzzword, but qtcreator have the basic functionality.
>Interactive/Graphical based GUI design
It only have that for Qt but CS101 probably won't require you to make graphical interfaces and if they do, just use whatever they recommend, you are following a course after all.

>Good debugger
It has those things.

Disregard the NEET.

>using an IDE on linux

seconding qtcreator.
It's pretty comfy and has FakeVim mode.

The only problem I have with Qtcreator is it uses a lot of CPU resources compared to other IDE's.
But depending on what you do, CPU vs RAM is a different debate.


Not interested in some "qt anime girl" IDE made by Sup Forums autists who weren't selfaware enough to not name their program after internet slang.

anything by JetBrains
or git gud in vim/emacs

Qt is the name of a graphical toolkit for C++.
You can rename it in seconds if you want.

UNIX is an IDE...

Unix is a development environment.
It is not automatically integrated into one application.

Fine, UNIX is a DE.

visual studio code, I cant even believe microsoft made this thing, its faster than atom and the plugins are so fucking simple, golang and react are a joy to code in with their plug-ins. its even open source, wow!

This. Microsoft killed me with their piece of shit surface. But vscode is so great I have hope now

Lincucks can only dream about having an ide like vs.

Intelij IDEA

Clion is super good, even knocks VS out

VSCode is less resource hungry than Atom.

how to get it though?

Seems to cost money, unless I'm missing the free download for linux somewhere

>people suggesting text editors that aren't IDEs

I sure hope OP didn't expect anything more than this

the board is full of NEETs who have never, ever had to work with larger codebases

>b-but muh AnimePedoDownloader v.3.0 was 1000 lines of code!!!!

hang yourselves in gas ovens

> Usual shit that anyone past CS 101 needs.
Everyone past that should have enough money to buy shit.

so far the recommendations have been:
use a text editor 9
qtcreator 4
jetbrains 3
intelliJ 3
eclipse 1
Code::blocks 1
kdevelop 1
clion 1

OP was clearly a retard, so getting retarded responses is kinda expected.

I'm not going to spend money on an IDE I don't already use

Then use one of the other options people listed.
You haven't even stated what you want yet you dumb entitled whore.

jetbrains, intelliJ, clion is the same
there are community editions of intelliJ/jetbrains

vim + plugins

There's a trial which you can crack by using a URL license server

> (OP)
>It werks and has tons of shit


fuck off gopher nobody wants to hear your opinion

IntelliJ has a vim plugin nerd

Intellij IDEA


CLion is your only bet, you can get it free if you're a student. Don't even try Eclipse.

Cmake integration>all

How the FUCK do you configure VSCode for c++?
I just want to write code, press F5 and have it build, run, and debug automatically - not play around with fucking config files and build targets.
All the tutorials are ambiguous and just cover some general case.

OP I've been in your shoes for half a year now, CodeLite is what you want.

just use vs community edition - it's more bloated but guess what it's not written in electron so it's pretty much the same perfomance wise.

On OP's Ubuntu?

Intellij or Eclipse for Java.
Emacs for everything else.

I use vscode on debian, that said i fucking hate it. even configured it's pretty annoying, for instance it's always bitching when i use aliases, it's always changing the formatting, it's always suggesting shit and it doesn't ask before making changes, like when i am above a function and I type ## it automatically drops a comment block. I'm trying to markdown my comments but it doesn't understand this, so every time I want to type ## above a function I have to type one #, then space, then #, then backspace the space from between the two #.

I can probably configure it not to make comment blocks like this but this feature at the top of scripts.

It treats it's users like babies, trying to help every step of the way, and instructing you on things like formatting which are a taste issue.

Notepad++ is my goto but it's not available for linux.

My suggestion is someone port notepad++ over to linux, properly, and then worry about which IDE to use.

..but i use this feature at the top of scripts..*

Okay. I never had a reason to jump around with different IDE's, just used the recommended one and then switched to the one I wanted.


Kate is a decent NP++ replacement.
Some hotkeys might be different but it has a bunch of features and you can easily add more if you need it.
So you can make scripts (written in JS) or add plugins (written in c++).
One of the existing plugins I recommended is the konsole plugin. I use it when I switch rapidly between projects or use a scripting language.
If you want a no fuzz editor with a ton of features, try Kate.


Thanks hammie i'll give it another look.

What are you trying to do? Seriously, can you tell us? Is this for your workplace for working in language 'x'? Or are you student learning language 'x'? Or are you a NEET out to keep up a hobby?
I use RubyMine at work, cause that's what I'm expected to use. If you're some student or neet, just stick with a text editor.

What do you think of it being taken by the Apache Foundation?

probably an improvement

Eclipse is great for Lua programming

Is it even relevant as long as they keep it open source?

>anyone past CS 101 needs
I don't need any of those and I'm a CS PhD student. I just use Sublime Text, CMake, GCC, and GDB.

This is not a generic feature. It's a specific name of a feature in Visual Studio. IDEs may have similar features, but it can't be Intellisense if it's not on Visual Studio. And for what it's worth, it's not strictly necessary.

>best IDE
If you need an IDE, use QtCreator.


+1 for use a text editor

If you don't have an explicit need for an IDE, don't use one and use your favourite text editor of choice

>when you see it


Take your well earned (you), my friend.

It's still botnet tho

A lot of people use codeblocks for larger projects, geany for little projects, and their text editor of choice for terminal: vim, emacs, joe, whatever. Ymmv.

Just use eclipse. It has a lot of plugins available and will do everything you need.

A question about IDEs for Linux: I'm taking a class on computer graphics (opengl), which is in C++, which IDE should I use? I don't care about deep understanding of cpp compilers or whatever, so what's the easiest way?
I wonder if clion is any good, since I'm quite used to Jetbrains' stuff.

just reverse engineer it. dump cunt


you have to have gcc or g++ installed, and you compile using the small terminal window at the bottom,

Scite. thank me later, it's in the official repositories.

If you're in college you can get an educational license for free

I use a windows environment, linux is just a time-sink of a hassle.

I use notepad++ and compile in codeblocks. Notepad++ is one of the few programs I first install on fresh computers.

>having anything to do with a meme

how fucking stupid are you? Or are you a fresh out the pussy newfag?
also shows a basic config script for GCC, simply replace all the relevant paths to those for your GCC or clang

gamemaker has gui programming, it should be on your level

Learn how to use VIM fucking retard

Seconding this

It's because whoever is in charge of making developer's lives easier at Microsoft is absolutely killing it right now. I hope this lasts a while.

a windows virtualmachine running notepad++

>Interactive/Graphical based GUI design
>Usual shit that anyone past CS 101 needs.

Stop replying to this bait.

stop relying on IDE's to make you a good developer. It's not gonna happen.

I recommend KDevelop, I've used VS17 at work for the longest time and KDevelop was my goto IDE on Linux.

Here is how it looks!

I've had good luck with intellij on windows, I'm pretty sure it's also available on linux

Also, this is going to sound crazy, but emacs might also work for you. Do a bit of reading and jump in, give yourself about a week of hard learning, and depending on your language you might find most/all of your IDE features are available as plugins for emacs. Minus the drag/drop GUI, but you can adjust to that.

Shit, just reread your post and saw you said "power users". I fucking responded to bait fuck me.

Android Studio



When I log into my Xenix system with my 110 baud teletype, both vi and Emacs are just too damn slow. They print useless messages like, ‘C-h for help’ and ‘“foo” File is read only’. So I use the editor that doesn't waste my VALUABLE time.
Computer Scientists love ed, not just because it comes first alphabetically, but because it's the standard. Everyone else loves ed because it's ED!

“Ed is the standard text editor.”

And ed doesn't waste space on my Timex Sinclair. Just look:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 24 Oct 29 1929 /bin/ed
-rwxr-xr-t 4 root 1310720 Jan 1 1970 /usr/ucb/vi
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root 5.89824e37 Oct 22 1990 /usr/bin/emacs
Of course, on the system I administrate, vi is symlinked to ed. Emacs has been replaced by a shell script which 1) Generates a syslog message at level LOG_EMERG; 2) reduces the user's disk quota by 100K; and 3) RUNS ED!!!!!!

“Ed is the standard text editor.”
Let's look at a typical novice's session with the mighty ed:
golem$ ed

eat flaming death
Note the consistent user interface and error reportage. Ed is generous enough to flag errors, yet prudent enough not to overwhelm the novice with verbosity.
“Ed is the standard text editor.”
Ed, the greatest WYGIWYG editor of all.
When I use an editor, I don't want eight extra KILOBYTES of worthless help screens and cursor positioning code! I just want an EDitor!! Not a “viitor”. Not a “emacsitor”. Those aren't even WORDS!!!! ED! ED! ED IS THE STANDARD!!!
When IBM, in its ever-present omnipotence, needed to base their “edlin” on a Unix standard, did they mimic vi? No. Emacs? Surely you jest. They chose the most karmic editor of all. The standard.
Ed is for those who can remember what they are working on. If you are an idiot, you should use Emacs. If you are an Emacs, you should not be vi. If you use ED, you are on THE PATH TO REDEMPTION.