Do you think UEFI was a mistake?
Would Legacy BIOS be the best option even if it goes on forever? At least "it just werkz"

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Yeah I use BIOS



There is nothing wrong with UEFI on its own.
The problem with it is that not a single manufacturer implements it properly. Good usable reliable UEFI implantations only exist in virtualization.

I really like my xps13s uefi

I'm glad governments can now flash backdoors into my mobo over the internet without me even knowing. I'm so much safer now. Its amazing the world wasn't constantly burning during the BIOS era.

Use UEFI or the terrorists win you pedophile traitors.

UEFI is a massively bloated clusterfuck of a specification. It isn't possible to implement it cleanly and correctly because everyone and their dog stuck their dick in what should have been a simple standardisation of what by now is well trodden ground. When manufacturers are deliberately going against the spec just to get a machine to market, you're fucked. Well, at least it's not IPMI.

>rm -rf /
>deletes UEFI

I like having graphics in my bios so uefi for me :)

jokes on you, this is from 1994
>mouse driven GUI
>simple icons

Uefi is alright but it always feels so fucking slow. From the cheapest boards up to my croashair its never nice to use.

Doesn't mbr kill your os if it breaks? Isn't the point of uefi being not needing a failpoint like mbr?

>same chips
>same hardware init script
>allows for IME/TrustZone to run
>old style bios allowed for backdoor insertion before system booted while disk was running as a drop in to a system started executable
At least we can nullify the shit in UEFI

if you promise to never ever ever change your OS or LORD forbid, try sticking that drive to a different machine and/or dual-booting, in that case yeah.

>what is custom ROM image
There's a reason ROM images are well over 16MB in some cases - firmware setup (even for CSM) sometimes jumps to protected mode just for its SETUP program, and all those fancy graphics don't come cheap

No. UEFI is better because it allows to load modules into it comparatively easy, no more crazy HEX BIOS editing. I did NVMe boot on my Sandy Bridge.

> Well, at least it's not IPMI.
IPMI is alright too. Not many protocols allow you to change a password by knowing only a user name, over a network. Very useful if a password is forgotten!

>Its amazing the world wasn't constantly burning during the BIOS era.

> four buildings
> constantly burning
Yeah, nah. Try again.

UEFI is excellent. BIOS didn't even have the concept of a bootloader, it just executed whatever was on sector 0. And since the space reserved for that was so tiny because it's ancient as crap, you couldn't even stuff an entire modern bootloader there, so you had to daisy chain tiny bootloaders booting proper ones.

UEFI at least has actual partitions for bootloaders, the settings are configurable from the OS itself and you can change the boot order for a single volume safely. BIOS just relies on hacks and permanent changes.

Libreboot is the only correct answer

I don't think this event was very significant outside the U.S.

>the settings are configurable from the OS itself
This is pretty scary if you can't trust your OS.

>EFI doesn't boot the bootloader

What is this wrong horseshit? In what program do I fucking choose what OS or snapshoot I want to boot in that case?


even if the alternative is worse, not relying on stupid shit like magic unregistered bytes is a must. for that reason alone i'd switch to something else even if it's worse in other ways

in the days of bios, windows constantly fucking broke each other's boot code, with uefi dualbooting is risk free

*windows and linux

>he fell for the "UEFI is more streamlined" meme

explain please
im js programmer

>Do you think UEFI was a mistake?


> Allows password change with no prior knowledge of the previous password.
That sounds like a breach just waiting to happen.