Code with Karley

*breathes in*

Other urls found in this thread:

she needs to join our startup

We are hitting peak stupid

Moot's gf was on that shit too, you literally pay Forbes and get on the list, it's just advertisement

did you really feel we needed a second/third thread on this? who cares? fuck off

>he should on Sup Forums 24/7

but mooto is a big deal and works at le googles now. his gf was clearly in his league.

every day that passes the media shows how fucking sellout and manipulated it is, i knew but holy shit it surpasses any expectations

>cd code

>the new face of coding
>can't even change directory on a fucking terminal

Jesus Christ

The entire list is a joke desu

damn, she looks like a trap

I want to cd into karlie

>his gf was clearly in his league.
lel no, her family owns the empire state while moot owned this shithole

4/10 at best.

Disgusting deformed face.

I want to kum in Karlie. Then lick TayTay juice off her face.

Wonder why the camel jockeys didn't hit the Empire State Building...

words can't express my feelings

C'mon Sup Forums, we all know she can't (((code))) for shit, but she did create a pretty nice startup that does teach programming.

Yeah, it's liberal shit with black girls, trans, faggots etc, but it's legit.

Well I'm impressed

>not pushing to her repo

Like, who is this bitch even? Probably can't even code a bracelet

Implying she actually put in any work into it

How the fuck is she a "supermodel" she looks like an ugly tranny

>Sup Forums is actually worth more


>she looks like an ugly tranny
designers are faggots

As a woman, the but hurt in this thread is so enriching.

Moments like these ar ewhy i come to this board


:D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

don't make it so obvious

I can't stop laughing, this bitch is so insecure about her intelligence she literally memed her way into creating a programming (((school))) for women

>the new face of coding

>but she did create a pretty nice startup that does teach programming
>teach programming
does it really?

why do jewish people pay for people to write articles talking about how exceptional their kids are? it's fucking bizarre.

open bobs, post vagene


Let's invite her

>the new face of coding
>>used a website builder to create her website

retard at best

A correction is coming. I can feel it.

>let me put some company branding with adequate spacing to make this look official

> the current year
> giving a single fuck what a jewish magazine whose target audience is 60 year olds and business degree holding wannabe yuppies says about an industry they dont understand

I want to have a threesome with karlie kloss and taylor swift

Has she actually done anything of significance or is she just looking for a pat on the head for doing a python tutorial? The way they talk about her ( "omg she can write CODE") suggests the latter
Let me know when she designs something or is a contributor on a notable software project.

What has she even coded?

holy shit she's the same height as me.

imagine being spitroasted by klossy and taytay

Imagine being celebrated in the media for having a 101-level understanding of programming with no achievements to your name. The media circle jerk over Kloss is like celebrating someone who recently learned to sing the alphabet song and holding them up as an example of a great writer.

I want you to die, pathetic creation.


get out while you can! they've devalued your skills so much with stupid women and indians!

She's dating Jared Kushner's brother, one of the wealthiest Jewish families in America. That is why she is being celebrated when she hasn't actually done anything.

>imagine being a woman

Nothing surprising. It's pay-to-play

This thing reminds me of the Futurama episode, when Leelah joined the blerr (or whatever it's called) championship. Should someone show her that episode?

user stop, I've masturbated 3 times today already

>tfw Wix is one of my clients

she can't even navigate a filesystem with 'cd'


This. "A Leela of Her Own," season 4 if anyone wants to find a pirate stream and link it to her


nah the sky's the limit brahh

>she's still cucking moot

hits the nail on the head, doesn't it?

You're seriously underestimating how gullible normies are. All you have to do is look like you know what you're doing, and show them something they don't understand. In fact just yesterday

>Watching the news, something comes up about wikileaks
>Start talking about hackers, at the background they start showing fucking boot device selection screens and memtest86 runs

I use this for work all the time. I do nothing and everyone thinks I am off genius.

she is hot 8/10

this. the only thing I can praise about her is that she is tall and not THAT fugly. but still, she is ugly af. and talentless.
she should have chosen some other industry to fuck up.

top banter lad


I wonder how legit this is.
Some initiatives are actually good, like Jewelbots but this, I don't know.

had to get rid of (((Greitzer))) of course

As a woman you should be fucking embarrassed that just because someone has a pretty face they are held us as an expert. Shows how you are still treated as objects and I hear no criticism from women at all, you deserve it.

Women are too smart to get caught in 18h a day of coffee and programming surrounded by fat guys in flipflops and soyboys

>taylor swift
Dis bitch be funny as fuck.

So that when they grow up, everyone will think they are some sort of "child prodigies" when they are actually mediocre at best, thus they will bow down and get fucked in the ass for another generation.
Actual child prodigies do exist, but they are very very rare. Nowadays it's full of them. Totally not the parents paying journalists and exaggerating.

Women are so fucking fake. About everything.

Plastic surgery should be punishable by death


>german slang equivalent of "fap"

Hey, I may pass as her twin with a different hairstyle. What kind of stuff you feed your women with, US?

> is so enriching.
I will enrich you tonight. Prepare boipucci.

Excuse me, why is this generic bitch relevant? Seriously why the fuck?

I haven't seen luggage lad in a while.

prepare uranus

>yfw she's 6'3" and she'll never man handle you while having violent, passionate sex.
Imagine her long limbs strangling your body and trapping you in as you cum balls deep in her

i thought he was unironically gay wew

>2/10 wouldn't bang

>Roasts Sup Forums
is Mallory /ourgirl/?

Mal pls go and stay go.

what browser is that senpai

>new face of coding
>can't cd ..

>as a woman
Wew, that's a bait

that's firefox.

She's cute. I'd hire her. It would be nice to have a cute piece of ass like her around the office.

I'd let her fork my dongle.

>putting efforts into mundane webshit


well that's like being a car mechanic and driving around in a broken car. it's her business and basically everything - and writing a static HTML page is not really complicated.

I want to pipe me huge log into Karley if you know what I am saying
