Anyone know if the MOBO in a regular N3DSXL is compatible with the special N3DSXLs (Hyrule, Luigi, Pokemon, etc)?
I've got a Hyrule edition that crashes during the ending of Snake Eater 3D so I can't get a clear game file. It also crashes if you leave it on the "Press Start" screen too long. I even bought another cart and started the game over, but it still does it. I've read that several entry points for the homebrew launcher don't work on the special ND3SXLs even though they work on the regular N3DSXL. I don't really want to buy a second 3DS just for one game or switch to a regular N3DSXL and just leave my Hyrule sitting at home, but I'd also like to keep the housing and the dual IPS screens. Can I frankenstein this with a replacement N3DSXL MOBO or am I just going to have to borrow someone's regular N3DSXL for a minute every time I get to the end of Snake Eater?

(tried this thread on Sup Forums first, got no replies. Not sure if this fits here or on /diy/)

Other urls found in this thread:


Gaming is for children

Kill yourself. Bumping this for actual content instead of the shit this board usually has

Sup Forums is where you belong and where you should've stayed

OP here.
I tried asking on Sup Forums, but apparently hardware mods are beyond their ken.
I'm not asking for info about games, I'm asking about motherboard compatibility.

They're the exact same housing, there's no reason it wouldn't work. Go for it, there's no reason they would modify a plastic shell beyond some stickers for a """special edition""" device.

I would say but since this is hardware-related it kiiiinda fits here.

You single handedly kept this guys thread bumped and your first post was 22 mins after Ops. If you werent faggot cancer you would have not replied. And dont lie and say you Saged because I know youd have bragged about it.

Try this on /diy/ mate nu-Sup Forums are all a bunch of retards.

By the way, almost everyone on Sup Forums is also from Sup Forums, so asking anything technical around here will most likely result in an answer you don't want. Almost everyone on nu-Sup Forums is retarded and doesn't know fuckall about technology beyond "Muh gaymen" and "Muh AMD is butter than Intlel!!", as said.

He's not asking if the motherboard will fit, he's asking if it is compatible with the rest of the electronics in the DS, like the screen, buttons, etc.

>actual content instead of the shit this board usually has
This is not a tech support board. If you absolutely must ask, do it in saged

There is no reason the rest of the hardware would differ from another unit. A software exploit not working properly is due to a software issue, hence it being "software" exploits.

Kys you insufferable faggots. Where are you for all the shill threads or Tom's Hardware tier threads? This is way more tolerable than the daily filth this board has endured since the recent never ending Summer.
Never give up Sup Forums can be saved.

The first guy you quoted was on your side lel

theyre the exact same board you retard. why wouldnt they be? maybe the firm is written higher so that you cant flash lower firmwares but thats it. iirc theres something about repairing the screens i think after replacements, or soemthing like that.

That's exactly why I question the MOBO compatibility. It seems reasonable to assume that the firmware is the same for both versions of the N3DSXL, and the special edition has no extra hardware features aside from dual IPS screens. Since regular 3DSXL randomly come with one or the other screen being IPS I wouldn't think there would be that much difference in hardware.
Something is definitely different, because the special editions are immune to exploits that work on the regular editions, even on the newest firmware.

Could you at least glance at the sticky before posting, retard?
>Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.

>This is way more tolerable than the daily filth this board has endured since the recent never ending Summer.
Hell even shiling is better than your manchild tech problems. At least there's something to discuss.

Yes. The only difference in the special editions are the shell, and minor differences in the motherboard. Just as long as it's the same type of 3DS it'll work.

OP again.
Sorry, didn't mean to cause an argument. I was just hoping someone on the technology board might know something about the inner workings of this piece of technology.
Clearly I am on the wrong board.

> I was just hoping someone on the technology board might know something about the inner workings of this piece of technology

Not a gaymer, but isn't it literally the same piece of hardware with a different shell? Why the fuck would it not be compatible?

link me up, that sound fishy. again all i imagine is the firm is at a higher version (not firmware). this was never the case before

I personally tried to load ninjhax literally 50 times, over the course of which I re-downloaded the starter pack about six times. Even though the ninjhax site says it supports the firmware I'm on, it would not install.
There's something different about the mobo or processor in the special editions. I don't know what, exactly, which is why I was hoping someone here would know.

You should be able to just put regular N3DSXL components in the Hyrule shell without issue. I'd test the regular MOBO on the screens before reassembling the shell just to make sure it does work.

>the special editions are immune to exploits that work on the regular editions, even on the newest firmware
You're a fucking idiot.