They apparently only have Makefiles as a common use standard.
Why are there no standard package managers for C/C++
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Because projects back then were not so much monolithic.
Think about windows. It's terrabytes of codes.
Plus internet wasn't popular back in the early '80s.
It's a mistake C/C++ cannot and will not be able to fix.
Just use your system's package manager, idiot.
Because the C and C++ ecosystems are much more broad and complicated than you seem to think.
Every fucking time
No. Moron.
I use windows. And you can't use the chocolatey-package-manager for windows to package and build c applications on their own
elaborate plox
>I use windows.
My condolences
If the standard's committee were to ask for a package manager, then most implementations would become non-standard, because there's a lot of complicated shenanigans behind making and maintaining a package manager, not to mention one that can span multiple OSs, architectures and environments.
As a developer I don't want a package manager for C/C++. It's bad enough when shit auto updates and other people's programs break. I don't want shit to auto update and break my own code.
Consistency > all
Because C and C++ compiler vendors and the standard committees can't even agree on how to fry much smaller fishes.
Basically , although the standard library and tools could be modular enough to span multiple OSs, architectures, environments and what not.
>emerge libwhatever
Was that so difficult?
Rust and Cargo are like a dream
>Cargo is like a dream
Good joke.
>Not adopting the most versatile, stable and source-friendly option as the default
shiggy your diggies you aptfags
What alternative do you have, brainlet?
vcpkg MSVC
msys2 mingw.
No excuses.
All you have to do is [package] and few other details
"cargo build" and builds the entire thing! So easy! None of that $(cc) -o $(objects) -w $(Libs) nonsense in c//++ that makes everything fragmented and too complex and buggy
>Having an install script instead of just creating a package for the package manager
>No excuses.
>having leftovers from the install script
>Header files.
Rust will fix this.
no need for them
make is not a package manager
> inferior compiler
> produces better code
> dozens of plugins
i hope u are joking :)
Create a Docker image that has the dependencies.
Then, in your makefile, do:
build\ in\ container:
docker container run -v $(shell pwd):/src/ my_build_image
Now, run make 'build in container'.
Dependency problem solved on Linux.
apt install boost-devel
but I don't have docker