/dap/ aka /pmp/

Why does Sup Forums shill the iPod Classic & Sansa Clip?

I own both and they are garbage.

Pros of Clip:
- it's small
- sd slot

Cons of Clip
- audible hiss
- UI is so shit you need rockbox
- battery is shit and dies within less than a year


Pros of iPod
- nice UI (which has to be replaced)

Cons of iPod
- sounds fucking garbage, cheap $10 knock-offs sound better
- mechanical hard-drive (can be replaced)
- rockbox is a must if you want any kind of settings at all

I get that a main attraction of these devices are Rockbox, but that does not excuse the fact that the audio quality on these devices are piss poor. A good device will not need Rockbox.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=rockbox unbrick ipod
google.com/search?q=red cross ipod

>Cons of iPod
>- sounds fucking garbage, cheap $10 knock-offs sound better

please kys

I'm not wrong. I own 2 classics so it's not like it's faulty or anything.

Bitch please. I've owned an ipod classic for years and they're great quality

Anyone else had any issues with Rockbox on ipod videos? MP3s and AAC run fine but anything else will lock it up like nobodies business.


Literally best of both worlds. Not as small as a sansa clip but the tradeoff is bluetooth and 8+ hour battery life. can also store more than a ipod classic.

Ok Neil Young

>8 hours

If it's under 30, I have 0 interest

my ipod has 53 hours, and space for 4 microsd cards. fuck your shit

>- sounds fucking garbage
What the fuck are you talking about

iPod's shilled because it's solid, upgradeable, and customizable with great aftermarket support

Not that great.
Chink parts are shitty and original parts are only available by salvaging from other iPods.

Nah, it's pretty great. Custom cases, part upgrades, storage options (IDE HDD, CF, SD, mSATA SSD), plus the clickwheel's GOAT

I bought chink parts to replace and almost none worked properly.
The thing's design makes repairing a pain too, especially opening the case.

I had one adapter not work, but that's to be expected of chink parts. And yeah, the case is a pain.

I had:
A front case that's made of a softer aluminum, sloppily sandblasted, with a screen glass that's practically a soft film, and doesn't even fit with the LCD. (Never buy replacement front case)
A clickwheel that is too thick thus it doesn't sit flush with the case, and the wheel surface is too rough among other flaws. At least it works.
A back case that actually looks almost right, but they drilled a screwhole wrong, making it useless.
The only thing that worked was the headphone jack & hold assembly.

Shoutout to Rockbox.
Brought my Ipod back to life.
I have Flacs now too!

Thanks for the DAP tips Sup Forums.

Even with the official firmware you could've had lossless audio, but it's nice to not need to transcode from FLAC

Because they're basement dwelling beta cucks.

Now I'm debating on whether to buy an ipod 5 or let it Go

They say 5 and 5.5 gens sound better due to their Wolfson DACs. I've had mine for 10 years nine, (device was built in 2006 I think). Still werks and had the original hard drive in it. These things are pretty easy to fix and keep running, I advice you get one.

That's a meme. They're better than the first classic because that one was a fuck up. But the later classics are better.

Which DAP/PMPs are inexpensive (under $250), support opus, have long battery life (over 10 hr), and have a DAC that sounds good?

Whatever happened to the Microsoft Zune?

Alot of people said it was ahead of its time.Its just apple beat them to the music player market.

>Support opus
Phone + external dac/amp device

I try to fix my ipod since I'm an idiot and fucked it up while trying to flash rockbox. Something went wrong and now it boots up and just shows the red cross with the apple website. The HD doesn't made a sound, so while at it I replaced it with a sd card. Now I can't really figure out what's wrong. At the end it's probably the logic board instead of the save medium.

there's a v2 of it

google.com/search?q=rockbox unbrick ipod

wow that was hard

google.com/search?q=red cross ipod

You fucked up the HDD somehow.
Try reseating the cable.

Lost my Sansa Clip. Are there any stores selling one for reasonable price? Are there any similar rockbox-able players?

Sandisk used to have some leftover a few months back but they're all gone now.

no and no and no