How do I become le epic 1337 h4x0r?

How do I become le epic 1337 h4x0r?

put kali linux on a raspberry pi

install gentoo

Stop watching and posting anime on this board

Watch more anime on your Gentoo install.

Sup Forums cool kids hacker club:
[ ] tiny mechanical keyboard, with a switch type that you probably haven't heard of, forged by taiwanese elves
[ ] programming socks
[ ] riced tiling window manager
[ ] screenfetch
[ ] Arch Linux (too intelligent for Debian or Ubuntu)
[ ] never program anything useful
[ ] hate Java, C++, Python or anything productive because they're for dumb Normies


[ ] at least 3 monitors

Press f12 B-)

Leave Sup Forums and ask someone who is competent.

amime website

Press F25

basically this

>tfw no taiwanese qt elf gf


learn buffer overflow attacks

Sorry this is a child porn website, maybe try reddit?

Go to and say these *exact* words:

"plz make me 1337 hAx0r. thank you sir"

It's a code. They'll take care of the rest.

essentially this

You must be part of that club.

a good idea, but getting phased out by hardware.

you're a faggot

Dumb normalfag.

>facebook filename
Fuck off back to your shithole.


[ ] take hrt to become a better programmer


how so? shadow stack won't save heap overflows and heap canaries aren't everywhere.

w-will it really m-make me a better programmer?

1. get a librebooted thinkpad with hardened gentoo gnu/linux-libre
2. watch anime on it

t. fuckerberg

Yes, also buy cute girl clothes.
Just don't lob your dick off, you want to be a trap, not a tranny.