Yasss queen! Brogrammers be afraid

Yasss queen! Brogrammers be afraid

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I want Karlie to peg me


Literally who

>The new face of coding
>not koding

She never will do some real project...

>New face of coding.
We have had cute girls (male) in the industry for decades.
Literally decades.
Roasties ain't shit on traps.

The kueen of kode and the killer of kikes, Karlie "KKK" Kloss.

she and everyone else worth a damn knows that her only value is her looks and vagina, if anyone hires her for anything, it would purely be for virtue signaling, which does sell. nobody useful actually thinks she has any useful technical knowledge.

Women are retarded


s-source on the image?

This is the same women responsible for the pic related.

cd code
cd ..
cd code
cd ..


Don't worry about this. The media exists to create a false perception of a world as they wish it to be but it never changes reality. It's better, actually, to placate these sorts of fools with a fuzzy illusion than have them actually hammering and shaking at the foundations of the real world.

Yeah, aside from staring in wix commercials on youtube, who the hell is this?

Did she really stare? I mean, maybe she was reading from a card or teleprompter or something, but is that staring?

You know for all the social justice movements out there today not a single fucking one focuses on how differently ugly and beautiful people are treated even though it's a really egregious source of prejudice.

someone should photoshop lain on that magazine ffs

Looks like Elon Musk with long hair.

Normies don't want to admit they're ugly, and calling others ugly is mean. It'll never happen

What's even more retarded is that any acceptance movement that tries to fight such prejudices does so by trying to change the standards of beauty to include whatever they're defending rather than maybe suggesting that we should not entirely judge people by outward appearance.

These things are more about establishing a pecking order than anything else.

What's this supposed to mean?

i just got the new forbes and klossed off on her face

she can't change a directory in terminal


What the fuck. Normally I'm willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt but she's barely written a helloworld program.


How can you be the new face of programming if can't even program? How does that make any sense?

If her and fabrice bellard were to fight, who would win?


I think it means she thinks changing a directory is coding

I wish she'd code my dick.

She's a pretty well known model; also really, really good friends with Taylor Swift (some people think that they fugg on the side), and dates Jared Kushner's brother.


>hello-world ruby
>forked from learn-co-students/hello-wrold ruby

does that mean she cant even write a hello world on her own?

haha Sup Forums finally BTFO

people like this are very good at generating publicity


This cover cant be real. Nuclear holocaust can't come soon enough.

>It's better, actually, to placate these sorts of fools with a fuzzy illusion than have them actually hammering and shaking at the foundations of the real world.
Maybe that was the plan all along. Breddy gud


32 repos, 30 forks, and these 2 originals are "git_practice" and "git-todo":

shes not a "programmer" or does "programming"

shes a "coder" who makes "code"

wait sorry i meant "koder" who "kodes"

Her repos are clearly in dire need of skilled contributors: need Issues and PRs. Not sure if anyone at Sup Forums can face up to the challenge tho.

so this is the new age of coding


How did she take that photo?

many people have speculated that its a crypto advert for her instagram.

that vitamin water brand probably threw her a couple hundos for the picture.

probably one of her manlet followers is holding the camera above her head

Feminist don't want women know real face women programmer some chubby Asian nerd girl or some quickly European east girl.

True. I don't doubt that she has a pack of numales at her disposal.

what the fuck is that thing on the left

I'm with #klossy on this


>Not knowing fast inverse square root
>Thinks he has an opinion

End your existence you cunt.