What code editor should I use, Sup Forums?

What code editor should I use, Sup Forums?

Sublime, Atom or VSCode?


Neovim and Atom

This, or GTFO.


"Hey pervert, stop taking photos of underage girls on the bus. I wouldn't even take a second look at a faggot who uses such pajeet tier editors. If you could edit like a real man, I might let you use your emacs pinky on me"

This meme is not funny anymore, user.

Literally takes like 10 seconds to launch on an SSD

Vim, spacemacs, emacs or neovim. Don't be a faggot

Still faster than NetBeans.

If I had to pick between those, I would get VSCode

My dick takes 10 seconds to launch on an ssd

It's unironically not a meme. Vim is more powerful then must IDEs and it's installed on virtually any *nix system you encounter. It's handy to know your way around Vim.


It's true. Stop being a smart-ass.


>be a smart-ass
>tell others to stop being smart-asses

Is there any debugger for vim? for testing code that is running

There's a lot of debugger plugins

how many plugins would you say i need to achieve the same features as an IDE such as eclipse, netbeans and visual studio?

vim is a great text editor and in many ways better than atom or sublime.
But if you just want to work on a single programming project, you're probably better off just using your favorite IDE.

just one

>he doesn't use a foot pedal

I literally just test drove all of those last week because I wanted to use something new. Go with VSCode. I really liked it. Atom is a memory hog and sublime was just meh. VSCode with it's built in extension support makes everything easy af.

I wound up going back to vim but that is a tale for another time.

>me lately

>sublime was just meh

>best memory managment
>most plugins easily installable plugins

sublime is not meh
would be all over it if it were open source

Who dat?


Second this


also vim

>vim + valgrind master race


Emacs, just Emacs.


html/css is not "code"

Frustrated back-end faggot detected.

The perfect middle ground between the bloat of Atom/VSCode and autism of Vim/Emacs.

Into the trash.

You're Jewish, aren't you?


NetBeans or Geany.

What can neovim do that vim cannot? Seems like a meme to me.

Doesn't run on my OS.

The fuck do you use? TempleOS?

>Using an Electron-based text editor.

No thanks, I prefer my text editor to not use significant amounts of memory.

Anyways, I use Vim, but Sublime Text is also pretty good.


>implying I'll run a preview version

What's so bad about Electron?

You wrote eclipse wrong

Try a few (Sublime Text, *vim, JetBrains IDE for your language) and use what you like
It also doesn't have to be just one tool, just pick what's right for the job


Imagine running a new instance of Google Chrome for some webshit's webapp. A fucking Electron Hello World takes up as much ram and cpu cycles as a Chrome tab, and the kind of hard disk space I'd expect from something like Calibre.

Aka something which could be improved immensely by porting it to GTK, some Java GUI framework or Qt instead of just bundling a fucking browser with your webapp.

Vim in Cmder, aka Conemu bundled with some other things running with NERDTree, Airline, and Solarized, as well as VimCompletesMe, which isn't shown, installed as plugins via Pathogen.

afaik, neovim is a test bed for new features for vim 8.
But honestly I just simply prefer neovim


Is there a point in actually learning VS? Looks confusing to all hell, not like VIM

I honestly thought vim was shit the first time I tried it because I didnt even know how to exit the damn thing so I reverted back to nano but tried to learn it this time around and it truly is godly. No one should be using anything other than vim

I love athletic girls because they don't wear too much make-up as opposed to typical, spoiled Stacies.

They're less demanding in terms of wanting gifts, free food, etc., and are also hornier, which means you get tons of sex while having to maintain her less.

Who cares? Computers have plenty of RAM, CPU cycles and HDD space to spare these days.

garbage, try netrw
useless garbage
like all your buddies at the bootcamp or what?
not even async, try completor instead

and get ale, seriously

Don't want to spread the meme, but Vim will pay off during your whole life once your learn it.

If you unironically have this mindset I hope you die in a suicide bombing

kate > atom + vscode
Now stop making these dumb threads without your retard hat.
Using the retard frog as the OP picture when you are too dumb to google should be in the rules at this point.

Don't be a hypocrite. Do you have any idea how many abstraction layers are you on, even without Electron? If you're such a minimalist, then eliminate all abstraction layers.

True, considering that by the time you learn it there will be little of your life left.

delet this