LibreOffice Calc has a 1024 column limit?

What the fuck Sup Forums?
Who are these retards?

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Use Excel retard.

No self-respecting company takes open source office apps seriously

I use Linux in my work damn it!

Unless it's R... R is OP.

You system admin or something user?

Yes and this one time I need to use Libreoffice in virtual X environment. Fucking hell.
Gnumeric supports any amount of columns.
Still, fucking shame on LO developers for being dicks and pricks.
They refuse to fix that because it's "too much work"

If your company needs more than 1024 columns it means they can afford proper software.

Use python, brainlet.

Is it even worth learning shell these days?

>worth learning shell
what there is to learn? Unless you're a brainlet.

I don't know, I never tried.

I am but I want to color certain cells in the output file.

Shell? What shell?
You mean bash?
For everyday tasks learn bash, yes.


and Advanced Bash tutorial on the same site.

For more advanced shit learn python.
2D Arrays in bash are a hacked together abomination.

This, buy some proper accounting software user.

Thanks. I know Python already, so guess it'll make it easier.

>it's a real hard-coded limit
I'm surprised.
It's 2D Data. There's a million different space optimizations you could do trivially. What you're actually limited by is rendering (but if that's an issue they already have major issues because who really has 1024x1024 cells on screen to begin with) and potentially wasting computations in your row wide operations. But any programmer should see the solutions to that. Split columns into groups and flag groups as unpopulated would be the quick dirty way.
I understand open source software has limited development resources but to me this seems more like a 'our code base sucks'-issue than a 'lack of time due to the native complexity of the task'-issue.
Slightly more perplexing than the 1024 limit is how they're bounded by 2^20 on the row axis. Why 2^20? Its like they've got no clue what they're doing. They just aimed for a billion for some reason. So arbitrary.
You'll easily run into 1024+ columns in the most basic 'data science' (i hate this label for code monkeys) tasks. It's popular to use spreadsheet tools to get some basic grasp on the data.

Bash is a glue that connects all Linux tools together.

Most of the time, once you know the basics all you have to do is find a proper tool to use in your script and then use bash to send data to and from that application + parsing the output using sed or awk.

Meant to post this. More than amonth of work to change container for your dynamic data. I don't buy it. It'd have to be the definition of spaghetti code. No abstraction boundaries present.

Not that guy but are you arguing for bash over python for anons personal use here?
I strongly disagree. Especially when she already knows python.

sounds like you shouldn't be using a spreadsheet in the first place


Fact : writing a python app to do trivial shit like piping results from one tool to another in a pipeline is a waste of time.
Just cat that shit into a pipe and be done with it.
Also, you can mix python and bash in one script.
Yes you can.

Yup, they are retarded and refuse to listen.

And then I have to sell LO to my fellow scientists and it lacks basic functions.

So, guess that my knowledge of Perl will come in handy as well then.

>yes you can
Please user. You insult me. You can mix bash and C in a single C script (yes, that's what I call them when used this way).
>piping is harder in python
I agree. But, given that user knows python and refers to bash as a shell. I'm not on boat with the idea of pushing bash on her.
Admittedly when I use languages other than bash for these borderline bash tasks I tend to have more interesting things to do with the data in a script already that I'd find to be a hassle in bash. But its not prohibitively expensive to use usually.
If it's just a literal pipe operation, sure. But I wouldn't consider learning that to learn bash.

I always viewer perl as something between bash and python.

Have you tried R? I mean, it's bread and butter of data analysis and you can export in .csv format.

>But I wouldn't consider learning that to learn bash.
You need to learn 2 loops, one if, what is a pipe , redirection and what are the names of common gnu tools.
2 hours tops if you are slow.

>Have you tried R?
Yes and R fucking sucks. It's good for scientists who don't know how to code.
It always pisses me off how R is constrained compared to normal programming languages.

And then remember it. Consider that in python you'd just need to know how to pipe. And the rest can be presumed known.
I'm not arguing that knowing bash wouldn't be helpful but I think a more task oriented approach is healthier. If user knows python and not bash it's likely others in her environment don't know bash.

I find it good for statistics and visual interpretation of data. I adore how large the database is and how, as you mentioned already, you have to be an utter degenerate not to be able to use it.


By "they" you mean "you", this is open-source software if you want that feature make it so.

Sure but you can do the exact same shit with Python + Numpy + Scipy+ Pandas, no?

Are they receiving donations?
Yes? Maybe?

Have you tried reading docs or searching for solution..?

In spreadsheets it's WYSIWYG.
I can use mouse to select intersting data instead of writing code to find certain cells

Just use your imagination.

Yes, but it's faster in R.

For example I work with biostatistics a lot. And let's say you get 2000 different sorts of wine and each has 30+ variables tied to it. In R it takes less then 10 lines to import the entire table, sort it, export the mod, extremes, standard deviation etc. for each of those 30 variable types, separate every one on individual graph (plot) and export it all in .pdf or .csv in case it's a table that's intended to be worked on again.

>Who are these retards?
The same people who in the recent "Vote for new LibreOffice mascot" rejected pic related.
Can you fucking imagie being THIS homosexual?

And Pyhon for example I rather use when I make an Assembly of multiple parts in FreeCAD and need to simulate some more complicated movement that can't be done in Robot Workbench.

Those two work amazingly together since FreeCAD is written in Python.

People using r make more money

>hurr durr, I hate having to sell LO to my fellow scientists
>hurr durr, R isn't real programming language
You sound line a self defeating little turd.

You're calling out r for not being a programming language but you think python and it's garbage syntax is considered one hahaha

Use Gnumeric

Irrelevant, if you want a feature you can program it yourself or pay any programmer to add it. Submit the patch if you want, but you'll have the feature you need and nobody can do shit about it.

They probably didn't think that kind of character would be appropriate for an office suite.

freetards btfo on Desktop again in Munich, "users unhappy" what a fucking surprise.

Not everyone is as into furries that have lost an eye in bukkake accident as you seem to be

They will ignore my patch because it fucks up their shitty functions that they worked on for years.

So what? You've got your feature.

I need 34 of this.

Now give this version to everyone and tell them to never update

>Reported: 2012-06-09

I solved it by switching columns with rows.
There is no limit for rows. That's retarded.

They hardcoded columns in calc. No wonder nobody takes FOSS seriously.

I will complain for the next 5 years until they fix it.

>data science

Well it's supposed to be fixed in 6.0.0 released two days ago.

>1024 columns
what the fuck man, can't you get like proper data handling software?

yeah, it really makes you think. Did the PTSD penguin win?

Isn't it funny that there isn't ONE not A SINGLE freetard software that is better than it's paid closed source counterpart?

Reminder all the actual good and competent programmers get hired and get paid huge sums of money to create quality software

All the neet basement dwelling freetards are the scum left behind

It's not funny or weird at all. It's quite logical if you think about it. Of course paid programmers will produce better programs than hobbyists.

Time to switch to iWork?

Transpose is a thing

Blender is pretty good and like the other guy said, you can't live of being a meme on Sup Forums.
If you spend a lot of time into a project of yours you'd wanna get money for that at some point.

Excel have worked for linux in a long time.
How new are you?

It's open source, do it yourself.

The price you pay for "free software"

tfw when people in our accounting department always complain to me about their 500 MB spreadsheets being slow as fuck

Anyone knows how can I turn a list of pairwise distances into a phylogenetic tree?

When will MS release Office for Linux, now that they love open source so much ?


>Using a piece of open source software because muh freedom
>They won't fix x or y! wtf Sup Forums!?
>Not looking into fixing it yourself

Go back to windows.

The developers themselves have been unable to fix it since 2012. How long do you think it would take for an outsider?


>boohoo my free shit isn't just as good as paid software
Yeah, no shit. If you want professional stuff, you have to reach inside your pockets, you goddamn spoiled freeloaders. Be glad there's a free solution that does 99% of the shit you'll ever do for absolutely nothing. Leave it up to the attendance award generation to even whine about that.

Millennials were a mistake.

Its not that they were unable it's that it would require a lot of rework because just increasing the number of columns would drastically increase resource usage.

I understood that, thank you.

You don't get it.

>you will never tell merkel to use less teeth on your bratwurst...

>she will never call u a fuggin white male while u plaster her face

>she only does this to achmed

why even live...

And according to the bug report filed many years ago this issue was supposed to be resolved in 6.0.0 version which was released 2 days ago.

My Ubuntu tells me

No. They're refactoring to allow it.

> Who are these retards?
People who create Office-like software to calculations with.

... yea, this explains almost everything you need to know.

it's gonna take some time before 6.0 waltzes into repositories of distributions like Ubuntu or Debian.

Nobody uses their shit to do anything remotely professional, so why should they fix it?

take the APL pill

>take the APL pill
On a fucking Xeon Linux server

Was it? The best I could find was libreoffice-

>they refuse to fix that
doesn't Excel only get 255?

What fucking spreadsheets are you making that go beyond 1024 columns?

I just googled "libreoffice 6.0" and the first results was 6.0 release notes, with the date "2 days ago"

>This is an in-progress scratch-pad of notes to build release notes from as and when we release.
The release is scheduled around Jan-Feb

I'm sorry then I didn't actually open the link

WPS office dude...

Had to see for pic related.

dude If I were to use proprietary software I'd rather use Office on Wine.

>doesn't Excel only get 255?
Not since at least 1997

All companies I've seen work using OpenOffice

>All companies I've seen work using OpenOffice
I don't believe you.

Dude, you're local liquor store shouldn't be considered "all companies".

Not that user but yes, mostly. It's just that some things are much more convenient in R (others really aren't). But the main advantage is that alot more statistical models are implemented and ready to use. I don't want to program every estimator myself and implement something like clustered inference on top of it anytime I want to estimate a model. Other statisticians or econometricians who develop estimators implement them in R before publication and put them online. Python doesn't have anything equivalent. Even R is lacking some things that are implemented in commercial statistical packages that are popular in certain communities (like Matlab and Stata in Econometrics/Economics). Yes R is shit for many things, but it's OK for statistics.