
Who here vapes?

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All the faggots like you apparently.

>smoking the robotic jew


vape naysh yall

Why are those keys so shallow?


to show how shallow their owners are



What are these? People who got beat for being faggots in public?

I do. No nicotine shit tho.

Nicotine raises T levels and improves cardio performance. It is the smoke part that is bad for you.

exploding vape shit causing burns and such

Love that guys videos

I wish, america ain't what it used to be.

Anyway vapes draw up to like 20 AMPs from their battery while vaporizing the gay juice people put in them. This means batteries have to be samsung-grade else any little defect will cause the batteries to violently detonate with a very high explosive force.

once you become this fucking braindead there's no chance of going back


Buy a fucking pack of cigarettes you fucking pussy.

I only vape pure THC.

These people play russian roulette with these things every time they take a puff. They can explode and cause them to bleed out from their face at any moment. Still somehow gay though.

Where do I start with vaping? What's a good entry vape? Shit is confusing as fuck, too many options.

Start by putting a stick ot dynamite in your mouth and setting it off. That should get you pretty comfortable with vapes.

Pretty sure it's been shown your body doesn't absorb nicotine from it unless u hold it in your mouth like a cigar. 36mg oil which is bs Chinese junk with no nicotine. But prob better for u than smoking. Just don't smoke?

Are there hookah style vapes where I don't need to hold up a chinese time-bomb to my face? Something with a pipe set up?

Next time provide sources

Shit vape desu, that's the vape high school kids use. Man up and get a mech and rda.



literally 70% of those side effects are from the smoke... This disinfo campaign from Truthâ„¢ is getting really pathetic.

Regulated box mods are designed to protect against exactly this kind of issue, which is a big part of why they're so popular these days and why they're the only thing I'll use. If you look at vape explosions, you'll see that they're almost always either a shitty no-name pen-style cheapo or some autist pushing an unregulated mechanical mod to the limit for some asinine vape contest.

Your body absolutely absorbs nicotine, but how well it works depends on how well atomized the vapor is. Those little pen vapes do a shit job of it, and that's why they use juices with ridiculous mg (20+) of nicotine. On the other hand a quality sub-ohm tank setup does a pretty good job, and common juices for them only have 3mg or 6mg and yet are much more satisfying. The downside is that sub-ohm tanks need a shitload of power, hence the big batteries and fancy box mods.

Does anyone else find the "vaping is gay" meme completely baseless? it's a delivery mechanism for a drug. Just like pills, powders, snorting, eye droppers, blotters, drinking, etc.

it's just a delivery method

there seems to be an inordinate amount of hate towards vapes I really don't get. Cultural engineering perhaps?

Doing drugs is already faggy enough. Vaping just makes you look even more gay while doing it.

I hate it because you fags look like this: youtube.com/watch?v=Dkm8Hteeh6M

It's drugs on training wheels. You cannot look cool sucking a mouth fedora. All other drugs have or had a stigma of being hard, cool or dangerous. Even learning that they are "chinese time-bombs" doesn't really change that. Imagine getting injured sucking a smoke dildo. It's a really pathetic image.

Vaping is the way i kicked cigs. I tried nicotrol inhaler, patch, gum and couldn't make it a few days but vaping made it super easy. you just have to make sure that bitch is loaded and charged at all times. i don't understand hobby vapists, but as a smoking cessation tool it's a godsend.

Because vaping used to be a giant pain in the ass and only autistic neckbeards were willing to deal with it. Nowadays it's pretty much mindless, but the stigma sticks around.

I like my life a lot more as a "vaper" than I did as a pack a day smoker, so I don't really care what it looks like, but I do wish it wasn't so associated with fedora-wearing fucktards.

>he does his drugs for the appearance of looking cool

see now that's actually gay

what vape is that
I was thinking of getting into vaping

I agree, drugs are gay. Enjoy your jew flute.


Glad to see someone else likes the juul, even if there a macfag

I think you have no idea what your saying... 80% of vapes are variable wattage (which controls both amperage and voltage) multiply these values together and you have wattage, the value you get to change on a mod...

to add to the cuckoldry of vaping. i just found out today that people can install software to enhance the hits among whatever other ettings available. botnet? data mining faggots smoking habits so they can be another statistic in this malevolent system we live in.

yes, a delivery method that makes you look like a faggot.

That was subjective what you just said. Give it 20 years and all the "vape fags" will be older and have multiplied... Youll be there like "Oh i guess its not that bad, it is healthier.."

>j-just you wait...

>the sight of condensed gaseous water makes me mad.

Shit needs to take a step back. If someone's being a fag hotboxing a store, yeah fuck em.
That's not the majority of people who vape though, so just stop being cunts.

And to vapers. Don't vape indoors or densely populated venues. (I agree it's no biggie if you limit your wattage) also hold it in to dissipate. Might drown yourself, but if you're so fucked you need a hit right there, deal with it.

how does that go against anything he said?

>tfw never gave into peer pressure and doing gateway drugs

Get a regulated mod with like 50+ max wattage and a replaceable-cartridge tank

> Don't vape indoors or densely populated venues
> Don't use a vape for one of it's direct benefits
It's just a case of shitheads being walking fog machines ruining it for everybody else.
Half the workfloor at my job vapes and we keep it respectful, no huge fucking plumes, keep the scents mild (no uber strawberry fruitcake explosion bullshit), blow the fumes UNDER your desk on exhale, and if anybody asks you to stop you have to.

>calling something like nicotine a gateway drug
You need to be 18 to post on this forum child.

good boy

i meant drugs for pussies to take to feel hardcore, not drugs that would lead to the consumption of deadly drugs down the line

>memebar ifag
>sucking on a black tube
checks out

>implying he looked that much better before

Snake? Is that you snake?

>this is what gnu-males actually believe

vape faggots have competitions to see who can rip the fattest clouds, so they "mod" their """rig"""

this is what happens when you buy shitty mods on ebay (same is true for cars)

not all of them do
your car analog works here. you're suggesting /all/ car owners are ricer faggots with noisy mufflers and and gaudy paintjobs

Wow, imagine being this much of a fucking faggot.

post technology

extra tendies 4 u

Your mom sucks weed smoke out of my dickhole, does that count as vaping or not?

Can anyone tell me why tank (Herakles Plus and Pro) frequently leak juice for no discernible reason? Even if it is vertical

I had a Plus and it leaked like a motherfucker. I gave up on it, there's a lot of better stuff on the market now and it's not like tanks are particularly expensive. I recently got the Uwell Valyrian and like it a lot.

Yeah, switched like 4 years ago. One of the best things I ever did.

i used to smoke and vaped for cessnatiom started subohming then to MTL. been clean ever since. still take my testerone sorry soy boys enjoy your bitch tits lol

i have a fucking vape and Im trying to do my own build in one of those fucking make your own coil thingys and im not sure I am even doing this right

I do, I set some things up just to reply to your thread.

I can help you out user, where are you stuck?

I enjoy the act of smoking and vaping, but I don't really want nicotine. Yes I know I'm a faggot. Is there a way to vape without nicotine and just have the flavors?
Ive bought disposable vape pens in the past and I liked them. It's fun to just idly use.

Watch a tutorial on YouTube.

There are nicotinless liquids out there, so yes, you can.

You can buy nicotene free liquid at any reputable vape store.

>Is there a way to vape without nicotine and just have the flavors?
just get no/zero nicotine flavours
where i live you literally can't even buy anything with nicotine in them, i have to get nicotine bases from overseas

hello brothers

Where do you live?

Go to any vapeshop and ask for nicotine-free e-liquid. If you don't have a real vape yet ask for the most basic starter kit, like an Aspire pockex.


This is the only real vape that matters, children.

OH shit, the shipping prices are expensive then I guess.

maybe, it's not like i've looked at shipping prices to places i don't live

Thanks, the Pockex looks good too. I don't like those huge vapes with the big battery, they just seem so cumbersome. I like the look of the juul but they're all just nicotine replacement things and I'm also not 21


Correction: exploding garbage chink battery from building a coil that tried to draw more than the battery could handle, or there was a short (it was never clear which) but the bottom line is this: battery safety is a must.

probably $1 ultrafire pieces of shit being driven at 200W

Juuls are pretty closed up, I've been vaping for a long time now (I'm and btw) and the pockex is imo the all-around best starter kit right now. I get why you wouldn't want to carry around huge mods with you everywhere. The only thing you need to worry about in a pockex is changing out the coilhead when it burns out (takes at least 2 weeks, depends on use).
Btw just posted what I was going to post.

someone i know used batteries that were so poorly kept that the plastic covering tore off and there was dents and corrosion around the positive terminal
that was an accident waiting to happen

You know a battery is shit when it says fire on the wrapper and it claims to be as powerful as a laptop battery.