what do when pajeet pai ends net neutrality?
What do when pajeet pai ends net neutrality?
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nothing because defending Title II is literally only for redditors
net neutrality as mandated by Title II is retarded
Nothing. The internet market is truly made free again
Pic related is completely impossible to implement
Pirate a lot of shit. This could be helpful since other websites might implement EME sometime in the future.
Yeah, free for ISPs to fuck the consumer even more.
nothing because everybody hates google and other silicon companies. they used smoke and mirrors to pretend to be good guys, but they pulled off their mask for trump and there's no ever going back.
sjw, numales, and whoever else doesn't get to control the internet or write laws for it.
Complete bullshit and you know it.
sorry, kiddo, but my internet provider didn't call me a RACYST CIS PATRIARCHY and say i need to be banned off the internet/censor my political opinion. i know all the soyboy queer like you would love to censor the web and ban me off it though. for that reason you're never going to get huge sweeping laws for the internet in america, soyboy. when you reveal you want to ban everybody who disagrees with you off of it suddenly your "neutrality" becomes a joke.
Ajit isn't ending it. Franken is. He called for FaceTwitGoogAzon to be held to the same standards, and suddenly, they don't like Net Neutrality anymore.
Imagine that. Big tech wants to hamstring potential competition with rules they themselves refuse to implement.
>And Facebook, Google and Amazon, like ISPs, should be neutral in their treatment of the flow of lawful information and commerce on their platform.
>failed to take common-sense precautions to prevent the spread of propaganda, misinformation and hate speech
How do these things both happen
Which package has anime?
Why is this a thing that is even proposed? Why is it advancing?
I'm supposed to be against net neutrality right? That's the bill that says should happen?
Trump had banned anime except by Crunchyroll.
Net Neutrality would stop that.
I'd assume the Hollywood package
>you have AT&T/some small shitty company and are legitimately worried!
>youre just mad soyboys that capitalism and the semi free market is becoming free-er under Trump
God damn I hate the naming and shit it always so vague
neutral series of tubes > designated shitting tubes
Reddit finds a new progressive thing to be hysterical about.
>Defending a corporate shill
The internet shouldn't come in packages and it shouldn't be censored by ISPs.
Take the poo to the loo.
And by poo I mean pajeet. And by loo I mean a large hole in the ground his limp body will fall into.
Pajeet needs his shilling rupees.
We go after Google, Amazon, Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook. Oligarchies will be taken down just like AT&T and Microsoft were decades ago.
When is the vote for net neutrality happening?
yeah it should be censored by soyboy numales, sjw, and feminist allies like google, tweeter, facebook, and leftist. my isp haven't ever even slightly suggested they wanted to censor me in the 15 years i had them. every piece of shit liberal like you has been screeching to do it for the last 2 years straight though
you're never going to get support for your fraud again
>The jews will slow our internet down
>Ancaps and lolbergs will unironically defend this as the free market and if there literally is no alternative ISP they'll just tell you to move
>There are people who come here who unironically want to get all their conservative sites blocked by the jews under the pretense of the free market because they think rules is a dirty word
>corporations want to randomly shutoff their customers paying them
no you dumb fuck. they aren't facebook or tweet running a scam and selling users data. they want people to pay them money and keep their service. all the kikes want net neutrality so they can ban conservatives off the internet with their new rules and control
>in the 15 years i had them
and you've had net neutrality that whole time
>Oy vey goyim, those anti homosexuality websites and anti diversity websites are offensive to the 60 billion who died in the holocaust and now are capped and blocked. Brietbart and infowars is another shoah and will also be blocked, it is the free market doing its job goyim
This is the future ancaps and libertarians will defend
Thanksgiving. Call up your local congressman and say: I support "Title Two" net neutrality rules and I urge you to oppose the FCC's plan to repeal them. Specifically, I'd like you to contact the FCC Chairman and demand he abandon his current plan.
Be polite and say you are a constituent.
>you've had net neutrality that whole time
no i didn't kiddo.
my internet service won't do that cause all the faggot sjw subhumans don't have money to pay. they all rely on free services so facebook, tweeter, google, and these other scam pieces of trash that sell their data can go full sjw. if you go sjw with paying customers then your business collapses and you lose everybody. just take a look at any shithole corporation that virtue signals and see how all their profits tank. sjw don't have money while conservatives do
Comcast, verizon, and other big name ISPs that most likely are the only ones available for you and highly liberal will demand you pay up money for holocaust reparations if you ever want to see your conservative websites again.
>Comcast, verizon, and other big name ISPs that most likely are the only ones available for you
>liberal will demand you pay up money for holocaust reparations
what would really happen is liberals get rules and laws passed about controlling the internet and then they try to pass laws blocking stuff they dislike. comcast and these other major isp don't want to piss off half of america while every liberal/sjw wants to desperately and they also want to ban them off the internet too
>every piece of shit liberal like you has been screeching to do it for the last 2 years straight though
Did I even say I was a liberal?
>you're never going to get support for your fraud again
What are you even talking about?
Why would you even trust those assholes after all the anti-consumer shit they've been pulling off for years.
MSNBC is owned by comcast, if that's not liberal to you I don't know what is. Enjoy Sup Forums getting blocked because it's associated with ebil drumpf voters and any unencrypted website having ads injected reminding you to pay more money for faster speeds and why you should get a black wife.
this means they try to get money out of people while giving piss poor service. that doesn't mean they try and censor the web fucking idiot. there's no profit for them banning conservatives but every soyboy gets his micro penis hard at the thought of pissing off all conservatives and banning them off the web
You're unironically defending comcast and MSNBC who hate conservatives, donald trump, and would love to see conservative voices suppressed as much as possible.
never going to happen. why are comcast injecting ads suddenly you faggot? did they start injecting ads into my phone calls too? you're so dumb
>normalfags forced to pay $1,000,000,000 a day to go on facebook
>launch private satellite
>re-establish a simplified file exchange of Raspberry Pi servers across the globe
>make own OS and compiler so corporate kikes can't botnet me
>re-create an alternative internet
>go back to the glorious 90s of internet
>kek profusely at normalshits too dumb to build their own internet
Net-Neutrality does NOT apply to mobile ISP's yet you don't see ayn censorhsip or other bs scare tactics the Redditors claim will happen.
Why is that?
Any pro-NN Redditors here?
Comcast has never had a problem with injecting ads into unencrypted connections in the past
I'll just shitpost as I have for years on my comfy Cucked Canuck internet under Supreme Leader Trudeau.
>this issue literally affects america exclusively
Farewell Amerifats.
>using non-https websites
>warning cause you've got a data plan and it's running
stupid as fuck. you grubby little faggot soyboys will not get your hands on the web and scare tactics won't work
>Got proven wrong that comcast is willing to play dirty and moves the goalposts hoping he can change the argument into something he thinks he can win
>he says as he posts while paying an ISP to access the internet and has no money to build the infrastructure to have any alternative internet
The absolute state of Sup Forums. You don't realize that you'd still have to pay as much as anyone else to even get access to your internet alternative? Using some other internet protocol or intranet doesn't suddenly mean you don't need to pay an ISP and get free internet.
The absolute state of conservative fearmongering. Remind me who's in office again? Yeah conservative censorship is a big worry, just like them taking your guns. Don't forget to buy more, now. Any day they're gonna come for em.
>playing dirty is showing you you're 90% out on your data plan as a warning
you're definitely some 17 year soyboy
>implying I'm using an ISP to access the internet
wew laddy
>Farewell Amerifats
And they'll be cheering while getting reamed by the ISPs. It's beautiful.
Very good goyim, let us - I mean your ISP selectively edit and later block any website we feel like. The ministry of truth - I mean again your ISP will ensure that your pages will look exactly how we - I mean your ISP want them to.
>please stop paying attention to our desires and pretend like that isn't what we want to do the second we're capable
this is your brain on soy. people who aren't numale sjw feminist can think ahead and plan things out accordingly. just because you're an impotent cuckold loser doesn't mean you don't desire to do a lot of damage and censor conservatives
>He calls others soy eating cucks while unironically defending his comcast and MSNBC masters without any hint of self-awareness
>on the brink of being literally big-brothered
>amerifat-free internet
>rollback to the 2000s quality of internet
>that doesn't mean they try and censor the web fucking idiot
Knowing Comcast, it won't be a surprise if they actually do it.
Charter also uses popups like that except it's whenever you don't pay for your internet bill on time rather than going over a data cap (they don't have one).
>scare tactics
If anything, you're the one doing the scare tactics.
Then you're using wifi and just letting some other person play ISP and are at their mercy and they can see everything you do.
Great job. Truly you're gonna be the pioneer of a new internet with that amazing IQ. Lord have fucking mercy, there are Amish people who grasp technology better than you do.
>Implying I'm using (((wifi)))
my sides are in orbit
Yes, do this if you're a stupid cunt who
A: thinks there are any house reps who aren't owned by their party, or the Dems
B: hates freedom.
Then what are you using? Fucking telepathy? But do go on and keep being an idiot who thinks you can magically just make a new internet.
Just admit that you're a cunt that puts ISPs first rather than the consumer.
What the fuck? Does this guy not realize WiFi requires an ISP?
>not doing what every single intelligence agency is doing and plugging your computer directly into the submarine communications cables that keep the internet running
>he doesn't have a deep-sea diving-suit to perform necessary modifications to your connection as well as troubleshooting
I bet you pre-ordered the iPhone X
You understand that he can run his own lines for a separate Internet, right?
I do. He said he wasn't paying, so I said he must be using wifi which changes nothing, not that wifi was magic and didn't go through an ISP.
Reminder that the entertainment industry is owned by the two largest ISPs in the united states.
I'm pretty sure you fundamentally don't understand what you're talking about. Like a child that thinks they know how things work. Cute, really.
1. That would be expensive.
2. If you mean he is doing that right now, then how is he on Sup Forums rather than a blank screen?
Oh, right, you're luddites who think that the internet just exists via magic and requires no physical infrastructure. This is Adeptus Mechancus tier understanding of technology. Your world must be so magical when you are this ignorant.
Clearly. Then enlighten me on how he is getting free access to the internet and not using wifi.
Maybe his alien bros are using an alien magic beam that gives him access. You sound like a fucking retarded child.
Title II doesn't mandate net neutrality, it just classifies ISPs as common carriers. The FCC only has authority to mandate net neutrality for common carriers, so they're not trying to remove net neutrality, they're trying to remove their own ability to regulate it at all.
Which is dumb. If someone votes to give themselves less power, that's usually a warning that their vote has been bought.
as much as i hate to say it, that guy is right. i used to be pretty adament on NN, but then all of silicon valley declared that they hate me for for the color of my skin and my dick. Since they are nakedly wielding their platforms in power plays to discriminate against me for the way i was born, i have no choice but defend myself and others like me. They wield their power with malice against me. the solution is to take that power away.
I dont want to think this way. i want a world where everyone just treats everyone as an individual and everyone gets along. but i dont live in that world.
i hope the eradication of NN shifts power from the coastal cities and distributes it across the coutnry, where real normal americans live and work and have normal sane views.
ISP's are not actual common carriers so Pai is right.
>shifts power from the coastal cities and distributes it across the coutnry, where real normal americans live and work and have normal sane views.
most americans live in coastal cities
why do you hate democracy?
you mean that obama era thing that never even went into effect, and now which won't?
he's not really ending something if it never started to begin with soygoy
this is a democratic republic, not a democracy
we hate democracy because we don't want to be like chicongo or san francisfag
no they don't. california for example is 70% mexican citizen. the coasts are filled with foreigners especially brown ones who aren't even citizens
>most americans live in coastal cities
too stupid to read huh? it clearly says in the article that 39% are located in counties DIRECTLY on the shoreline
people one county over from the shore aren't in the fucking heartland
not all people on a coastal counties are culturally like sanfransico, all of the south for example. and thats what we are talking about here, distributing power to the many different cultures in america instead of concentrating it in a couple of cities with extremist political views
>couple of cities with extremist political views
you mean like in the bible belt?
many states in the south are moderate, and were swing states during the election, florida, carolinas, virginia, georgia.
california, by contrast, is deep deep blue. by definition, extreme.
so extremist views are only the ones you don't agree with
got it
WTF? Now I love Al Frank-
“Not only do they guide what we see, read and buy on a regular basis, but there dominance specifically in the market of information now requires that we consider their role in the integrity of our democracy,” Franken said, criticizing firms like Twitter, Facebook and Google (((for their inability to stop foreign actors from manipulating their platforms to meddle in elections.)))
nvm fuck this fucking k*ke
I'll buy a rifle and brush up on my marksmanship
just admit that you are wrong friend. ive beaten you. jsut walk away.
>paying to use the internet
We already have wifi, we don't need this bullshit
Okay here is everything you need to know about this:
1. Do you like the way the internet is right now?
If the answer is yes. Then you don't want to support any laws to change anything. The only reason to change things is so the internet stops being like it is right now.
2. If you don't like the way the internet is right now, well I hope your anus is prepared for: because that's what you're getting when net neutrality is repealed.
It wasn't vague at first. Telecom companies started explaining to the public that net neutrality was the exact opposite of what it actually was and now people are confused and don't know what is what.
This is why you should rely on this litmus test:
1. Does it change how the internet works right now?
If yes -> trash
People need to attack the ISP's for being monopolies. We need anti-trust suits against them.
>dumb internet corporations like netflix has actually recruited a vast amount of dumb idiots to fight for them
I thought you were smarter than this, Sup Forums. Ending net neutrality is good for everyone.
>what would really happen is liberals get rules and laws passed about controlling the internet
They're repealing rules, you fucking moron, not adding them.
Specifically, they are repealing rules preventing telecoms from censoring shit and placing price barriers on particular services, e.g. forcing you to pay an extra $15/mo to get netflix, on top of your netflix subscription.
And then they'll offer their competing "not netflix" for $10/mo
Which is basically the telecom companies literally paying for regulation (or in this case the removal of regulation) to buttfuck their competition using the government. Ostensibly what you anarcho-capitalist retards are against, and yet here is an ancap fucking moron supporting the exact fucking opposite of what he thinks his ideology is about.
What you are is a useful moron. That's it.
>people are racist to me
>So now I will vote against my best interests
Literally nigger tier thinking
No evidence.
>food should not be allowed on the free market because someone might charge more for a product
you sound fucking stupid. If they do that, just go with the competition idiot.
You clearly don't understand a lick of any of what's being talked about in this thread.
Let me guess, your dumb ass also thinks net neutrality is creating market monopolies?
Don't mind me guys, just helping this thread along
Here's some history of how things have been going and why there's a fight about net neutrality in the first place.
>2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it. cnet.com
>2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.
>2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones. fortune.com
>2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube. wired.com
>2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit. businessinsider.com
>2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction. washingtonpost.com
>2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money. freepress.net
>2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place. savetheinternet.com
>2017, Verizon caught throttling customer data in direct violation of FCC Net Neutrality rules - rt.com
>Net neutrality shit again
>More dumb petitions that put me on a mailing list
>Meanwhile google and other silicon valley tech giants want to censor me off the internet
At this point, I just can't give a single damn, whether we have Net Neutrality or not, we still have shitheads at google, facebook, twitter and godaddy censoring everything they consider problematic. The real depressing thing is, while the whole internet will pretty much unite for net neutrality, the only people who really acknowledge the shit that silicon valley wants to do are a couple thousand individuals considered jaded and problematic for even worrying. Even more depressing still, it seems like the people who will unite for net neutrality are pretty much in full support of the actions Google and others are doing to censor the net.
>But it's okay, it's only targeting right wing sites
What's going to stop Monsanto from forcing these giants to take down any bad comments about GMOs or their shitty practices after that? Unless the internet can actually unite against censorship of all forms, I just can't bother supporting their fight