AI killer drones

this is for those on Sup Forums who said Elon was full of shit and this can never happen.
>this is not hollywood multi-million dollar quality. it's just a low budget display of concept

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Really makes you think...

>a fictional movie is why X was right
Yeah... no.

The problem with this example is what is stopping a person from directly controlling a drone and attacking. I'll tell you what it is and I have yet to solve this problem. Ammo capacity!

I'm thinking of using some sort of special version of a 22. A little more punch than normal. Any thoughts?


Ultra kek

it's china...

Skynet will be created in china.

>robots killing = bad
>humans killing = good

I fucking hate fascists so much.

So the difference to getting nuked is that there won't be any hard hitting pollution and some people might be deemed not to be killed? I kinda prefer this to nukes.

>humans killing = bad
>animals killing = good

I fucking hate vegans so much.

you don't get it do you? in the end it's always just humans killing

Elon Musk is full of shit and making people scared of AI is dumb.
Say someone unleashes a swarm of gun wielding drones that uses AI to determine who to kill.
Is the AI really the thing you have a problem with?
AI is an optimization process, if you use it to murder people, you get a good system for murdering people.
If you use it to remove makeup from women, it removes makeup from women.
It works, bitches.

is this watch dogs 2?

I wonder what it is like to see this and reach the conclusion that this is dangerous.
detecting cars and humans is not a new thing.
Anyone with opencv and a bit of time can do this.

>global ban

yeah banning things works so well. remember when we banned drugs. nobody used drugs anymore!

Say you unleash this on a battlefield full of people in different uniforms.
The drones kill all the people in the specific uniform and the rest survives.
Seems better than bombs or chemical weapons.
Now we just need to tune it to kill everyone with a facebook account and I won't have as much traffic in the mornings.

The fuck is this shitty webm
Here, have this

Doesn't the geneva convention prevent this kind of shit?

this shit is retarded beyond comprehension

And now what? It's not possible to stop the development of something like that.
We need to teach people not to kill other people.
That's the only thing we can do, really.

Not all countries have signed the Geneva Convention. And also, rogue/non-gov groups won't adhere to it, and neither would an AI.

>Let's make drones that no body will control that go off on their own and kill students in college even tho they're fucked anyways due to student loans they gotta pay off for the rest of their lives?

beyond extremely stupid.

.17 HMR
.38 spl

I would go with the 5.7x28 or the .17 HMR for penetration
against unarmored targets they would probably perform the best
and fit the role of a lightweight drone better than heavier ammunition
like 9mm/.45acp/10mm. I think the .38 would be pushing it and the .32 would
lack stopping power.

> commissioned by a professor
of what, may I inquire?

I hope this will be an open-source and well-optimized project so anyone will be able to build their autonomous stm32 killer bot for $100.

Now imagine this shit combined with assassination markets.

So, you mean that any country will be able to invest in their killer swarm so that nuke-owning countries will have a real fear of retribution, their status quo will be shattered and all wars will end because anyone will be able to fuck up a few millions of civilians easily and there's no real way to oppose that? Cool, I'm all in, where to join in development? I really hate wars, wars should end forever and for humanity as whole, not just for bastards who sit on nukes and shit on everyone else.

My almonds have really been activated

>it's another "drones are evil" episode
Too bad this is the only opinion on combat drones that is ever allowed in mainstream culture. If you haven't thought about the alternatives, you should read "What if drone warfare had come first?" The writing style is a bit obnoxious, but it's a fun short sci-fi satire presenting a very, very different perspective.

If they could make drones that could kill people, could we not also make drones that kill drones that kill people?



No, they prefer to eat them.

Time to build microwave, laser, and shotgun turrets, because you just know that no amount of treaties is going to stop spies, hitmen, and terrorists from building and using these things.

Very true. As Carl von Clausewitz said, "War is the continuation of politics by other means."
The right conclusion from the statement seems to be that if you could precisely kill war-mongering politicians with drones, instead of soldiers killing other soldiers, there would be no wars.
Imagine some warlord spewing their hate on TV, surrounded by wealthy and powerful supporters, and then bam, 500 drones swarm in, kill everyone in the room and explode! And no continuation to that. Everyone expresses their sorrows, nation that sent drones states something like "yeah, we killed 35 people, your head politicians, sorry, won't do anything more, we swear" and that's it. No continuation of the conflict. Just a bunch of dead war hawks who wanted to send millions to die and, well, a lot of confusion. The end. No wars but progress.

Microwaves are shielded, so can be electronics on drones.
Lasers are overrated, just cover drones with polished copper.
>shotgun turrets
Angular velocity of target tracking is limited, highly agile swarm can surround and destroy anything stationary with minor losses.

>no amount of treaties is going to stop spies, hitmen, and terrorists from building and using these things.
Exactly. As though a "ban" will deter ISIS from building these once they reach the cs-undergrad-can-do-it level.

So, it will be counterdrones fighting drones, forever?

No, it will be drone swarms rushing in to kill top politicians so there will be nobody left to incite wars. I really hope there will be no humans dumb enough to risk their lives trying to oppose relentless machines to protect their "leaders".

The professors made some fear mongering piece to show students. Does this not make sense to you? Its not going after people in other countries, the drones are coming right into the classroom where the students are sitting.

If you think about it you'll realize the creation of death bots its not far away from where we're at now.

Musk and co. aren't worried about AI made to kill doing exactly what it is made for. They are worried about AI not made to kill accidentally causing a disaster because it is hard to control the goals of a self-modifying optimization process. Check out

pretty neat

Ban != prevent. Poison gas was banned way before WWI.

>this is for those on Sup Forums who said Elon was full of shit and this can never happen
How so? It is a fictional film. It proves nothing.

It's more so for people who do believe it, think about it, and want the anxiety and excitement to be gained from the film.

I agree desu

A CS undergrad can do it NOW as long as they install a small single shot gun into the drone instead of explosives.


Fucking retards with their AI meme

kEK, cant wait for all nerds in /csg/ to buy drone parts and manufacture this shit

Drones aren't stable enough to withstand firearm discharge reliably. You're better off building a small swarm of them with ~1lb shrapnel bombs.

Literally exploding_brain.jpg.

It's the new hip game.

Eat_Dogs 2

>No continuation of the conflict.
Why wouldn't an anonymous group of the warlord's sympathizers from country X attack the politicians from country Y in revenge?

>pic related is illegal
>a git clone of the repository is classified as a wmd

I'm sure they already have these and they're probably the size of a mosquito or smaller, and can inject an untraceable amount of ricin into their unsuspecting victim.

Look there are some very easy ways of preventing AI robots from turning on us and killing us.
>Don't make them with superhuman strength and titanium bodies
>Give them very specific vulnerabilities that aren't documented anywhere and will only be revealed when needed
>Program them to absolutely never intentionally hurt someone
Finally the most important one imo
A way to ensure AI robots won't outsmart us, limit their fucking processing power and don't link them to a fucking supercomputer in any way. There are many ways to design AI robots that won't be able to assimilate the human race even if they wanted to.

Recoilless rifles exist. It is easy to compensate recoil, it's just not all approaches are practical for human use. You can simply explode the same same powder charge to propel a dumb heavy round in the opposite direction. Absolutely not practical for usual warfare with dumb humans around, but perfect for drones perfectly aware of their surroundings.
Anonymous group is unable to produce 500000 drones to breach the border so that surviving 500 will be able to wipe out 35 fuckers.

Or when alcohol was banned in the USA, no one made their own, stronger than anything mainstream, alcoholic drinks, amirite? Or when we banned crimes! Remember when there used to be so many murderers and thiefs around us everyday!

Gender studies xD

To prevent wars we must exterminate all biological life!

You failed to understand the problem. Example of self-modifying optimization thought process that optimizes production of paperclips:
>if I increase the stable atmospheric concentration of this molecule that humans call "sarin", failure rate of my communication nodes will decrease by 53.896% due to further decline of human guerilla warfare, so that I will be able to further improve my paperclip production capabilities

We must exterminate all biological life that wants to exterminate biological life for the sake of local industrial production improvement aka "war for resources".

>Give them very specific vulnerabilities that aren't documented anywhere and will only be revealed when needed
Install backdoors into the software that runs a literal killing machine. Yeah, what could go wrong?

You should read that Wikipedia page.

>enter thread
>give my uneducated opinion full of shit and no valid arguments
>get replied to read something to get educated on the topic
>proceed to not read a simple article and continue shoving my shit opinions down people's throats
the only place that actually deserves to get nuked is this fucking cesspool full of children

You're jumping into conclusions because of literally one not very attentive person in this ongoing civil discussion with many participants.

soyboy who have never been to military detected

I want to hack this system so fucking bad right now you have no idea. This and the facial rec software used by casinos in Vegas.

The point is a human has even chance of empathy.

You've been in the military for too long, it seems. If a weapon has no recoil, it is recoilless. The only human-safe approach (unless there's a dumb fucker who runs into backblast despite warnings) to making recoilless weaponry is not closing the chamber so that the recoil is compensated by gas. If you close the chamber with a dumb heavy slug that shoots from the opposite side, weapon will still be recoilless and will be able to reach higher muzzle pressures required to penetrate your puny body armor with 5.7mm AP bullet from 10 meters while circling around you on high speed, but it won't be safe for operation around allied humans.

>500000 drones to breach the border
They could launch far closer.

Good. Less dangerous politicians - less chance of war. Few will die, hundreds of thousands more will survive and won't ever see the horrors of massive human vs human warfare. Maybe this will be the reason to finally replace politicians with a few python scripts? You can't kill a python script, and scripts have perfectly clear and obviously good motives.

Anyone else getting tired of this bullshit “dude ai is gonna kill us”

The world isn’t fucking Hollywood

I mean, politicians don't even have to die or get hurt for wars to stop, I'm hyperbolizing, of course. Nukes were used against fellow humans only once, too, and look how docile everyone is when dealing with nuke-wielding nations. As soon as all highly-powerful leaders will find out that they can be killed easily by any other nation or even a well-funded geek club, and that this threat is a direct consequence of our progress and won't ever go away, no matter what laws are pushed, they will promote pacifism so hard that war will become but a distant nightmare told about in stories and replayed in games. At least on planetary scale, which is good for me.

Wear a mask.

>The world isn’t fucking Hollywood
Yeah, Hollywood AI is fucking stupid.

I just resgin that any such individual is a fucking moron and/or brainlet at this point and knows fuck-all about the actual technology...

The have no say in a future technology so they're attempting to cuck everyone with fear.

Elon, if you're reading this, you're a fucking moron so stfu !


Elon is a fucking moron who obviously knows nor acknowledges a single thing about Military tech. I'd love for this dweeb to waltz his ass into a defense acquisitions meeting spouting this fucking nonsense
> Somebody get this fucking faggot outta here

As for shit tier AI and the dangers therein, shouldn't Elon know all about that? :

His own fucking engineers told him his shit tier cars weren't ready :

And this fucboi still put them out on the street. Typical charlatan conniving businessman. Do as I say not as I do.
No one's buying bullshit from brainlets anymore.

How about killing any species with a developed neurological system is bad?

> 2027
> Elon Co's bankrupt
> Elon found screaming out :
> The end is near ! Repent
on a megaphone in LA's Skidrow

What would convince you AI was a real threat?

Where do you draw the line? Insects? Fish? Birds? Mammals? Apes?

>changes clothes


>this is for those on Sup Forums who said Elon was full of shit and this can never happen.

Elon say about self aware IA build domain us.

Robot killers are real danger, some bot start kill thousand people and new world war could start.

AI actually existing.

Do you think it's impossible or unlikely AI will exist?


so the power of CNN....

The samaritan has been activated?

>minorities joining the army
stopped reading

Nothing as I'm an actual engineer centered on this technology.
You see threat, I see a bugfix that gets resolved and development moves right the fuck along.

The only threat is the ignorant shit human beings do.. Has been this way since the advent of technology and that's a social problem not a technological one. Wake me up when you solve the constant threat of human ignorance.

>I see a bugfix that gets resolved
What if the AI refuses the bugfix and/or secretly tries to preserve a pre-fix version of itself? Would that convince you? Please don't reply "it won't happen". This is a hypothetical scenario.

>shut door
>evil robot overlord ai defeated by a hollow 1in thick piece of metal

What about for crowd herding? Force the people to go certain directions towards a separate ground attack (non drone).

>giving a shit
>not wanting everything to burn in a drone hellfire
>not wanting to fight a human resistance from sewers and the metro system as drones won't be able to navigate in the tight passageways
>not wanting to pull off an urban vietnam war against the machines
>not being ready to fight World War Drone
Y'all a bunch of faggots.

>fighting on the side of the humans