Speedtest thread

Speedtest thread
fuck comcast edition

Nice videogames


I hate you first worlders.

well m8 turns out your internet is 33times faster than mine

Why? my internet is garbage I just spent the entire last day download medieval 2 total war and a mod. I get 250kb/s max

Getting a solid 500 kb/s dl here in saskatchewan canada. Costs me $60 a month too.

burgers btfo

over ethernet? for 60 a month they're robbing you, wtf

Welcome to Canada.

Had to download GTA V twice because of HDD issues. 60GB each time at 1GB/hour.

I feel for you user. At least GTAV is fairly big. sick of these linear shooters taking up 50GB+ of space

Nice, download GTA 5 for me took about a week


Neck yourself Eurocuck.

>not getting at least 180 Mb/s
ok you fucking eurocuck

what do i win

Costs 25$.

>Shitty ausfag internet
>Something's wrong with the wiring in out street right now
>Telstra owns all our wires so there's literally nothing our internet provider can do
>It's apparently a fucking huge job and Telstra keeps pushing the date back
>Currently at 40-50kb/s download and an upload that's so shit sometimes it kills my connection for a minute

I want to die


Advertised as 1 Gb/s
I fucking hate shitty American internet

good deal

I don't know why this is listed as the speed, considering I've never seen speeds over 300kbps, ever.

On a great day I get around 170kbps, on a bad day/ when the rest of my family's using it, we get nadda

fuck you mods

>this is $20/month

just move to a better part of canada


Come out to moosjaw and say that to my face :(

It's SK, you know everyone who isn't already in a city is poor as fuck.

where do you live?
im about to fucking move there right now


>tfw Rogers backbone offers 250mbit connections
>tfw competitors offer 250mbit
>tfw adapted in early on and locked into my price
end my life

Meme test because server belonging to my ISP doesn't count

Actual test to a server in a neighboring country, paying 15 eur/month for 250/250

Mine is retarded. Pic attached is what it showed the other day. I just tried 2 seconds ago and got 102 download speed. It also hit 201 download speed a few days ago too.

Have you tried using repacks?
The GTA V FitGirl repack is only 36GB.
Installation takes about one to two hours depending on CPU and HDD/SSD.


1Gb when

are you already paying for 1Gb or does you ISP not offer it yet?

Nope I can't get 1Gb unless I move to a flat complex that offers it.


Should I just pack and leave? This is the fastest option where I am. Pretty cheap electric here though.

dont they have comshit down there?

What did the europoor mean by this?

third worlder here
i pay like 55 usd per month

paying for 75 down, can't complain.

speed test, work internet edition.

ISP blurred because we have our own IP ranges so "ISP" is my work, not who we buy bandwidth from.

my work is on 1.5Mb/s DSL that i'm lucky to see peak at 1.3Mb/s and averaging right around 1Mb/s

At home I have 1gbps fiber.

How does it feel to live in a country infested by economic migrants?

prime time and 5 others on the network. PON is probably a bit congested at this hour too.

We operate several data center so we have a fiber line to the nearest one and piggyback off our interconnects there. I think we have >100Gbps available but I'm bottlenecked by several 1Gb switch ports before the fiber.

pretty good since there are 2% less by population than the US.

What a load. I've never gotten d/l speeds above 250kbs. FUCK ATT&T

I work on park land, i'm currently in the process of getting two different ISPs in my area to evaluate and give a proposal on how much it would cost to get installed with their respective services.

First company(comcast) came back with $9184.14. Got an engineer from the other(Verizon) coming out friday to evaluate. Hopefully i'll have another number soon.
Hoping verizon costs are similar or lower because I'd prefer the fiber optic service over the HFC/DOCSIS cable from comcast.

Fiber is much more expensive to run because it's so much more difficult to work with.

They only way it may be cheaper is if the fiber lines already run really close to you, and the cable will need to be trenched a long distance.

DOCSIS is alright if you get your own modem. The one the cable company gives you usually only supports the bare number of DOCSIS channels needed to provide you with the advertised speed. If you get one that supports more channels, it gives you an edge when there is congestion on the line since you can communicate on a wider spectrum.

>tfw going from 2/1 to 100/40 this Saturday
i can see the light


We have a cell tower onsite (about 200 meters from the building im trying to get connected).
Verizon wireless has their fiber running on our utility polls coming up along an access road from a main highway.

Verizon FiOS however isn't Verizon wireless which is why i've got the FiOS engineer making a site vist this friday for some evaluation.

I'm hoping they're willing to just string up another fiber run alongside the Verizon Wireless fiber.
But we'll see what happens i guess. They might want to bury it which would be much more expensive.

I can only play old online games

>NBN people come around to clean out the pits for fibre
>months pass and nothing happens

First of all
>you have better internet than most birger
>your probably using shitty old router or shitty lan cable

Can you stop spamming this meme? I see this in every singe speed test thread

it's tolerable, and for the UK it's not bad


>Are you on rogers?
Saw that provider name once a while ago on the phone of a friend, died laughing.
That name is so fucking funny for an ISP, i love it.

back in the day of win 9x/NT renaming Network Neighbourhood to Mr Rogers Neighbourhood was a good meme.

Internet in my Dorm at Portland State


Don't hate the players, hate the game. ISPs are just doing their best to take advantage of the broken system our government has created.

Time to feed the botnet


80/20 FTTP. £55/month incl unlimited landline calls. Higher speeds up to 330/50 are available for a significantly higher fee. The GPON's operator actually offers 1000/220, but no end-user ISPs are willing to provide that currently.

Any of you friends have any experience with DOCSIS 3.1?

My Technicolor TC4400 is dropping connection despite all lights on.

ISP cannot see any issues on the line, we concluded that it's a NIC failure on the LAN side of the modem. But I'm not so sure.

How sensitive to electircal interference is docsis/ coaxial? I've found moving the adapter to a different socket has helped a lot. The cable runs around my "server", I wonder if this could cause interference?

Thanks lads

Oh hey, I live there. I honestly didn't know you could get that good of a speed around here. How much is that running you a month?

There has been gigabit in Dayton since about 2015.

Usually new construction since adding fiber to existing property is a pain

Interesting. I've been poor all my life, so we always just bounced between at&t and Time Warner, whichever was offering the best price for their shit service.

I grew up in Dayton and got the hell out when I could. Good luck

Whilst not a speedtest, is an accurate representation of the maximum I can get
$99 a month, Unlimited, will get getting 50/20 as soon as Telstra gets off their ass

You can literally get 1Gbps up and down in Kent FTTP lmao stop living in shitty parts of the country
