

Simply perfection

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Looks good, but not good enough for me to waste time switching


I just recently switched, I remember when I last used Apple was back when I was 14 and Macs couldn't do fucking anything. I use my Mac for work, school, and programming. I emulate games for fun.

>all that clutter


I resized man, this site only allows 1920x1080 max


>ban notice in the bottom right corner


>I emulate games for fun.

post github

Your sushi is dry as fuck.

get a room, soyboys

>an entire bottom bar full of ugly icons.
Ios is still an ugly piece of shit.

>1920x1080 max
Are you fucking retarded?

>0.90GHz processor

Which throttles to 0.8 GHz when under load.

she won

>less stable than Linux
>higher maintenance than Linux
>gaymen sucks on mac OS even worse than on Linux

Linux is better for programming and general use, Windows is the gaming OS, and you only use Mac OS because it has an application that you absolutely need. My first two points are from a Hackintosh perspective so I guess the experience might be better on a real Mac.

Best OS for consumer use, useless piece of shit for anything else.

Mac for home + Linux for work is the perfect UNIX couple.

give sayka and kyouko photo please and artist sauce

Imagine being so fat you see food whenever you look at a computer

is this the new desktop thread

im on my 4k screen and the site looks good.

wow, hackintosh?



yeah I'm running mac too guys

Yeah I love MacOS too.

Nice thread OP

Check out my recent purchases

it just works

lilyview sucks though, get macfeh

Why can't there be a reliable, native setting that allows you to minimize all windows of every app instantly?


>need to install xcode first
Is there any way to make app using xcode-select only without using the app?

>doesn't include gcc
>can't use different DE


why would you want to use another de when aqua is already perfect

Did you make the sexbot thread OP?

Aqua is already cute though.

Much thanks.

clang > gcc deal with it virgin

So the only way to get fonts in Windows looking good is getting a 4k screen...

I'm not saying it doesn't look good, but it looks gay. Like it was designed by homosexuals

Babby's OS that can only run on a handful of inferior machines. Planning to dump some money on a Threadripper PC, which will dual boot Ubuntu 17.10 and Windows 10. Enjoy your shitty machine that was LITERALLY designed to attract females and homosexuals.

are you not designed to attract females?

Report and move on.

timely is GOAT

What is the secret of borderless windows?

>LITERALLY designed to attract females
Oh no

>using vlc

try this lhc70000.github.io/iina/

>high sierra freezes with trim enabled

t. pajeet

that's so 2016. Get a 3DXP drive, user

>utorrent in 2000 + OP's age
>CPU clocked less than 1GHz
>Implying you compile anything on this machine with xcode
>keeping files on your desktop

Yeah, which is why I don't expect males to want me.
I wish reports worked. See pic related.
t. west coast iCuck who thinks spreading 24 payments on fapple products makes him look rich.


>having all those filters
Man up pussy.

Back to /r/india pajeet

artist is yutsumoe

but it's ssd from 2017 with TripleD VNAND

Using app with borderless windows.

At least use RetroArch you pleb

macOS is good and hackintosh works pretty much perfect on my machine but I require Windows for my nerd shit


I wish I was a 15 yo girl too

What is the font in the terminal?

>people unironically use OSX
>people actually think it looks good

I started to look for "OwO" in that terminal, couldn't find it.

then stop using .png for your shitty desktop screenshota you retarded pile of shit

Yep, the only thing I've ever liked about OSX was the default backgrounds, the UI is shit.

>Memes folder

8/10 bait

Post wallpaper, please.


It's actual double than that, just that neofetch doesn't know that, but keep ignorant.

>garbo terminal color choices
>shit XFCE theme
>shit fonts
>cheap T420 that performs like shit
>720p screen

Do you ever get tired of being banned iSoyim?

> runs the command mkdir Dank Memes
> now has two folders named Dank and Memes
well done OP

>doesn't even know how to use make directory
ur dumb
mkdir Dank\ memes/

Btw the / at the end is optional unless you want to also create a subdirectory within the one you're creating, for that you're going to use -p.
Eg: mkdir -p folder/folder1
And if you want to create multiple subdirectories within "folder" you may want to do it like this:
mkdir -p folder/{folder1,folder2,folder3}

yes, check out amd-osx if you have an AMD system or tonymac for intel
i think it is Meslo

second picture has better font rendering
calle chinthurs

>macfag sour grapes

>sour grapes
don't you mean low hanging fruit

how are the new 2017 macbook pros?
i could get one from work but have no idea if i should do it?
the last macbook i used was the pre-retina macbook pro around 2010 or 2011.
are the new ones any good?

> he torrents locally

What's that image viewer called

are you satisfied with your labiaplasty?

Turn the AA down a notch, you can't tell lowercase i most of the time

>mr reddit

>Pokemon Gold
Your patrician taste in Gameboy Color games atones and rectifies your usage of OSX

>buying a 2016 MacBook when the 2017 MacBook exists

>buying macshit when pcs exist

i don't like ugly plastic laptops. if windows 10 wasn't so awful and PCs looked better maybe i'd use them

Spotted the soyboy.

Spotted the neckbeard!




Yeah whatever, keep using that crappy OS, that means operating system... Given you use a toy machine I just assumed you didn't even know that.

Cheers kiddo

>filters on which makes the game looks like shit

Works for me

>it's a "CS 101 soyboy unironically uses the UNIX trademark to refer to a 4.4BSD derivative and GNUshit" episode