>8 gigs of ddr4-3200 ram now costs as much as a brand new r3 1200
When will pc building escape hell?
8 gigs of ddr4-3200 ram now costs as much as a brand new r3 1200
R3 1200 is irrelevant. It's the most trash CPU you can buy at the market right now. Your comparison is pointless.
Are you a fucking retard?
How would one even come to that conclusion? You should be asking that question to OP, not me.
miner faggots should KTS
I bet the crypto-miners are to blame for this!
Smartphone shitters are to blame for this one.
Memory chip manufacturers are exercising their oligopoly muscles, and have been doing so for the last few years.
IMO the prices will keep getting worse in the future.
>mfw I bought 16gb of 3200mhz ddr4 for that much last year
>want to upgade older PC
>would require dd3 ram
>everything is so expensive may as well just buy a new PC
Prices for all commodity, general purpose, components will continue to get worse. Industry will continue to diverge into two product streams: tablets and smart phones for end users and high-end server components which are too expensive and ill-suited for home computers. They might even force workstation users in industry to lease their machines.
chinas going to dumpster the market in late 2018/early 2019.
It's a quad-core for $153NZD. How is that bad?
But what's this got to do with RAM? You should tell Apple fags to kts
Cryptojews are behind each and every catastrophe regarding hardware pricing.
>wife's 2-in-1 Dell laptop/tablet thingy has 4GB RAM.
>Wife complains 'cause 4GB means shit is slow.
>only one RAM slot, must buy single 8GB stick of DDR3.
>Cheapest is $68 on Newegg.
>order it 'cause her demands
>it arrives tomorrow.
Am I wrong or was this shit much cheaper not long ago?
t. Buttmad Sup Forums poster
>bought 16GB of DDR4 in late 2014 when it was sky high
>bough another 16GB in summer 2016 when it was at it was at rock bottom
>now costs more to buy the same amount of RAM in current year
Waitlet and RAMlet gaymer fags, when will they learn.
she was asking for a new computer nigga
when you stop falling for the faster ram + ryzen meme you imbecile
This lmao have fun being whipped by your wife that hates you
I remember buying 16gb ram last year for like $80. Then I looked at the price and it fucking doubled. What the hell?
why not buy off ebay for a fraction of that
She just bought it back in April.
It's better than any i5 older gen i5 to be quite honest.
It's actually a solid CPU. I'm using one right now, it's not as good as value as the 1600 but for buying into the AM4 platform, it's nice. Quiet too even overclocked.
I remember buying extra ram for my homeserver, was only like $30 for 48gb
>pc building
literal teenbro Sup Forums retard detected
If you need "specs" in this day and age, it means you are a gamer, an art faggot, or a chinese miner. NONE of these things are Sup Forums related. Fuck off. I have never owned more than 4 gigs of RAM in my life and even that is incredibly generous. If you need any more than that, you are doing it wrong.
>mfw bought 8GBx2 DDR4 3200 at 106€ 1 year ago
Haha, serves you right waitfags